eviebee03 Member


  • Oh man struggling so much. Really needing support!
  • Hey dodge! Feel free to add or msg me. Im at a 14.8kg loss at the mo... i too had lost alot of weight then put it all back on n more to end up at 107.8kgs... not fun! Im down to a big 16, but still have all my old clothes. Im too scared to get rid of them! Im trying to find a way to lose n keep it off!
  • Being really slow... whats Keto? Is it like paleo?
  • Hi ummm not really sure i belong here so kick me out if needed! Im exploring wicca, would love some people to chat to if anyone is open to it! Im in little old nz,so sorta hard to find anyone tbh,...but its been a big thing for me and ive been exploring it alot for the last couple of years... anyway.. Geek i dunno if im a…
  • Hey, from welly, but i get the whole boucning thing! It sucks ae. Its the 2 steps forward 2 steps back. So not cool. Im struggling alot with that too. I switched to fortnightly weighing. It felt better. I dont go up n down as much, i just keep going better. Thou the downs from the gains r longer.
  • Awww add me if u want! We could keep eachother accountable?
  • Oh man. Soooo went off track. Luckily didnt gain back too much, but it turns out i need some serious food motivation and head motivation. Does anyone else struggle with their head stuff? Mines really kicking my butt.
  • I dont like the layout either. Just to jump in here, im the same. I hate rest days. I get outta sync with myself, and my stinking thinking pops up. Urgh
  • Hey all! Feeling kinda disheartened. I have been cleaning eating since march, and my food bill (was previously eating a tiny amount but very bad food) has sky rocketed. Anyone else have this problem?
  • Ooo go u! Have fun!
  • Pysch, none really. U just go to ur doc and ask if they think it would work for u. Basically if ur overweight or unhealthy they will sign u up for it. Zaxie, oh, mine calls. She does so every 5 or so weeks. I went. I made a bunch of changes but then it was too fast for me. I dunno. She seemed kinda ummm... I dunno. Not so…
  • Oh, and moor, I saw this awesome pic I wish I knew how to show u, tonight of 500grams of fat vs 500grams of muscle. The fat is about 4 times bigger. So u may be weighing the same but 4times smaller? I dunno ... anyway, hope u kicking that plateaus butt!
  • Ok so its not monday, but I thought of a mondays song... slightly more depressing but I hate mondays? Im sure that's a 70s 60s something like that song... brb to the google! Ok so its called "I dont like mondays" but I was close... anyway I cant sleep... heads real busy stressing over stuff I always stress over when im…
  • Hey marty! I dunno how I feel about people being able to look at what im eating... werid hang up I have. I hate going to a checkout operater I dont know cause I get worried they will judge..but umm heres a basic day Breakfast-smoothie with spinach, and 1/4 banana and berries(raspberries very tiny handful about 20grams) or…
  • Glad to see ur back!I too have been there before... well done for getting back on the wagon!
  • Ooo yum! I also like bliss balls forsweet cravings...
  • Argh I hate the doc I saw!!! So evil and mean! Told me its all on my head, that there is no problem, that I should take these meds, didnt check it see if they react with any of my others... they do! Thank goodness for my chemist. So over this. Seriously close to giving up and just living with it
  • And M, thanks heaps and heaps for the good vibes!
  • Im seeing another person tomorrow from the pain team. I hope they have some ideas... if not I have no idea what else to do. I dont really have any other options for another opinion... argh...
  • Awwwww u 2 r 2 awesome! Marty, I am so sorry about ur feet. R u seeing the foot guy soon? That sounds so difficult to deal with. Have u thought about maybe cuttng down the exercise and focusing on the eating side till u can see the foot man at least? I dunno. I really want u to be ok! Moor, ur right. Moobs is a good…
    in today Comment by eviebee03 August 2014
  • Oh man ToM is the worst!!! The chocolate cravings and cramps... urgh...
  • So news was ****e. Basically no answers. Doing more tests in 6 months if not better and bloods as well waiting for results... Thanks to everyone for reading and being so supportive! Im kinda down about the whole no answer thing...
  • Is it only when u lose weight? My friend had hairloss from washing it twice a day, blow drying then straightening every time?
  • Sorry im not sure either... have u tried google? Or seeing a nutritionist? They might have a good idea... I know that good fats are important for appearance stuff and also u could use coconut oil or Moroccan oil in ur hair?
  • Thanks marty! Sent u a msg :)
    in Weekend Comment by eviebee03 August 2014
  • Hey vicki and all! Well I had a **** weekend. Yesterday I ate wayyyy to much. Healthy food but totally blew my budget so did an extra workout but heres to good part. It was jessica smith beginner workout and I did 24 mins which is double my last time! And then do I just got home about an hour ago from my very first c25k…
    in Weekend Comment by eviebee03 August 2014
  • Hey ice, im ok how r u? Im kinda down. I gained this week... gunna weigh in again tomoz to make sure it wasnt a random water weight weigh in. Im alrightish otherwise. Did my first push ups in so so long today! 10 lady ones. But still! And up to 49squats. I also made my diary open. I think im struggling more with the food…
  • So I gotta lose 7kg or 13 pounds roughly to get there. So gunna aim for this!