I get (mild) back pains, but my main problem is my knee. I really love to run, but every now and then I get stupid and overdo it and my knee suffers. Funny thing is my back tends to get better when I do a lot of running. Anyway, what I tend to do when my knee is acting up is focus on strength exercises, especially gentle…
I used to agree, but I've found a fantastic way to make them more interesting. A bit of olive oil, black pepper and a little salt, and then lots of freshly grated parmigiano cheese over the top. Roast in the oven until it gets dark brown. Fantastic to sprinkle on a nice veggie soup or something. I also love pureeing boiled…
Could be. I think the easiest rule of thumb is to not eat anything that's white in color, or anything that COULD be white, cause a lot of brown things are just dyed (obviously, organic should be safe, but I just prefer to take it all out). It's really amazing how fast you get over the sugar addiction. I also recommend…
It's not just about the calories. As has been pointed out, you really need to watch those carbs, and where you're getting them from. I hit a plateau, and it seemed like it didn't matter how much I exercised, I just couldn't seem to break it, until I started looking at my carb intake. I have now cut out all rice (I use…
I advise you to google "Glycemic Index" to see how different carbs affect your body in different ways. Essentially, what you want is to eat slow carbs, moderate, good fat (fish, avocado, olive oil, dairy) and lots of lean protein. This will keep your insulin levels even, which promotes fat loss.
I think if you get used to eating the right stuff, you stop wanting to cheat. Lately, I don't find myself wanting wheat and sugar anymore, because I've broken my addiction. That said, I will allow myself to eat more fat and red meat and stuff, but as ONE MEAL at a time, not a whole day. I usually have either pizza (without…
This discussion (what I've read - I only had time for the first page, so sorry if this is a rehash) seems off course to me. Calories are only one part of the puzzle. You could eat the correct amount of calories and still starve to death if you didn't get any good nutrition. It's about getting the correct amount of…
I love it sauteed with lots of garlic, salt and pepper and a bit of crushed red pepper flakes. Another favorite is to saute some red onion, kale, bell pepper and whatever, really - could be delicious with chicken even - and then add some chick peas, season with salt, pepper, cayenne pepper and turmeric. I then throw the…
I always thought that eating regularly was just good for avoiding insulin spikes, cause those surely do make you fatter, right?
Lots of calories, yes, but they're quality calories. I would add lots of yogurt, personally, because there you get fat and protein, which will help you feel fuller longer. I make a protein smoothie every morning (drink it post-workout) that ranges from 500-700 calories. It's all natural (I don't add any protein powder -…
Yeah, I think that's going to be way too much. Also, you should add resistance training. It does much more for you than cardio. My approach is this: I do cardio for my cardiovascular health, but I do resistance training for weight loss, because that speeds up the metabolism, and is way more effective to shed fat. I'm doing…
As already mentioned, P90X focuses more on resistance training and Insanity focuses on endurance. I've tried both, and quit for different reasons. They both work, but differently. I'm a big believer in building muscle to lose weight, rather than relying too much on cardio (although I try to do as much cardio as I can, for…
I love sauteing sliced mushrooms along with some shallots and lots of garlic, and then just eating it with whatever. I like to make little wheat germ cakes and topping with some Greek yogurt (spiced, maybe like tzatziki or something), the sauteed mushrooms and then whatever veggies I'm in the mood for (tomatoes, bell…
Calories are one thing, but I think you can't really live a healthy life unless you eat proper food, and processed sugar is NOT proper food. It's a chemical.
I would like to point out that new shoes and things might only mask faults with your form. I run in minimalist shoes, on flip flops or barefoot, and once I started to do that, most of my problems went away (I do still occasionally hurt my knee, because minimalist is not a magic cure), because I was able to focus on the…
More isn't always better. This is about balance. You need to eat enough to energize you, but burn more than you eat. You need rest. Are you taking rest days? You need at least one rest day a week. That's when your body repairs itself, and that's where results come from.
100% Rye crispbread with peanut butter and honey.
As has been pointed out plenty of times, strength exercise is very important. I like functional fitness, because I like to keep everything balanced. Also, I hate going to the gym, so I do bodyweight exercises and other things I can do at home. When it comes to cardio, running is amazing, but you get more bang for your buck…