bks1 Member


  • I do that too! I log my calories first and I can honestly say that's helped me to stay on track for as long as I have.
    in Mind Games Comment by bks1 October 2011
  • What's NAMI?
  • Thank you for your acknowledgment of what we do. I am an ER nurse too.
  • Just one final query tho.... Does anyone think he just said he didn't want a friendship etc because he knew it would upset me, or he genuinely doesn't want a friendship? Previous emails of his were very suggestive of just wanting a friendship. Just curious.
  • I'm a low carber and I have no issues with it- feel free to add me! :)
  • Thank you so much for the advice guys, I want to respond to each of you and tell you how grateful I am you took the time to help me out. I knew this situation was bizarre but I honestly have no one to talk to about it. So my plan is- ignore him. No response, no forwarding email to his psycho gf- nothing. I'm hoping that my…
  • Believe me, I still feel creeped out! And no, he hasn't always been like this, which makes it all the more bizarre. His gf is quite a nasty person, very verbally and physically aggressive when she feels threatened- so I don't want to get involved with her AT ALL. I have to agree with you tho, the writing was a bit…
  • I absolutely agree with this, that's why I intend to say nothing. Apart from the email being extremely creepy and I wouldn't respond to it anyway- I think silence can be a very powerful tool.
  • Thank you all for your words of advice- the sensible, and the creative :-) maybe a sane mind just can't comprehend an insane one lol!
  • LOL I love it!!!!
  • Noooooo, I didn't consider that! But it wouldn't make much sense would it.....
  • Noooooo, I didn't consider that! But it wouldn't make much sense would it.....
  • You guys are the best, I absolutely love the support on this site! I most definitely wasn't even considering sending anything to him, the very idea of it creeps me out *shudder* I suppose the fact that he said that he wanted nothing to do with me- no friendship, etc- but then asked me for a very bizarre request- that…
  • I'm definitely NOT going to continue to communicate with him- he has freaked me right out. I can't forward the emails on to his gf- I don't know her details. I'm sure I could find them out, but she was extrememly abusive to me when they got together- so the less I have to do with her, the better. She justifies all his…
  • After a successful 120 days on MFP, I literally snapped and had an entire binge WEEK. I don't know what happened to make me do it, I don't know why I let that careless attitude get to me- but now I'm struggling to get back in track. I'm amazed at just how much of my good work I undid in just a few days! How easy is it to…
  • For your safety, and for you and your baby girls future- you must leave. It will be difficult but I promise you its the right thing to do. I understand you still love him, and that's ok, but don't let the love blind or sway you. One thing I suggest is PLEASE find a support person/persons and have them stay with you or vice…
  • LOL, I like the idea but I'm not sure he will! :-) I forgot to mention he is quite an introverted, shy guy, not sure How he would react to hooters LMAO :-D
  • I have roughly the same allocation of carbs, and I find what works for me is to decrease my carb intake by a bit and experiment with increasing protein. So far I've had good results but as a previous post said, you have to experiment and find what works for you. Good luck!
  • Aussie here from Sydney!! feel free to add me :)
  • I get RAVENOUS the week before my periods! Im glad the metabolism does rise- even slightly- it's a little comforting :-)
  • I have this feeling so often :( I still have so much weight to lose. But I keep telling myself that I can't go back to where I was, I remind myself of just how disgusting and awful I felt. Some days I just want to give up, I truly do. But then I look back at all the HARD WORK (it is hard, isn't it?!?!) and I tell myself…
  • Hi guys! I'm Aussie from NSW- feel free to add me- the lbs and inches drives me nuts! Lol
    in Australians Comment by bks1 July 2011
  • I just posted a similar post on this! Let's stick together to fight these cravings- you have my support!
  • My caffeine intake is much the same and I'm still eating really good quality meals with protein at each meal. I'll see if I could make diary public. I'm no more or no less active- I'm just going insane with the lack in willpower! It really is a struggle at times.
  • I'm not sure if I'm physically hungry- I wasn't today when I had those extra snacks. today may have had an emotional cause behind it. But at times it's driven my hunger. I'm new ish here, Im not sure how to make my diary public.
  • I have a similar issue, my daily allowance is 1200, sometimes I struggle to meet it, so I add a few high calorie yet healthy options, such as nuts. I'm just wondering though, once I lose the weight- having been on quite a low caloric intake for several months, will this negatively affect my metabolism? Will I always have…
  • Hi, my name is bridget and I'm new to this too. I have the my fitness iPhone app but I have no friends to add lol. I know it would help to motivate me if I can chat with people who have the same goals. I have 50 pounds to lose (23kgs) before I'm in a healthy weight range again! At the moment it's an uphill battle because I…