HCG Diet



  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Thanks! I'm 300 lbs and apparently "carry it well" because no one ever believes me when I give them the number.

    Now if I was 20 pounds over 150, I'd be overweight. Once I hit over 200, I'm obese. But accepting the fact that I'm medically "morbidly obese" helps keep me accountable. Because while all my blood counts and blood pressure is perfect, my body wasn't meant to carry all this weight.

    So in some sort of weird way...it's powerful for me to just be able to say it...I'm morbidly obese :smile:

    Good luck on your journey as well!! :flowerforyou:
  • Briana31
    Briana31 Posts: 7 Member
    I love that you posted that article! It's a great one! <3 Dr. Mercola!
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    you are putting hormones in your system...no long range testing. I would bet good money that in a few years the side effects will start popping up...and we'll all have to put up with those stupid lawyer commercials about people with health issues suing the companies for doing this. shaking head.

    it is not instant. there is no magic pill. and eating 500 calories a day is not healthy.

    I really hope you don't suffer anything long term from this OP.
  • Jill_Clemmons
    The HCG diet is very dangerous. I know people that did it, and they were suffering the whole time they were on 500 calories. They were so tired that they could barely get through the day, and were hungry most of the time. And once they finished the diet, the weight they went to all that trouble to lose came right back. In over 50 years, no scientific proof has been found to support the theory behind the HCG diet.

    If you already invested your money in the homeopathic drops, they probably wouldn't do any harm if you use them with a safe eating plan of at least 1,200 calories. But eating 500 calories a day and putting your trust in the HCG weight loss theory is just NOT worth the risk.

    When people do manage to lose weight on this diet and keep it off, it's probably just because they eliminated a food from their diet they had a sensitivity to that was making them fat, and did not reintroduce it once they were finished. But you could do that on an elimination diet or a clean eating diet without have to torture yourself with a 500 calorie diet or risk your health on unproven, unscientific theories

    .The website below has some good links to why the HCG diet is a very bad idea and dangerous to your health.