First diet wobble - time to come say hi I think!

leaw24 Posts: 22 Member
Hi everyone!

Just thought I would actually do my 'newbie' post... I've been using MFP on my phone for ages on and off but this time I am really commiting to losing the 20/25 pounds that have crept up on me over the last few years.

Been back on MFP for two weeks now and doing really well, sticking to my calorie limits, getting a lot of exercise (this is why I'm serious this time - I actually joined a gym! Me, exercising out of choice!!!) but last night I met an old friend for a glass of wine, which became two glasses of wine, which ended in a chinese takeaway *shameful face*

Totally blew my goals out of the water for yesterday and today just feeling so crappy and tempted to pack it all in... but I know I don't want to! I've brought my gym kit to work and will definitely be going tonight no matter what. I am so sick of chucking it all in before I get any real results because I went a bit silly one day.

So just thought I'd drop in and say hi and if anyone can give me any tough love to stop me from caving in after yesterday's disaster I'd really appreciate it!!


  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    first of all HI!!!!!!
    Everyone falls off the wagon. The most important thing is not to think "oh well that's that for the week. GET STRAIGHT BACK ON IT!!!
    You can still lose for that week, do some exercise today, carry on eating healthily, don't starve just because you had a bad day and put it behind you as a one off. Don't beat yourself up about it.
    I went mad once with nachos and other very naughty food, but literally I went for a nice long walk, got it out of my system and carried on. I lost my 2 pounds that week.
    Hope I've given you some motivation. Feel free to add me
    KEEP GOING. You've taken the first step on your journey!
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    Every day's a new day! You will feel so virtuous and slinky if you stick with it, so get back on the wagon and go work off those extra cals in the gym.

    I am on week no 1 of the diet and doing ok. With two bairns to run around after and still bf my 8 week old I find many excuses for cake but trying to be strong. The inability to fit any clothes apart from my maternity ones is giving me incentive. i NEED to feel human again.
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    We all have bad days you just have move on. You are allowed to have the odd takeaway it will so slow down your loss but it's all about moderation. All you need to do now hit the gym hard and watch your calorie in take. Good luck
  • Diana35bha
    Diana35bha Posts: 292 Member
    Hi there

    Put yesterday behind you and start today with a fresh mind!

    Keep working at it and you'll be fine.

    Everyone has down times but you just get right back up again

    Keeep smiling :smile:

  • campbellcjdm
    Here is a cool way I encourage myself and keep it 'in perspective'.

    First - there is an myFitnessPall app for your iPhone. On it (I don't see it on the web application), there is a button on the home page called "Weekly". It shows you the 'net calories FOR THE WEEK'. I think they know everyone has 'one of those days' (or even a couple of them. With work and kids, I have a hard time only eating 1200 calories and/or exercising every day. But it is more about the 'total picture' than one day.

    Second, I count my official 'weigh in' day on Fridays. So I keep myself in check during the week as much as I can, weigh in Friday morning, and then have the weekend to 'splurge' a little. Then I have the rest of the next week to 'work it off' if I was really bad. Don't even ask me how many calories the Dairy Queen Chocolate Explosion has .... but it was soooooooo good that I didn't mind the gym workout to burn it off :blushing:

    Everybody needs a treat now and again - Chinese, Nachos, CHOCOLATE ! If you try to be good all the time it won't work. Set goals and reward yourself ! We do it for our kids ... just 'cause we are grown ups now that shouldn't change :wink:
  • leaw24
    leaw24 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for the support all :) I know I have to just focus on today... feeling a bit more upbeat and just been hovering on the motivation page looking at everyone's before and afters. I know it can be done! cambellcjdm, I'd completely forgotten about the weekly button, it's showing me I'm nearly hitting my weekly average (slightly over but still 3 days left haha!) even when you factor in my chinese food failure last night so yay - thank you so much for that!

    Also, you guys have cheered me up a bit more and now I feel like I'm going to be able to stay in the gym so much longer tonight because of having a better mental attitude :) Oh and livlora I love the idea I could describe myself as 'slinky' - GREAT word :D will make it my motivational word of the day!
  • rosieef
    rosieef Posts: 57 Member
    Mmmmm, Chinese ..... :love:

    Think of MFP as a lifestyle, you're allowed treats, you're allowed to enjoy yourself! It's about the long term, the way I see it is I'm not interested in cutting out everything I like (I like it way too much!!) so small changes, bit by bit, and each day at a time. Everyone has blips from time to time, it's not the end of the world, you can still carry on the next day. MFP is a very supportive community :smile:
  • crazycranberry
    crazycranberry Posts: 117 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself!!!

    You had a minor slip up but lets face it.......this is the real world we live in and we are going to have days when things cannot be controlled - including food. Just think about the great night you had with your friend and let that positivity continue into other thoughts and just try to get back on your healthy eating plan.

    Note to self........I should listen to my own advice - ha ha!!

    Good luck on your journey!

  • mel_21
    mel_21 Posts: 20

    I started MFP yesterday and already fell off the wagon BADLY!! however today is a new day and all the support you get from people here is amazing! honestly!

    We can do it together =)

    mel x
  • kirsty176
    kirsty176 Posts: 5
    Hi all,

    I started MFP on Monday, and have stuck to it very well. Its so easy to use, especially with the app on my phone.

    Though I was eager to weigh in this morning and had gained weight. So feeling really grumpy about it. I don't understand how that could have happened at all. I have seriously been so good and actually on 3 days been under my calorific intake by 100kcal.

    But its really good to see others on here, some other newbies and some others who have done really well. It certainly helps pick me up. So i'll resist my cherry bakewell and have a redbush tea!

  • kennyfan07
    Been there, we all have. Two things that stick in my head... "It's not about perfection, it's about persistance" and "Today is a new day, yesterday is history" Think positive! :)
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Put yesterday behind you and start again today - we are all going to falter from time to time because this is for life, not just a few days/weeks/months.
    You have to have a certain amount of flexibility in your routine, otherwise you'll get bored.
    You may also be feeling 'low' today because of the MSG in your meal - I always feel like that following a chinese high!
    If you are still feeling bad when you go to the gym - up your game a little there so when you leave you'll be feeling virtuous instead.
    Keep up your good work - you can do it.
    Friend me if you want some support.
    Good luck

