TwizzleBit Member


  • My husband bought me one of these today. I can't figure out how to get it to sync with My Fitnesspal. It's registered the steps I took walking through a shoe store, but not sure when it's supposed to upload the data to MFP. I'll let you know what I think and stuff when I actually get to grips with it and all it's button…
  • For some reason, I read that in the voice of Spock....
  • I don't think it was sarcastic. It sounds to me she's applying the logic that...if you have a shouldn't go to internet forums to solve it. Real life problems need to be solved in Real Life...rather than trying to fix a real life problem with a virtual solution that may or may not accurately fit the real life…
  • Agreed! I thought it was the PCOS messing with my hormones again.I haven't been this interested in ...stuff...for a while. I practically crawl the walls like a cat in heat. Me-ow!
  • I don't think that's accurate. I will tell you for a fact that eating healthy carbs that come from fruits, vegetables, and legumes did me no favours when it came to my yearly blood tests. I had normal blood sugar by cutting out most carbs and eating only a few new potatoes every so often (they have less carbs than standard…
  • I've been mixing almond/soy/coconut milk with cocoa powder and sweetener in the blender cold and then heating it with some coconut milk. Tastes sort of like a bounty.
  • My symptoms have eased a bit. The scale hasn't moved, but we all know the scale is a lying b@st*rd. My mother-in-law actually commented that I'm looking better these days. Face isn't swollen and angry. I'm glad the sweating has stopped though. I don't think I'm a person cut out for carbs/gluten/dairy either. Once I started…
  • I'm sure avocados will be slightly cheaper than cheese. :)
  • Thanks for the reply. :D I still feel pretty gross from yesterday, but alas today is a new day. I'll definitely investigate fat bombs. I found a recipe for brownies that uses unsweetened coconut and a hell of a lot butter. I've added you as a friend too. I'm not a coffee drinker...but I'm wondering if a coconut milk/soy…
  • I wonder if its a denial issue. In that she's not fully accepting the scope of the implications that PCOS has...I know I didn't in the beginning. It didn't really hit home until I was trying to lose weight and it just wasn't working. My husband tried a number of years ago for a baby....basically threw caution to the wind…
  • Last week I averaged less than 120 for the whole week. Usually its about 20-25 grams per day. Varies on what I've been eating. I don't feel any side effects really. No huge withdrawals. Probably because I've been fairly low carb for a number of years.
  • A part of me is glad to be infertile especially since my relationship isn't on firm ground, at the moment. I'd like to have normal biological processes, but I don't want child for the time being. I'm okay with feeling like that. :) Though I am scared of getting pregnant, but there's very little chance of that happening…
  • Thanks. I've got a 15 -20% deficit in place as it is, so I'll let hunger be my guide. :)
  • I must be a rare breed then. I have a couple of hairs on my chin and neck that I pluck. I use a hair remover for my upper lip about once a month. I only have three hairs on my left boob that I just pluck using my fingers. I'm not a super hairy woman to begin with. I wonder if that plays into it!? My personal version of…
  • Maybe its just me, but I experience guilt by not eating fiber. It's an " OMG! What am I doing to my insides!?!?" type scenario. All the stories that float around about bowel (checks that she spelled bowel rather than bowl) cancer and such. :D I dream about having normal bathroom habits.
  • Yeah, the first article sums it up for me. Anything more than 15 grams a day and we'll...I'm literally *kitten* out of luck for using the facilities for a few days. Drinking water certainly doesn't help in that arena. Nor fiber pills. When I was doing the standard calorie counting and trying to add fiber as per various…
  • I'm in the same boat. My husband was visiting webcam hookers (for lack of a better description).I only found out about it after I started counselling and found the evidence on our computer. I couldn't figure out what was going wrong with our relationship and why he wasn't responsive to me. He claimed it had only been…
  • Thanks for this. Very enlightening. I've tried high protein in the past and I couldn't stomach it, but did have some results. Being as this is only around 100g of protein,I think I can manage this much better. Plus who doesn't love a bit of fat!?!? I just read a horror story on another thread about someone over doing the…
  • Is there a specific ratio that needs to be met on lchf? This is my first time trying this method. I found calorie counting doesn't work nor fasting (amazingly)! Not because I couldn't stick with it, but it literally just didn't work. I've got PCOS coupled with metabolic syndrome and having a heck of a time shifting the…
  • I'm the same height as you and would certainly feel the pain of such a low calorie count after a couple of weeks. I'd would suggest looking at your BMR and TDEE and base you calories accordingly. If you don't feed the engine even on the most basic level its going to break down. You're doing a lot of work for such little…