I can't lose weight



  • eyvindur
    eyvindur Posts: 19 Member
    It's not just about the calories. As has been pointed out, you really need to watch those carbs, and where you're getting them from. I hit a plateau, and it seemed like it didn't matter how much I exercised, I just couldn't seem to break it, until I started looking at my carb intake. I have now cut out all rice (I use barley instead), all sugar and all wheat. I don't do cheat meals, and I don't miss them. I stay away from potatoes and I limit my intake of bananas and other very sweet fruit.

    Basically, I try not to eat anything with a glycemic index of over 55, except in my homemade protein drink (I don't use protein powder, but rather get it from dairy or other natural sources). I would recommend tracking down some information on glycemic index (Google is your friend here), and making some changes. If your insulin levels are all over the place, not only will your energy suffer, but it will be more difficult to lose weight. Since making these changes, I've started making progress again, and I feel so much better.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I would suggest you open your diary.

    Logging 5/6 days per week means your not logging 1/2 days per week. All your hard work could easily be wiped out doing this. Also like the others say use a good scale and weigh everything for a few months.

  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    It's not just about the calories. As has been pointed out, you really need to watch those carbs, and where you're getting them from. I hit a plateau, and it seemed like it didn't matter how much I exercised, I just couldn't seem to break it, until I started looking at my carb intake. I have now cut out all rice (I use barley instead), all sugar and all wheat. I don't do cheat meals, and I don't miss them. I stay away from potatoes and I limit my intake of bananas and other very sweet fruit.

    Basically, I try not to eat anything with a glycemic index of over 55, except in my homemade protein drink (I don't use protein powder, but rather get it from dairy or other natural sources). I would recommend tracking down some information on glycemic index (Google is your friend here), and making some changes. If your insulin levels are all over the place, not only will your energy suffer, but it will be more difficult to lose weight. Since making these changes, I've started making progress again, and I feel so much better.

    Great advice. I just stick to 120g carbs and around 30g sugar. 1400-1700 cals. If my carbs creep up all weight loss stops. I had a 6 month plateau whilst I worked it a out! Big calorie deficits but too much carbs. I'm wondering if your body is the same?

  • eyvindur
    eyvindur Posts: 19 Member
    Could be. I think the easiest rule of thumb is to not eat anything that's white in color, or anything that COULD be white, cause a lot of brown things are just dyed (obviously, organic should be safe, but I just prefer to take it all out). It's really amazing how fast you get over the sugar addiction.

    I also recommend eating lots of superfoods, because more quality nutrition will naturally make you not want the bad stuff.

    Also, everybody should check out a documentary called Hungry for Change. I don't know the policy on linking here, so just Google it.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    It's not just about the calories. As has been pointed out, you really need to watch those carbs, and where you're getting them from. I hit a plateau, and it seemed like it didn't matter how much I exercised, I just couldn't seem to break it, until I started looking at my carb intake. I have now cut out all rice (I use barley instead), all sugar and all wheat. I don't do cheat meals, and I don't miss them. I stay away from potatoes and I limit my intake of bananas and other very sweet fruit.

    Basically, I try not to eat anything with a glycemic index of over 55, except in my homemade protein drink (I don't use protein powder, but rather get it from dairy or other natural sources). I would recommend tracking down some information on glycemic index (Google is your friend here), and making some changes. If your insulin levels are all over the place, not only will your energy suffer, but it will be more difficult to lose weight. Since making these changes, I've started making progress again, and I feel so much better.

    I admire your discipline but my lord I couldn't follow that plan. I think I eat rice at least 5 times a week, loads of bananas, 'cheat' on a regular basis. It's great if it's kick started your weight loss though, different strokes for different folks and all that :-)
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    Have a read of http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/how-to-estimate-maintenance-caloric-intake.html

    To summarise it, eat: ~11-13 cal/lb of bodyweight.
    For example, I weigh 155lbs so for fat loss I should eat between 1705 (11*155) and 2015 (13*155) calories per day. To be "specific" I should eat 20% less than my maintenance which is 2325 (15*155)) so that's 1860 per day.
    Set protein to 1g/lb of weight (or 1.2g/lb if you want to)
    Set fat to 0.5g/lb of weight.
    Fill the remaining calories with carbs.

    Eat the same on ALL days, regardless of whether you are training or not.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Could be. I think the easiest rule of thumb is to not eat anything that's white in color, or anything that COULD be white, cause a lot of brown things are just dyed (obviously, organic should be safe, but I just prefer to take it all out). It's really amazing how fast you get over the sugar addiction.

    I also recommend eating lots of superfoods, because more quality nutrition will naturally make you not want the bad stuff.

    Also, everybody should check out a documentary called Hungry for Change. I don't know the policy on linking here, so just Google it

    Anything white? That would include the sacred Greek yoghurt though. You would have to prize that from my cold dying hands before I gave that up!!
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    I would like to read this today-and all the replies-and see if I have anything to add.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Yes you can

    Care to elaborate on that then? I suppose you are the unique special snowflake exception to the rule? You eat ****, you look like ****. Not rocket science.

    I read this as him responding to the OP. I've noticed many people don't often read past the first post.

    He should learn to use the quote button then hahaha

    He could've possibly posted a second after you... the norm is, if he is responding to any one or post beside the OP that is when he has to use the quotes. Just cause he posted after you doesn't mean you were the intended audience.
  • wickedwendy6
    wickedwendy6 Posts: 117 Member
    Have to agree with the people suggesting that you make your food diary open - nobody can really give you constructive assistance without knowing what you are putting into your body. :smile:
  • blanhe2
    Write down what you eat, it may be that your portion sizes are not right. Also, it would show you if you are close to your cal target for losing weight, especially if you exercise as well.
  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member
    Log and open your food diary. It is difficult to offer advice without visibility to your nutritional habits. Like someone above said, whether you are successful or not with weight loss is mostly in response to what is going in your mouth. Then you need to stick with it for a long period of time and practice patience.
  • missferoux
    missferoux Posts: 118 Member
    When I decided to quit smoking and lose weight and get fit, I cut out chocolate and started running. I ran 5-6 times a week. I didn't control my calories heavily, but was eating around the 1800 mark I guess. I didn't lose a thing for a whole month.

    Then I did two things - and my weight started falling off. I drank more water and cut my calories to 1200. Now 1200 isn't enough for some - thats the figure that works for me. The water caused me to lose 6lb in the first week. Teh restrictions on calories meant I lost 1-2lb per week.

    I'm not saying my way is the right way, but since September I've lost 27lb, so it's right for me. If it isn't working, and you feel well, you are exercising enough, so look at the calories you are taking in?
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    You are exercising--that is fantastic! Keep doing this! Make a commitment per week! Great job!

    I think you should add 2 things:

    1) 8-9 glasses of water a day no matter what. Get some water bottles and start-don't stop!!

    2) a) Log your calories-every bite! You need to know what you are eating daily. There are categories on the food logging-calories, fat, sodium etc. You should know what you are eating.

    b) Once you see this and kind of commit to seeing what you eat, you can research what daily calorie goal you need to be in order to lose a 1/2 or a pound a week.

    Weight, unfortunately, is about what we are eating. You will lose when it is at a deficit.
    The great thing is your metabolism is most likely good because of your exercise!
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    Yes you can

    Care to elaborate on that then? I suppose you are the unique special snowflake exception to the rule? You eat ****, you look like ****. Not rocket science.

    I read this as him responding to the OP. I've noticed many people don't often read past the first post.

    Indeed I was.

  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Yes you can

    Care to elaborate on that then? I suppose you are the unique special snowflake exception to the rule? You eat ****, you look like ****. Not rocket science.

    I read this as him responding to the OP. I've noticed many people don't often read past the first post.

    Indeed I was.


    Well in that case, I offer my sincere apologies. But...to be fair it certainly looked liked you were responding to my post. But hey, confusion cleared up, my mistake obviously. Sorry, I'm a grumpy ***** in the morning lol. My bad.
  • roma2011
    roma2011 Posts: 33 Member
    This is the first time that MFP has been successful for me in any major way, I've lost about a stone in the last month. The difference? Drinking lots more water, cutting waaaay down on processed foods (so lots of cooking dinner from scratch) and eating about half the amount of carbs that I used to. My calories are usually down around the 1200 mark Mon - Fri and then I splurge on the weekends. Apparently that's a good thing though - supposedly it wakes up your metabolism. At least that's what I tell myself! Maybe if you let us have a look at your diary for a few days we might be able to help?