ddoohaluk Member


  • I have had my mirena for almost 3 years and have no doubts that this is the best birth control for me. Prior to the mirena I was on various birth control pills/etc including ortho tri cyclene, yasmin, and nuva ring (most recently). With the pills and the ring, I had a steady weight gain and had a hard time losing any…
  • back and legs also uses the pullup bar. You need a bit of room for core syngeristics as you do some rolling and walking lunges but I can make it work in my small living room.
  • All depends on what type of riding and workout. Most of my workouts during the week are either on my road bike on the trainer (high intensity less than 1.5 hours) or on the cross bike on a limestone trail as I commute to work. Weekend rides can vary from technical single track on the mountain bike to long boring rides on…
  • You may not have much luck. The pool is one of the places where a HRM does not work very well. The presence of the water between the monitor and watch causes interference and does not allow a consistent reading. I work for a coaching company that trains our triathletes using HR for the bike and run but we have yet to find…
  • I'm 5'2" with a tentative goal of 116. The lowest I have been in recent years is 118 just before my second ironman. I am at 122 right now but have different goals than just a number on the scale. My mantra is "Strong is the new skinny" so I may never make it to 116 without having to sacrifice muscle tone and strength. As a…
  • There is(was) a studio near my house and I practiced there for about 2 years in the mid-2000s. It was a good workout and I did see some results. But I got distracted my training for triathlons couldn't find the time to integrate the callenetics workouts in to my other training.
  • I am a modified P90Xer. I do the 3 strength workouts each week and use my own swim/bike/run workouts in place of the cardio. I love it. I am starting round 2 and can not believe the changes I am seeing. I definitely don't look like the changes in the commercials but I have lots more definition in my arms and legs and I may…
  • Congratulations on the marathon!! I am doing p90X and am starting Phase 3 this week. I am in IM retirement (did IMWI in 2009 and 2010) but still do triathlons. This year's focus is getting fast for offroad triathlons. My recommendation is to make sure the next month is fun and unstructured. IM training is a second job (and…
  • I do ice baths quite frequently during my peak training cycles (after long runs, long rides, etc). Research has shown that the water does not need to be ice cold but around 50 degrees. I usually just fill the bath tub with cold water and "jump" in. I add actual ice about 25% of the time as it just melts within seconds…
  • most run specific short/pants/tights are designed to be worn without underwear so I'll second or third the commando suggestion.
  • No doing 30DS but p90X and I didn't take before photos. I am nearing the end of week 8 and I really wish I would have. I keep looking in the mirror and "thinking" i see a difference. I wish I had proof that there was a difference. I am thinking I will take photos at the end of week 8 so I can see if if there is a…
  • As a fellow Chicago runner, I recommend layers for winter running. With the winds here (today we have 60 mph gusts) layers are the way to go. You will commonly find yourself hot and sweaty only to turn around, find a headwind, and freeze. Layers and shirts with zippers help with that. I would make sure you have the…
  • Not sure where you live but if it is a moderate to large city, try a smaller, non-national grocery chain. I live in the Chicago area and we have several Italian grocery stores (Caputos) as well as several Mexican grocery chains that are way cheaper than the national chains. Their fruit and vegetable prices are ridiculously…
  • No worries on passing along the REI deal. I actually stopped in and picked up one myself on Saturday. I couldn't deal with the frustrations of my 305 any longer and I got an email telling me my preordered 910xt wouldn't ship till Feb. I'll either just keep the 310xt or I will have a sweet deal on a 310xt come Feb when the…
  • Checking in as I start the Phase II recovery week. I am feeling good as I finish phase II. I purchased a pullup bar and the lifeline pullup assist bands someone mentioned on here and I can't believe how much harder the pullup are than when I was using just a band (and I was using a 90lb band). I am barely getting 12-15 in…
  • I am a triathlete and have the 305 but will be upgrading to the 310xt or the 910xt (that is a whole other debate). The 305 has suited me fine but these are the reasons for my upgrade: 1) battery life - the 305 is really not suitable for long course triathlons unless you can go sub-9 which is about how long my 305 works…
  • I am at the start of week 6 here. I am begining to think that I will never have the amazing results they show on the infomercials but I am seeing some progress. I am starting to be able to see stomach muscles and maybe a bit more definition in my arms and shoulders. I should have taken before pics but as someone who hates…
  • I'm 35 (will be 36 in a month) and am 5'2". I am currently at 126.8 with a goal of 118 (or really to have some defined abs and look good naked). Highest weight was 134 but that was a couple of years ago. Currently, I am not sure that I will be able to get to 118 without impacting my muscle mass. I am an endurance athlete…
  • Only a football? He got off easy. I have had all sorts of things thrown at me while running and cycling. The worst was a full, 12 oz can of Hawaiian Punch. Some kids launched it out of daddy's lexus and it hit me square in the right quad. It left a huge bruise that was there for weeks. Hopefully, not as long as the bruise…
  • Happy Monday fellow P90Xers! Hope you had a great week and weekend. I meet all of my P90X goals last week (2 times X stretch, back/legs, and 2 times core synergistics). I did miss one of my run workouts but all of my other S/B/R workouts were spot on!! I did have a minor setback last week. I work with a coach to help guide…
  • If you read a bunch of the threads on p90x you will find everyone lists their p90x workouts differently. There is even a new thread on this from earlier today - it called p90x so maybe you can find that for some more advice. The p90x nutrition guide lists each workout as 600 calories so you can use that and create your own…
  • I did core synergistics for the first time today and I all I can say is "I hate it, but I love it". It was a tough workout but what was most frustrating as there was no time for demos like in the other videos and since it was my first time I had no clue what I was doing. I know I could have just watched the first couple…
  • If I am reading your post correctly, you are looking for advice on how to train the following days. For me, I usually have a short shake out run the next day following my long runs (for me long runs are 15-20 miles). The shake out run is easy and is usually 45-60 minutes in length. Often times, two days after is a rest or…
  • Like the others above have said Yak Traxs are great for running in snow and ice. Or even better you can make yourself a pair of screw shoes. Instructions can be found here: http://www.skyrunner.com/screwshoe.htm After years of running in yak traxs, I switched to screw shoes 3 years ago and won't ever go back. Screw shoes…
  • Starting week 4 today since I took a week off when I had to travel out of town for a family emergency. Last week I hit all of my goals including 3 P90X strength workouts - back/legs, chest/back, and shoulder/arms (all with ARX) and X stretch combined with 3 runs, 2 bikes, and 2 swims. I think X stretch could be my most…
  • I coach beginner runners (from the 5K to the marathon distance), and I would recommend scheduling walk breaks in during your runs. Don't wait until you feel you need to walk but set a plan at the start of a run and follow it. Some people may say that using a run/walk program is not really running but I have to disagree. I…
  • Erickirb gave a great explanation of how it all works. I eat my exercise calories back (or at a minimium a portion of them) and can not even begin to comprehend how people do NOT eat their exercise calories back. There is no way I could survive on 1200 calories a day and 10-12 hours of training a week. If i have a couple…
  • Avid cycler here! I started out in the triathlon world with lots of road cycling with some mtn riding here and there to fill in gaps. But this last year, I have been primarily a mtn bike rider and managed a couple of off-road tris and mountain bike races. My goal is to continue to ride the mtn bike outside all winter (in…
  • after legs and back yesterday all I can say today is Holy Glutes! i am hoping that this afternoon's yoga or stretch (haven't decided which one yet) will help work out some of the kinks. Hope all is well with my fellow challengers!
  • I am ultrarunner and triathlete and I do something similar as billb2112 -I rotate my swim/bike/runs workouts between the p90X strength workouts. I also try to work in at least 1 of the other dvds (yoga, plyo, stretch, etc) at least once a week. I do have some double days but I am careful about not beating myself up too…