saw myself on video.. depressing.. any advice?

I try very hard to not have full body pics of me. My amazing husband and I just did the ALS ice bucket challenge and did our donations :) that felt good. Great cause!
I saw myself.. my full body. back story, I have never been this size. I have lost 7lbs, which is GREAT yes, but I saw myself and I honestly thought I was "thinner" than I actually am. It was a horrible shock to see.

I'm trying not to overreact or be dramatic about it. I am working on loosing this weight, but I had no idea I was THAT big :( I'm not sure how to deal with this currently.

How do you guys deal?


  • cherrilovee
    cherrilovee Posts: 194 Member
    The camera adds 10 pounds! But seriously, and I'm not trying to say this offensively because I'm on the same exact boat as you... But, all you can really do is use that video as your determination to drop the weight. Aim for just 1 pound a week, & you'll get there before you know it! & Don't forget to take measurements just incase you don't drop any weight for a couple weeks, you can see the cm drop!
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    I try to believe the 10 bls thing. but wow the bulges.. and my husband looked amazing in the video lol. arm giggling.. bulging.. was just scary lol
  • mbrough58
    mbrough58 Posts: 27 Member
    According to your picture that I can see, you are very very cute! You are a beautiful person who cares about others (ALS challenge) and is starting to take better care of herself. Kudos to you!!! Keep going - you are worth it.
  • mallorytravels
    mallorytravels Posts: 86 Member
    Aww, I know exactly how you feel. On one hand it is important to remember that while the camera may not necessarily add ten pounds, it certainly can distort the way we look to some extent. On the other hand, I remember seeing myself in pictures and finally acknowledging that I really am dissatisfied with the way I look, and that was a catalyst to help me start getting serious about losing weight. So my advice is to turn your frustration with the way you look into a positive plan of action to get yourself to a place where you feel better about yourself.
  • jeannemarie333
    jeannemarie333 Posts: 214 Member
    It's hard to see my self in pictures when my whole life I had been much more slimmer, I can understand. I just keep telling myself to keep my eye on the prize - me!! with great health and feeling good about myself. Each day is a new commitment and sometimes I feel like a turtle, but another pal said "slow and steady wins the race" and that's me for sure :)

    Hang in there - you ARE doing this!!!

  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    Use it! Seeing myself in a photo was what made me realize I needed to lose weight. I got mad and then nothing could stand in my way. When I felt like giving up, I would look at that photo to renew my resolve. You're doing great, keep it up!
  • retread4258
    retread4258 Posts: 10 Member
    I have no mirrors in my home to allow me to see my full self and really I never think about doing so. But one day, I was taking a shower at my daughters house and she does have full length mirrors and I saw the whole me. I just could not believe what I saw. I knew I was big but I had no idea just how big. I was very disgusted.

    I began to realize that even in the mirror at home that just shows me chest level and higher, I never look at myself. I've never really concerned myself with how I look. I am what I am. Still, it's interesting that I could have grown so big and never noticed. I'm down by around 70 lbs now and still a very long ways to go. The good thing is that I actually enjoy exercising and it falls off quickly when I'm consistent with my exercise.

    But to answer your question. I accept myself as I am. That does not mean I like where I am but I don't beat myself up about it. Instead if I don't like something, I take action to change it. The fact that my weight prevents me from doing things I like is enough to now give it priority over other things I like to do. My only fear is getting down to where I should be and then those other priorities taking over again. Balance and moderation are the important words. If I can balance my life and not focus on just one thing over all else, then I'll be able to maintain.
  • Mpol2
    Mpol2 Posts: 442 Member
    What everyone else said. It is what it is... But you are CHANGING that picture with every day that passes. Hang in, keep going, and you will become even more beautiful.
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    According to your picture that I can see, you are very very cute! You are a beautiful person who cares about others (ALS challenge) and is starting to take better care of herself. Kudos to you!!! Keep going - you are worth it.

    ty.. I am trying. Sometimes you just get knocked down a bit by reality. I know my current weight doesn't define me.. that i'm not a bad person because I am bigger girl now.. I know that, but emotionally, it is more blurry for me.
  • DaveDeLange
    Use it! Seeing myself in a photo was what made me realize I needed to lose weight. I got mad and then nothing could stand in my way. When I felt like giving up, I would look at that photo to renew my resolve. You're doing great, keep it up!

    This is what I was going to say. Use it as a starting reference point and let it inspire you to change.

    I know how you feel though, it is frustrating. The only other option is to stay the same or get fatter. I'm sure that's not what you want.
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    Wow I just went through this. My boyfriend and I took a vacation together and I saw full body pictures of myself and UGH. I lost 7 lbs last month and a lot of inches, but just seeing those pictures and how big I still am made me so depressed. I had to remember that's why I'm eating less and working out 6 days a week, so I don't look like that anymore. Then I figured if I kept up my weight loss at the rate I've been going, then by the end of the year, I'll be below 200 lbs and I haven't been below 200 in more than a decade. So feeling crappy about myself and seeing what I could accomplish if I kept going have really helped me motivate myself. Just use that video as a motivation to keep doing well!!
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    Wow I just went through this. My boyfriend and I took a vacation together and I saw full body pictures of myself and UGH. I lost 7 lbs last month and a lot of inches, but just seeing those pictures and how big I still am made me so depressed. I had to remember that's why I'm eating less and working out 6 days a week, so I don't look like that anymore. Then I figured if I kept up my weight loss at the rate I've been going, then by the end of the year, I'll be below 200 lbs and I haven't been below 200 in more than a decade. So feeling crappy about myself and seeing what I could accomplish if I kept going have really helped me motivate myself. Just use that video as a motivation to keep doing well!!

    I'm trying! lol. .but I needed to get those emotions off my chest so I could get past them and use it like everyone is saying.
    it really had me down for a few days. knew I had gained weight. My clothes told me that. But I had no idea HOW much or what I looked liked.

    congrats on 7 lbs down!