P90X Question...

So I just bought this yesterday! Yippee! I will start after I finish RI30, in a few weeks.... kind of. I wont be getting the pull up bar for a while and I don't have enough room as the program says it requires. I was hoping someone who's done the program, can tell me which DVDs use the pull up bar and if they're are alternate exercises I could do for now. Also, which DVDs need all that room.



  • btdublin
    btdublin Posts: 250 Member
    Chest and Back needs pull up bar. But he does show you a way of doing it with the bands. I highly recommend the bands if you don't have weights - the resistance is actually very effective and should be sufficient for you. You will need a secure attachment for the band up high in your room - I don't have this (fear of breaking the door frame!) so I do upright rows instead for now (put band under your feet).

    For the space required, it's not too bad. Plyometrics is the most for moving around, and then Kenpo. You can work it around stuff, I am sure you won't have too much problem.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Chest and Back needs pull up bar. But he does show you a way of doing it with the bands. I highly recommend the bands if you don't have weights - the resistance is actually very effective and should be sufficient for you. You will need a secure attachment for the band up high in your room - I don't have this (fear of breaking the door frame!) so I do upright rows instead for now (put band under your feet).

    For the space required, it's not too bad. Plyometrics is the most for moving around, and then Kenpo. You can work it around stuff, I am sure you won't have too much problem.

    Thanks! I appreciate it!
  • ddoohaluk
    ddoohaluk Posts: 40 Member
    back and legs also uses the pullup bar. You need a bit of room for core syngeristics as you do some rolling and walking lunges but I can make it work in my small living room.