

  • Great post. Looking through this forum, it seems countless people would do well to take your advice.
  • I'm losing fat quicker than I thought I would, so I am well ahead of my target. I have lost 60lbs so far in the past six months, and have about 20-35lbs to go by next summer. It does feel amazing, seeing the difference and fitting into old smaller clothes again. It's surprising to discover bones in places I had forgotten…
  • I do weight training 3-4 times a week (and also run 3 times a week). I also have problems with back pain. Over the years I have learned which exercises to avoid and developed alternatives. For example deadlifts, bent barbell rows, standing bicep barbell curls, barbell shrugs, standing side raises are out - they put too…
  • It's a tough one to answer and probably different for different people. I binged for about six years. I got to the point where I was really sick of what I was doing to myself. I set myself some long and short term targets and took it from there. I wanted to get fit and slim again more than I wanted to eat crap all day.…
  • I'm prone to the same problem too. Do you run on hard surfaces? I find my knee is fine if I keep to running on grass or woodland paths, etc. Changing my foot strike also helped considerably, from mainly "heel striking" to "midfoot" striking. I feared I would have to stop running due to knee problems and shin splints, but I…
  • Exactly! If you have really made up your mind not to eat sugary crap like cake, there shouldn't be any temptation.
  • I don't know for sure. I had dizzy spells when I suddenly stopped eating refined sugar a few years ago. But when I stopped again a few months ago I didn't have any side effects. However, I did eat some honey for the first few days and lots of fruit. I cut out the honey after a few weeks and reduced my fruit intake…
  • This is what I was going to say. Use it as a starting reference point and let it inspire you to change. I know how you feel though, it is frustrating. The only other option is to stay the same or get fatter. I'm sure that's not what you want.
  • Have you set specific short/long term goals? This is the only way I have found to motivate myself.
  • I was the same as you recently. Blood tests came back normal. Supplementing with magnesium citrate and l-tyrosine (between 2g and 8g daily) has restored my energy. Of course a good multivitamin with iron is always a good thing to have. I've heard Korean Ginseng is very good, but haven't used it yet.
  • Well done on losing so much. You seem to have a bit to go yet. Loose skin can take up to two years to improve.
  • Yep that's what I do too! Most of my old trousers fit me again, which feels great. I have a belt in my wardrobe which I got when I was 16. Long time ago now, it's probably now an antique. It's going to feel fabulous when I can wear that again. Maybe it will restore my youth.
  • Sorry to hear about your problems. Funny thing is, I was thinking about the very book you mentioned (Brain over Binge) before I got to the part of your post where you mentioned it. Maybe something to think about is the reason why you are doing this. You are approaching a time of big change in your life, as you explained.…
  • Well done...you look HOT!
  • It's the epitome of toughness though - shouting insults from a moving car, surrounded by your mates.
  • If you haven't already, you could look into Callanetics. It's a deep stretching exercise. It cured my lower back pain and many people have had good results from it.
  • I don't think many people can say they haven't slipped up, so you're far from alone. I wonder if you hadn't been using scales this would have happened. If you keep doing the right things your body will change at its own pace.
  • I can confirm you are one hot momma...well done!
  • Presumably you mean a day with a cheat meal? Some people go absolutely berzerk on a cheat and gorge themselves all day. I lost weight before having a cheat meal once a week, usually a large pizza. It didn't seem to do any harm. Other times I have abused it and felt like ice cream one day and thought I would make that my…
  • I have no idea! All I know is that after 12 weeks most of my trousers (which I haven't fitted into for years) now fit fine. I couldn't care less if I haven't lost a single pound to be honest. In the past when I went by the scale I found it the most discouraging measure to go by. Looking at many of the posts on this forum…
  • I'm afflicted with lower back pain and also susceptible to shin splints. I run three times a week, but always run on a nearby wooded area on grass or mud paths. I would never now run on concrete, it puts too much stress on my body. It's also a very good idea to analyse your foot strike, as this can have a major impact on…
  • I found the best way was to write down targets/goals for both short and long term. Then focus on achieving the first one. Until I did this I would do the same as what you describe. My weight loss plans were too vague and fuzzy. I had to really focus my mind. After a few weeks I had formed good habits and going back to old…
  • It's impossible to say really...obviously there are two sides to every story. If other people tell you that your character has not changed and you sincerely believe it hasn't, perhaps she resents you looking better and being more confident. Is she overweight herself? Often it does make people insecure when their wife or…
  • Brilliant! "Milk is for babies...when you grow up you have to drink beer!" Ok maybe that wasn't one of his best.
  • I don't know what kind of exercise you are doing, but for me it has to be quite intense before I get a "high" from it. Running for 30+ minutes or a heavy session with weights does the trick. I read somewhere that endorphins are released in response to moderate/severe stress to the body as a "natural painkiller." I know…
  • I'm surprised callanetics isn't more popular, given how effective it is. I have been weight training for many years, and was looking for a type of exercise to stretch the muscles. Callanetics is perfect for this. It is so good for flexibility and for the back and joints. I don't know of any other men who do it but who…
  • I get the impression mirrors vary...I don't know for sure but perhaps the shape of the mirror makes a difference - if it is slightly concave or convex. Best idea might be to get some photos taken of yourself.