Objects in the mirror may be closer...

When I stand fairly close to the mirror I am pretty happy with my shape. However, If I back up like 5 to 7 ft I am horrified, I look huge. Which is real? I am just really aggravated today, feeling like why did I think that I could ever look remotely normal. I certainly look better than at my starting weight but I am starting to despair that I will ever look normal. I am not looking for perfection just that you might notice something other than my weight on first glance. Anyone else feel this way?


  • sheilaq14
    sheilaq14 Posts: 35 Member
    I guess I am only one :(
  • DaveDeLange
    I get the impression mirrors vary...I don't know for sure but perhaps the shape of the mirror makes a difference - if it is slightly concave or convex.

    Best idea might be to get some photos taken of yourself.