

  • Thanks very much everyone, point i'm seeing is i should try to get my body healthy as well as losing the weight I want so thanks for the advice =) xx
  • If i could read something like this everyday then it would definetely help!! my problem is going for everything i can at the weekend and it's doing me no good at all! I shall be bringing this post up as much as i can! Thanks!! x
  • I'm still trying to get the hang of not getting a takeaway every weekend , just because it's the weekend! I eat crisps with my lunch alot but stick to skips as there not too bad and i leave enough calories for them usually. I tend to blow out every weekend which isn't create hence me not losing any weight in 3 weeks , so i…
  • Well i know that i'm really bad for this! I used to put a garlic baguette on for part of my dinner and know that I should only have 2 bits but then say 'ahh its ok i'll just eat the other half since my partner is having his half' Which is a crazy amount of calories, so i do what others have suggested and fling it in the…
  • Hi everyone ! Thank you so much for your advice! really appreciate it ! I definately think looking at menus before I go out is a great idea that I should try and to count my weekends and just being part of my week, as hard as it may be I will feel better for it . Patience I guess!. I keep thinking that I have 1 year till I…
  • Thanks everyone, I just put (scotland) at the front of the description and it let me add it. actually forgot about all the countries having different descriptions n such lol OOPS. :blushing: Appreciate all the help x
  • Thanks again =) however! still in a slight dilemma. When I enter my own details it is saying that this item already exists which obviously is true however with the different number of calories. Should I just do the quick add? Mel x
  • Thanks very much =) stress over! hehe x
  • Hey, Im from Glasgow, feel free to add if ya like =) x
  • Hey, i'm 22, just started this a few days ago. Feel free to add me =) x
  • Hi Frances! welcome! I started MFP a few days ago, so pretty new myself. feel free to add as friend for support =) x
    in newbie too! Comment by mel_21 June 2011
  • hey! i joined a few days ago! feel free to add me for motivation! =) I find it difficult some times so talking to everyone on here is a MAJOR help!! I love how I can track my food and don't have to count things like when I was on weight watchers! this does it for me =) Welcome! Mel x
  • Hey!! I started MFP yesterday and already fell off the wagon BADLY!! however today is a new day and all the support you get from people here is amazing! honestly! We can do it together =) mel x
  • Hi Everyone, I can't thank you all enough for your help so quickly! I'll add you all and i'm sure with your help i can do it =) it seems like a great site to be on! Thanks again!! xx