how often do you eat a 'BAD' food?

im feeling eating them everyday but then again im also scared to eat them incase i become bigger and put on weight!
by bad foods i mean stuff like '' biscuits,crisps,cakes,sausage rolls,fatty meats''

so how often does everyone eat them?
and do you consider there to be a bad food which others might concider not?


  • MichelleF81
    MichelleF81 Posts: 98 Member
    Ummm well last night I was way under on calories so I had a cherry bakewell and a muller crunch corner yogurt which came to almost 400 calories and I was still under......that doesn't happen often to be fair but I fairly often include treats in my allocation or if I have cals left over I'll think of a treat I can have to take me up to goal. I don't go stupid......I avoid pastry and really fattening rubbish but yeah a little muffin or a bag of crisps aint gonna kill me if it's within my quota and I've been healthy for the most part.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    None lately.
  • littleali
    littleali Posts: 179 Member
    I don't deny myself anything. I eat when I am hungry, and yesterday, I was starving. I ate white bread with cheese and crisps yesterday *gasp* but I don't feel guilty. Why? Because I eat healthy things to balance it out. There is nothing wrong with eating a little every day so long as it doesn't fuel an addiction or isn't the main pillar of your diet!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i have just had a mini shortbread biscuit (53cals) with my lunch. I have logged all the food i intend to eat this evening, and still have 130 cals left... so i am considering having 2 more shortbread biscuits this afternoon...

    Overall i usually have a couple of treats a week of 'bad' things. I dont have something EVERY day, even if i have the cals, as i think i would get too used to the bad things again!
  • emmaNEEDSskinny
    GREAT :)
  • GamecockFan14
    GamecockFan14 Posts: 154 Member
    very rarely. Personally, 'bad' foods for me are trigger foods, and I'm not able to portion myself with trigger foods yet, so I don't even bother with them. My biggest "bad" food is popcorn (100 calorie one), but thats about it.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Lately, every weekend which needs to STOP. Something I am trying to work harder on again.
  • Hernandezedw
    Hernandezedw Posts: 284
    I eat bad food on a daily basis. I just try not to eat too much of it. If I have McDonalds in the morning, I try my best not to have any cupcakes.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    It really depends on how strong you are...meaning if you are strong enough to resist the temptations of wanting more of it then its okay once in awhile. I usually limit myself because I'd prefer the 'bad' over the good. I try to eat clean most times but once in awhile I treat myself so I don't go on any sort of binge.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Nothing wrong with "fatty meats" as long as it's not processed lunch meats, etc. Grassfed beef, chicken with the skin, wild caught salmon, etc has a lot of healthy fat.

    AAs far as the other stuff, "crisps, etc' I never eat it.
  • mel_21
    mel_21 Posts: 20
    I'm still trying to get the hang of not getting a takeaway every weekend , just because it's the weekend!

    I eat crisps with my lunch alot but stick to skips as there not too bad and i leave enough calories for them usually. I tend to blow out every weekend which isn't create hence me not losing any weight in 3 weeks , so i find it really difficult and i'm just starting to count my weekends as my weekdays aswell (advice from people on MFP) =)

    just keep being positive and we're all here for motivation when needed.

    Mel x
  • allenlisa
    allenlisa Posts: 96
    If you don't treat yourself every once and awhile your healthy eating habits are more likely to fail. I say do it every now and then and when you want to! You work hard and deserve some flavor! lol just don't make it your main eating habit.
  • emmaNEEDSskinny
    i am not strong at all, this is something i must work on! :)
    thanks guys xx
  • MissNombril
    I don't deny myself anything. I eat when I am hungry, and yesterday, I was starving. I ate white bread with cheese and crisps yesterday *gasp* but I don't feel guilty. Why? Because I eat healthy things to balance it out. There is nothing wrong with eating a little every day so long as it doesn't fuel an addiction or isn't the main pillar of your diet!

    Same as you.
    Best and only way not to feel frustrated...
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I eat something a bit naughty most days. Living healthily and losing weight doesn't mean giving up all the treats. Yesterday I had an ice cream, today I'll have a couple of biscuits probably. As long as I'm fitting into my nutritional goals I don't see it as a problem, especially as a little daily makes me less likely to binge from trying to adopt a deprivation mindset!
  • nurseheather13
    I personally think that you shouldn't deprive yourself of foods that are considered "bad for you". Have a couple "Bad" food items a week to keep your sanity and to make this weight loss journey worth it! Just keep them within your calarie goal and drink tons of water:)
  • jennahiggins
    jennahiggins Posts: 56 Member
    This is a lifestyle change. I have learned how to incorporate all types of food into my diet. If I want a serving of chips, ice cream, soda, or even a candy bar I make sure that I have enough calories to allow for it. It's not about cutting foods out of your life, it's about learning how to control the serving size of them. I still won't allow snacks and stuff to be left laying around here in the house, because I have days where my will power is good for I will eat everything in sight... so if it isn't here, I don't eat it. I have had to change my relationship with food, so I learned it's not about not eating it, it's about learning that I can have enough to curb the craving (just a taste or even half of a serving size). You aren't supposed to eat the bad food until you are full, you eat the good food and then have a bite of the bad food at the end. ;)
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    if i am being good i will eat none at all!!! i strip the house of anything and everything lol sorry kids :)
    but if i have my "super willpower" i go on a baking spree and cook soooo many naughty thing for the family that i know i wont touch! silly i know but hey it works for me....
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    I also eat what some class as bad foods each day. Usually I take a biscuit (about 100 cal) to work each morning for morning coffee and at night I often have some chocolate or something. I dont if Im over my calories but I work them in.

    Im still trying not to eat too many as sometimes once I start on the choc I cant stop! x
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    To be honest, I have a packet of crisps or some chocolate, or something that would be considered bad every day. I just try to keep within my calorie goal.

    I don't have the hugest amount of motivation, and I know that if I completely restricted myself, then I would give up the diet entirely, so if I want something, I have it. I know I could have lost more weight doing MFP than I currently have so far, but at the same time, I could have given up if I didnt have what I wanted.

    I had a complete binge a couple of weeks ago when I had been trying to have a good day, and ate 4 x 300 calorie muffins in the space of about half an hour! If i had let myself have half of one, i wouldnt have had the binge!

    Each to their own, if you can keep to your calories whilst eating clean, healthy foods, then great, but if, like me, you can only stay within them by eating 90% healthy, then cutting down on calories will still work (thank god!)