

  • I try to use Stevia whenever possible.
  • It was just one day, a day of celebration. Please don't feel so bad about yourself! I've heard many people say that in order to have long-term success, it's important to allow yourself to take occasional breaks from any eating plan.
  • The so-called HCG diet was created by a crackpot doctor over 50 years ago. NO real medical research backs up his theory, and it's downright dangerous to eat only 500 calories a day and try and convince yourself the stuff works. I know people that believed in this scam and totally messed up their metabolism to the point…
  • Please, do something less risky than the HCG diet to jump start your weight loss. This so-called diet can cause all sorts of health problems! The only people that say there are little or no risks are the ones that make money selling it! They are providing the so-called "research" that make so many people think it's safe.…
  • Based on the experiences of some very dear friends, I cannot recommend or encourage you to stay on the HCG diet. It has not worked as advertised for anyone I know that tried it, and the weight came back. It is not safe, and a waste of money.
  • A HCG weight loss journey is a very dangerous journey. I hope and pray you decide to take a safer weight loss journey instead.
  • HCG is not a safe way to lose weight. I hate to hear about anyone going this route because all the people I know that did the HCG diet now wish they had never heard of it. There are much safer ways to lose weight without endangering your health. Any diet that promises more than a pound or two loss per week is a scam,…
  • I have close friends that damaged their health by doing the HCG diet, and I have a very personal interest in educating people about it's downsides -- the things people that promote the HCG diet don't want you to know.
  • If you chose to do the HCG diet, you are using your body as an experimental lab. Losing weight as quickly as you have been on the HCG diet is neither safe or healthy. The percentage of medical doctors that will prescribe HCG for weight loss is very small because is has not been proven effective, is not approved by the FDA…
  • My stomach/midsection is the only place I have any excess fat, and I am well within my ideal weight range. I am trying to use Stevia instead of sugar as much as possible and not eat as many carbs, and it does seem to be helping.
  • I am not really overweight, but would like to get rid of some stomach fat and I still have a little bit of a muffin top. My arms were almost too thin, as I am small boned, but I found that taking a group weight lifting class helped them look a little larger.
  • Has anyone tried sprouting brown rice? You can do it with some of the brown rice that still has a hull. It just takes a few days, and it tastes really good and boost the nutrition! http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/04/15/cooking-with-sprouted-brown-rice/
  • I look forward to the day that the FDA starts cracking down on the clinics and doctors that sell the HCG diet to unsuspecting people that come to them for advice. The is absolutely no provable science behind the HCG diet theory, and the so-called doctors that push the HCG diet should be stripped of their medical licenses!…
  • Hi, You are smart to want to eat a healthy diet with HCG. I know some people in other groups that use the homeopathic HCG with healthy, "clean eating" of 1,200 - 1,500 calories a day, and they still lose weight. There is absolutely no reason to endanger your health on 500 calories a day with this. And if you decide to use…
  • I have been hearing it's good to take probiotics when you are on the Master Cleanse. What does everyone think about eating a banana once or twice a day and taking vitamins while you are doing it? I am thinking about trying it again soon, and I want to make sure I have enough energy. The other time I tried, I just lasted a…
  • i do the "Group Power" class with free weights. Classes like that are fun because you do the routine to music and get to know the people in the group over time. If you are new to something like that, the instructors are usually very helpful to make sure you don't accidentally lift wrong and injure yourself.
  • I've been taking belly danging classes at the YMCA since last summer, and it's really fun! Most people just wear gym clothes to do it -- just 1 or 2 participants wear belly dancing outfits. A few people wear a belly dancing hip scarf over their gym clothes.
  • Thank you for sharing your story, jocelynrinear. One of my friends that did the HCG diet with homeopathic drops is now having trouble with his eyesight. I've read that the fats you are told to eliminate from your diet during the HCG diet are necessary for good vision ( see…
  • Now that the FDA has declared that over-the-counter HCG drops are illegal, I wish they would start enforcing it. The FDA has NEVER approved HCG as a weight loss drug, so I don't see why doctors that are pushing it on their patients for weight loss aren't being prosecuted. The sooner they start closing down the HCG weight…
  • Your total calories depend on how many glasses of the mixture you drink a day. I did feel better after doing it for only a few days, and I wasn't even doing the Master Cleamse absolutely pure -- I ate a few bananas because I was concerned that I might not have enough energy for my exercise classes, and I also took multi…
  • I tried doing the Master Cleanse for a few days earlier this year, and had to stop because the salt water flush was too much for me. I did not feel hungry, but am not a person with a large appetite to start with. I've read where some people do it by drinking the laxative tea in the morning and evening instead of doing the…
  • There are a few overweight fitness instructors at the local YMCA, and while most of the people in their class are not overweight, I know it can be less intimidating for the participants that are overweight. So I'd say go for it!
  • You can do at least as well on a clean eating plan -- just get the junk food, preservatives, sugar, etc out of your diet, and you will probably lose weight rather quickly. Try it that way, and you won't even want to do a risky 500 calorie HCG diet. The dangerous 500 calorie HCG fad diet teaches you nothing about healthy…
  • I am trying to eat a cleaner diet, but am trying to do it gradually instead of all at once. I know that I am still eating some foods that are not the best -- such as cookies and candy -- but I am adding more fresh fruits and vegetables to my diet, and am trying to cook more of my own meals at home so I'll know exactly what…
  • At the YMCA I go to, there are 2 different Zumba classes -- one for people who are used to exercising, and a "Zumba lite" for people that are just getting into exercise and dance. I would think that Zumba classes vary in calories burnt according to the routine they use. Your Zumba instructor might be able to give you a…
  • This is not a success story, but it is the TRUTH. And one of the most positive, motivational things you can do is to warn people about a dangerous diet scam before they are harmed by it. The HCG diet is very dangerous. I know people that did it, and they were suffering the whole time they were on 500 calories. They were so…
  • The HCG diet, in all it's forms, is very dangerous. I know people that did it, and they were suffering the whole time they were on 500 calories. They were so tired that they could barely get through the day, and were hungry most of the time. And once they finished the diet, the weight they went to all that trouble to lose…
  • The HCG diet is very dangerous. I know people that did it, and they were suffering the whole time they were on 500 calories. They were so tired that they could barely get through the day, and were hungry most of the time. And once they finished the diet, the weight they went to all that trouble to lose came right back. In…
  • The HCG diet is very dangerous. I know people that did it, and they were suffering the whole time they were on 500 calories. They were so tired that they could barely get through the day, and were hungry most of the time. And once they finished the diet, the weight they went to all that trouble to lose came right back. In…
  • The HCG diet is very dangerous. I know people that did it, and they were suffering the whole time they were on 500 calories. They were so tired that they could barely get through the day, and were hungry most of the time. Anc once they finished the diet, the weight they went to all that trouble to lose came right back. In…