Affair after Weight Loss



  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    Regardless of what changes you go through -- whether you're feeling confident, liberated, or sexy... and whether you feel your partner hasn't/doesn't support you and doesn't share your preferred lifestyle is not excuse to cheat.

    End your friggin relationship. I won't *kitten* on anybody for going through changes or having a change of heart -- but cheating is just selfish and downright mean. Give your partner the common courtesy to let them know you're not into them any more before you go sharing your hoo hah with others.
  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 476 Member
    I know someone who cheated on his wife after he lost a bunch of weight. I do think that it's not necessarily due to the weight loss when this happens but more a matter of opportunity and a change in perception of oneself and their relationship...
  • ejohnson_ar
    ejohnson_ar Posts: 36 Member
    well, You made a commitment to someone. If you don't want to be there anymore then have the decency to tell that person.
  • Ok- I'll probably get shellacked for this but have you or know someone who had an affair after significant weight loss?
    Yep. I sure do!

    This is a primary reason why I will NOT consider relationship with a, shall I say, 'significantly' overweight woman. I just won't.

    lmao! What a load of crap. Primary reason my *kitten*. As was already said, don't discriminate against people based on a desire to get fit! If someone is disloyal, they were disloyal fat, thin, and everything in between. The talk about opportunity is irrelevant, fat people get laid too y'all. "Confidence" is off base too, it doesn't take confidence to be a cheater, cowardice is the word. :) To the gal whose husband cheated on her while pregnant, I am so sorry, I really feel for you and hope your happier now! :)
  • craziwrld
    craziwrld Posts: 43 Member
    One of my friends had his wife cheat on him after she lost a lot of weight, though she also cheated on him when she was still heavy also, but he gave her another chance, and another chance after the second time when she did lose the weight. Now that it had happened a third time he had finally called it quits for good, they have 2 children, which is why he kept trying through counseling and so forth.
    I don't believe in cheating, if you're not happy in your relationship then talk about it and figure out a solution or leave. My husband and I believe in working through our problems, if one of us isn't happy we tell the other, no it is not always the most fun conversation, but necessary. I mean any topic is open for conversation, and we work through our problems. When I agreed to get married and have children, I am with this man forever and I found a man that feels the same way as I do. I also found a husband that shares the same view on cheating.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    If anything my relationship with my wife has improved because I feel better about myself.

    This is me and my husband. Sex is better, too.

  • Renee2GetFit
    Renee2GetFit Posts: 162 Member
    I had a neighbor once who was in their 50's and married for like 30 years and after she lost a bunch of weight, she started to cheat on her husband. Who knows why people do what they do.
  • I think if you are going to cheat after weight loss you where never really happy with your spouse in the first place. I am not going to judge anyone for it because once the weight is gone and someone feels better about themselves anything can happen, it not only changes your appearance but your mind set as well. Thats just my opinion. everyone will have their own say, but its just something that happens sometimes.. I have been cheated on in many occasions by my husband, its not a nice feeling. (and yes I am still with him, please don't judge) I have never ever cheated in my life, but having said that I can not tell you for certain when I start feeling good about myself, and get noticed more I won't do the same who knows?
  • TwizzleBit
    TwizzleBit Posts: 23 Member
    I have been cheated on in many occasions by my husband, its not a nice feeling. (and yes I am still with him, please don't judge) I have never ever cheated in my life, but having said that I can not tell you for certain when I start feeling good about myself, and get noticed more I won't do the same who knows?

    I'm in the same boat. My husband was visiting webcam hookers (for lack of a better description).I only found out about it after I started counselling and found the evidence on our computer. I couldn't figure out what was going wrong with our relationship and why he wasn't responsive to me.

    He claimed it had only been happening for about six months, which happened to coincide with me being very depressed/ rock bottom. Odd that they seemed to happen at the same time.

    *sigh* About a year and some change later, I still can't get a straight answer from him as to why he did it. We're more friends than lovers/spouses. He says he chose that particular woman because she looked "real". I'm not sure what he thinks I look like, but I think I look pretty real and grounded in reality. I keep being asked why I invest so much into a relationship that has been broken from the start and continue to be married to someone who has control issues....well...I've been with him for 12 yrs and have invested everything I ever had into it. Though, I admit things are slowly changing and he knows it.

    Chin up. Work on you and do what makes you happy. You can't live your life in paranoia every time your husband leaves the house or gets up early for no apparent reason. If anything, his behaviour holds you back from being the person you want to be because you're worried about where his loyalties and affections are invested.

    Life's too short to be with someone who makes you feel like crap on a regular basis. Sometimes the love that they profess isn't love. Its co-dependence wrapped in a pretty package.

    I wish you the best of luck. You're worth more than what you're getting. So am I.
  • Jazz_2014
    Jazz_2014 Posts: 150 Member
    Interesting thread. I am relieved to read the responses. I have too much knowledge of infidelity and truly thought the responses would be more in the supportive end of cheating. So glad it has not been as my friends and family have shown me it is pretty common.

    I agree with most, if a spouse cheats, they are going to do it anyway (obese or not obese).

    I had a male friend that wasn't in a relationship but lost a lot of weight state that he was amazed of the "opportunities" to be with what he called better looking women. He was certainly more into the physical and not the whole package.

    Oddly enough, I had a male customer (I was married) hit on me once I lost a large amount of weight in my earlier years. When I showed no interest, his argument was well, " I liked you when you were fat". Funny thing, is he didn't hit on me then and I wasn't married. There are people out there with no scruples.
  • Pathend2
    Pathend2 Posts: 142
    Honestly, if you feel like you should cheat after losing weight, then you never should have gotten married in the first place. Call me a romantic sucker, but I feel like I really need to get to know someone and be totally and completely in love with her before exchanging vows.

    In today's society, we just assume that marriage is just a trifle. "Why not get married?" we ask ourselves, "I can just get divorced later."

    If you're getting married because of appearance or for settling because you don't think you can do any better, then you're getting married for the wrong reasons. After all, in about 40-60 years from now, those looks will fade for both of you, so you damn sure better like the person you're married to.
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    How is this a "success story"? Just curious......
  • afortunatedragon
    afortunatedragon Posts: 329 Member
    Love is not love where it alters when it alterations find.
    Or bends with the remover to remove.
  • slimbettie
    slimbettie Posts: 686 Member
    Know some female who turned out a big HO because she could not handle all the male attention. Left her husband and kids and goes through men now like I go through loo paper....:ohwell:

    I love my husband even more as the pounds come off me, because he saw the beauty in me and loved me for me even when I was 300lbs. I say, if you can't love me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best.
  • slimbettie
    slimbettie Posts: 686 Member
    How is this a "success story"? Just curious......

    I was thinking that too. They should move the thread to chit chat. :bigsmile:
  • SnazzIT
    SnazzIT Posts: 215 Member
    If anything my relationship with my wife has improved because I feel better about myself.

    me too!
  • SnazzIT
    SnazzIT Posts: 215 Member
    Shortly after a friend of mine lost a bunch of weight her marriage failed. She didn't have a physical affair but she had already moved on in her mind. It wasn't so much because of her attitude but because of her husbands. I think he felt like he had the upper-hand and was "superior" in some way when she was overweight. When she lost the weight, he lost his confidence because he felt like she could have anyone she wanted now that she was thin.

    He was a jerk.

    aggree...sometimes its not the weightlooser its their partner's insecurities that cause an affair, I believe as one loses weight, they gain better confidence and self respect which can cause an imbalance in relationships.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Divorce rates are actually extremely high amongst those who have lost significant amounts of weight, so cheating wouldn't surprise me.
  • Adah_m
    Adah_m Posts: 216 Member
    Basically I think it boils down to this:
    We can be idealists and talk about how it's wrong all we want, and it IS wrong. Unfortunately though, it still happens, a lot. but I've seen countless situations where relationships fall apart after one partner loses weight. You have multiple situations:

    -One loved the other when they were overweight and meek. They was disturbed and threatened by a new-found confidence and went looking for another partner either to hurt them back or to replace their old role.

    -One partner loses weight and suddenly gets tons of attention from attractive people. They give in to temptation.

    -After losing weight a person feels that they've undergone a very spiritual transformation as well as physical, and feels a need to sever themselves completely from their old lifestyle, including friendships or relationships. They can also feel like they aren't connected with their partner anymore.

    -One person becomes so excited about fitness that it consumes all of their previous hobbies and interests. They now want to spend their weekends at the gym or on long hiking trips, and the partner doesn't want to tag along. They simply drift apart or gradually become interested in someone else whose hobby is fitness.

    -One lost a significant amount of weight and would never admit it- but all the vanity went to their head and they suddenly found themselves "too good" for their old partner.

    -One partner changed, the other didn't, and the same way the thought of eating an entire gallon of Ben and Jerry's grosses someone out after getting really fit and breaking their junk food addictions, watching someone else continue in that lifestyle with no guilt, remorse, or need to change, just simply grosses them out. I've seen this happen multiple times- even though a person used to have the exact same habits, somehow witnessing their partners continue on that road repulses them (and maybe reminds them how they used to be.)

    -The relationship was never a good one and one side loses weight and gets the guts to finally get out, and uses an affair as the spring board. (As bad as it is, I've seen women use affairs to get out of a bad or controlling relationship by hurting the old partner so he wouldn't want her back.)

    -One partner lost weight and there was an imbalance of sexual attraction after that. In my opinion, when this happens, the sexual relationship of the couple was doomed from the start and wasn't based in love and intimacy.

    Now that I've written down those situations- I realize they're almost all valid reasons for ending the relationship. They are NOT however, excuses or acceptable reasons to cheat. There is never a reason to cheat. It's the honest truth though, that many of the above situations are accompanied by or spurred along by the budding of another relationship. (IE, a person's been wanting out the relationship for a while for one of said above reasons but hasn't found the confidence yet, but after meeting someone they're interested in they suddenly get motivated to ditch person A for person B.)

    If you're feeling like you've moved on or transformed in more ways than just the physical, and you realize that your relationship is at odds with your new lifestyle, I encourage you to talk to your partner. Decide if the relationship is worth fixing. Decide if the above situation was from the shock of the weight loss, or is a lasting and serious change. Realize that many things can be worked through, but if you find yourself gravitating toward a new person or a new life, for the love of god end the old one before hurting your partner.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I have known someone who left the spouse after losing weight. Not sure what the reasoning was - other than perhaps getting a new lease on life and feeling bold. They were high school sweethearts to my knowledge and were both slender when they got married....and then, both slender when they got divorced.... they were married for nearly 20 years. That's a long time to be together and then split.
  • jessica_1205_
    jessica_1205_ Posts: 21 Member
    I think losing a considerable amount of weight - especially if you've been overweight most of your adult life - can be life-changing in every aspect. If you take a year to really focus on yourself and your goals, you might wake up one day and find that your dreams/priorities have changed. I would NEVER cheat though, I definitely think the right thing to do in that situation is to leave.

    My OH and I met when I was almost at my heaviest, having only just started to lose weight. He loved me then, he loved me when I was 20lbs lighter than I am now and he loves me now that I've gained some back and am working my butt off to get to goal. Things are better between us in every way when I'm feeling better about myself and my body.
  • I know more than one woman that had Gastric Bypass and then either cheated on their spouse or left them.
    I think it's quite common
  • karinaxoxokarina
    karinaxoxokarina Posts: 19 Member
  • kimnsc
    kimnsc Posts: 560 Member
    My ex tried finding someone online to have an affair with when he got into really good shape and I was not. Needless to say, that was the beginning of the end for us.

    Losing weight is not an excuse for cheating. Sorry.

    ^^^ This. To me, there is never a valid reason to cheat. Ever.
  • LisaD1025
    LisaD1025 Posts: 74 Member
    I have a very good friend who went through this. She lost 100+ and was stunning (not that she wasn't very pretty before, but she had this ah-maz-ing figure after she lost the weight), and whenever she walked into a room, every head turned to look at her. She wasn't totally happy in her marriage to start with, but while the sex between her and her husband became much better, she also let all of the attention she was getting from other guys go to her head. She confided in me that she and her husband had "mutually agreed" to have an open marriage, but I knew from the get-go that she just wanted to be able to act on all the attention she was getting without feeling guilty about her husband or having to bother with a divorce.

    Anyways, long story short, it didn't take long for it to all blow up in their faces and they're now divorced, and she's gained all or most of the weight back.

    I understand how difficult it must be to get all kinds of attention from guys when it's never been there before, but I guess maybe that's how you'll know how strong your marriage and your love for each other really are; if you can resist the temptation because your loyalty to your significant other is stronger than the need for instant gratification, then it's a good relationship. If you can't, maybe you need to look at the marriage/relationship a little closer anyhow.

    ETA: Like I said, she wasn't totally happy in her marriage to start with, and it probably wouldn't have lasted regardless of the infidelity, but its demise came about a lot faster because of her weight loss and the decisions she made as a result of it. I think if you're happy and fulfilled in your marriage, no amount of weight-loss can make you go looking for something else, that is a result of so many other things. Losing the weight and the attention it garners from other people can just open up opportunities to cheat that weren't there before when you were overweight. If that makes sense?
  • kessler4130
    kessler4130 Posts: 150 Member
    I personally would never cheat on anyone, however our views are all subjective, and these situations are circumstantial. Sure some people are just terrible people who live on baser instincts, but some situations cannot be understood with an outside perspective.
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    There is no excuse for cheating that will ever be "acceptable" IMO.

    With that said yes I have seen this happen. I really believe a big part of it is the emotional change, those who lose the weight slower, over a longer period of time have made a lifestyle change and typically their relationships don't end they instead flourish because both partners have had time to adjust. Those that lose weight at a fast pace, either through WLS or extreme diet or exercise programs tend to zip right through the process without dealing with the emotional process of the loss creating this wall between partners.

    A healthy relationship can work through this given time notice I say "healthy" because if your head is turned by another there's more going on than the size of your body.
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    Based on the OP username I'm calling Troll.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Sure it happens.

    However, if the only or main reason a person isn't cheating is simply lack of opportunity then in reality the relationship was over or dying before the weight loss ever occurred.
  • Tuili
    Tuili Posts: 34 Member
    Yes. This is the one thing that I've seen happen all too often. It infuriates me that you would just leave someone after you've lost weight. Your spouse(significant other) was with you all that time you were over weight, and supported you during your weight loss and now you think you're too good for them and dump their *kitten*? A good relationship needs to be in place before weight loss, and this might not happen. Makes me very angry. I have told my husband, and reassured him often while I'm losing, that I love him and would not leave him just because I lost some weight.