would this be beneficial for my personal weight loss?

So I have a problem. When I eat. I eat aha so what I have been subconsciously doing is eating larger quantities of food every other day. So, I did some creeping on the internet and come to several success stories with eating every other day, I was going to consume 1000 cals every other day and make sure I burn 500 the day I binge like that. Ive already lost weight doing it and my muscle tone is getting even better cause I long board all day everyday, and on my 1000 cal days I do my strength training exercises. It sounds like a good plan right? Considering I only get hungry about those 1000 cal days anyway and its already working and I have so much more energy than my other diet of 600 cals a day. :)


  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You are eating 1,000 one day (and burning 500 cals) and eating 600 cals the next?

    Do I have that correct?
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,131 Member
    1000 calories is undereating, not a 'binge'. 600 calories a day is eating disorder territory. So no. No, it does not sound like a good plan. It sounds like dangerously disordered eating.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    You are very skinny. This is not an insult just a fact. If you want to lose weight safely please look up something called carb cycling. Starving yourself like you ARE doing will do horrible things to your body. Thing is at this stage your basic survival mechanisms are trying to stop you from losing fat. So if you starve weight at this point you actually wont lose much fat. Most of the loss will come from muscle and bone density. And you don't want osteoporosis rite :) ? If you are really determined to be skinnier you have to fool your bodies hormones into letting go of more fat and that's carb cycling in a nutshell. It's difficult but it's the safe route.
  • fluffyasacat
    fluffyasacat Posts: 242 Member
    So I have a problem.

    This is where this post should have ended.
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Hmmmm - this is a good one... in for the reading.
    OP -no, not a good plan but a rather unhealthy one!
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    So I have a problem. When I eat. I eat aha so what I have been subconsciously doing is eating larger quantities of food every other day. So, I did some creeping on the internet and come to several success stories with eating every other day, I was going to consume 1000 cals every other day and make sure I burn 500 the day I binge like that. Ive already lost weight doing it and my muscle tone is getting even better cause I long board all day everyday, and on my 1000 cal days I do my strength training exercises. It sounds like a good plan right? Considering I only get hungry about those 1000 cal days anyway and its already working and I have so much more energy than my other diet of 600 cals a day. :)

    No, this is a terrible plan.

    Eating 1000 calories is UNDEREATING and is not a binge. Eating 600 calories is starving yourself. Eating 1000 calories is starving yourself.

    At the very minimum, at least educate yourself on nutrition, metabolism and exercise, but you should definitely be seeking some professional help too.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    This is a troll, right? Please tell me this is a troll...

    I'd almost bet money on the fact that you're not burning 500 calories every other day... At least not easily. And I can't imagine someone of your body type being able to burn 500 calories in less than maybe 3 hours of workouts. Seriously?

    Excessively working out so often is called purging. It's a sign of bulimia to be a normal weight, to desire to lose a lot more weight, to eat under 900 calories a day, and to desire to "burn off" over half of your intake calories through exercise. People often get confused, and think you have to throw up in order to be bulimic, which is simply not the case.

    This sounds like a terrible idea overall, and using the "I'm not hungrier than that" rationale is a bad idea. Your body adjusts and eventually stops asking for food when you refuse to give yourself the calories you need. Please get some help and some better education as to how you can be healthy, happy, and a normal weight.
  • Please don't do this!!!!

    You are young and eating this way is unhealthy! Please talk to your DR, parents, or trusted adult to find help before you hurt yourself.
  • The absolute minimum calories you should be eating is 1200 per day, no less. If you starve yourself, which you are doing, your body will hang on to every ounce of fat you own. When you resume a normal eating pattern you may even gain some weight until your body adjusts to the nutrition you have been depriving yourself from. Do yourself a favor and enjoy life with some better nutrition eating healthy fats, carbs and proteins on a regular basis! If you would like help figuring out just how many calories you should be eating based on age, weight, height, and physical output, I'd love to help!
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    So I have a problem.

    This is where this post should have ended.

    Even if she DOES have and ED this is rude. A lot of people do this they calorie count to lose weight see success and keep lowering the calories trying to lose more weight. It could well be that she simply doesn't know what shes doing so kindly stow the sarcasm. I know a lot of people try and defend their bad habits but we have yet to see if she is one of them. Maybe she will be sensible and listen to reason hmm? But likely not if people like you insult her and get her ire up.

    @ The OP Honestly it sounds like you might be flirting with Anorexia here. I was a chronic comfort eater. So I know how insidious these things can be. Despite my success there are still times when I have a bad day and wanna eat ALL the food.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    No. You're only 18 and therefore your body may not have stopped growing yet. Eating such a dangerously low cal diet you could be setting yourself up irreversible damage and/or for a lifetime of disordered eating. Please consult a doctor and/or registered dietitian to give you a healthy, sustainable eating plan.
  • fluffyasacat
    fluffyasacat Posts: 242 Member
    So I have a problem.

    This is where this post should have ended.

    Even if she DOES have and ED this is rude. A lot of people do this they calorie count to lose weight see success and keep lowering the calories trying to lose more weight. It could well be that she simply doesn't know what shes doing so kindly stow the sarcasm. I know a lot of people try and defend their bad habits but we have yet to see if she is one of them. Maybe she will be sensible and listen to reason hmm? But likely not if people like you insult her and get her ire up.

    @ The OP Honestly it sounds like you might be flirting with Anorexia here. I was a chronic comfort eater. So I know how insidious these things can be. Despite my success there are still times when I have a bad day and wanna eat ALL the food.

    Sadly people do this for attention. I'm betting this is just such a case. She says she's been reading up so unless that's been done with the world's greatest set of blinkers on she might have noticed the old calories in calories out mantra about a million times. Also her description of her "problem"... "when she eats" is just a big red flag saying I AM FLIRTING WITH AN EATING DISORDER WON'T YOU COME SAVE ME. I don't respond with civility to this kind of crap. If she wants help then she's not asking right. If she wants a pat on the back for not eating enough then I'm not interested.
  • archanajoyce
    archanajoyce Posts: 219 Member
    Your body needs way more calories than you are eating right now. I'm sure this is what your doctor, friends, family and strangers like us will advice you, because it is the scientific truth. You have a normal body which is nothing short of a treasure to work on. Please try to exercise right, eat the recommended amount of calories even if you don't like it and seek support when you feel like not eating at all. You'll become fit in no time.

    Skinny girls look good in clothes... fit girls look good naked!

    To become fit, you gotto eat right. I might sound preachy, but all of us here are just concerned folks trying to help...
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    You are very skinny. This is not an insult just a fact.

    And you want lose 35 lbs? No, you need to find some help. You're not eating enough.
  • xmissxamyx
    xmissxamyx Posts: 70 Member
    what the point of this post?
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You're probably eating more than you think and/or burning less than you think. And that's good, or else you'd be, like, dead.

    Eating alternating 1000 and 600 calories a day is not beneficial for anything else than, well, death.

    But I'm sure you know this. Talk to your doctor, get more help.
  • fluffyasacat
    fluffyasacat Posts: 242 Member
  • TwizzleBit
    TwizzleBit Posts: 23 Member
    So I have a problem.

    This is where this post should have ended.

    Even if she DOES have and ED this is rude. A lot of people do this they calorie count to lose weight see success and keep lowering the calories trying to lose more weight. It could well be that she simply doesn't know what shes doing so kindly stow the sarcasm. I know a lot of people try and defend their bad habits but we have yet to see if she is one of them. Maybe she will be sensible and listen to reason hmm? But likely not if people like you insult her and get her ire up.

    I don't think it was sarcastic. It sounds to me she's applying the logic that...if you have a problem....you shouldn't go to internet forums to solve it.

    Real life problems need to be solved in Real Life...rather than trying to fix a real life problem with a virtual solution that may or may not accurately fit the real life situation.

    Anyone can say they are a dr or a nurse online and dole out medical advice. It doesn't replace the advice you would get from a real live dr in a drs offie, etc, etc. :)