raysputin Member


  • T....bone steak - barbecued and smothered in mustard gravy with a side of barbecue potato slices and onion rings. In my dreams of course, (sigh) maybe one day.
    in Tea! Comment by raysputin November 2014
  • I'm 67YO and am generally under 1,000. I know it's supposed to be too low but if I go up to 1,100 my weight loss stops. I cut out most carbs and concentrate on low cal, filling foods such as mushrooms, cucumber, beetroot and low-starch veggies. I got to my value by identifying the highest cal item I regularly ate for a…
  • My readings are in Australian notation. After suffering an infarction, I took my total chol from 5.5 (marginally over) to 2.2 (damn near as low as you can go) by cutting fats, especially offal fats and adding oat bran to my diet. During this time my BMI was 40 and my final HDL:LDL ratio was 1:1.2. Even though I have now…
  • Ahhh - I see the light. Thank you people. I knew I was wrong somewhere.
  • In the effort to be brief I left out the method for calculating joules. The method I am using is to multiply the weight by gravity in mtrs/sec (9.8) to convert to newtons and then by the distance moved against gravity in metres to calculate the joules. The joule to calorie conversion is straight forward from there.
  • You MUST weigh and log EVERYTHING. It is human nature to underestimate the calories in food and weighing and logging made the difference between me being successful at weight loss and not. Guessing and hoping does not cut it. As for giving things up - well it depends on whether you are serious or not. If you are serious,…
  • Why not set yourself the max and monitor from there? Weigh and record everything you eat and set your daily consumption to 1200 cals (the MFP recommended minimum for men). Monitor for a month and adjust if losing too fast.
  • Pizza is rubbish. It's loaded with fat, salt and carbs. A lot of the toppings are processed with nitrites. Yuck! Yuck! Yuck!
  • Dukan (Atkins with vegetables). But you MUST weigh and record EVERY bit of food you eat.
  • It doesn't matter what you keep, teenagers will find fault with it. On the evening of our main grocery run my youngest would open the cupboard and say, "Why is there never anything to eat around here?" Good thing we loved him. Our philosophy was to keep mostly "good" food with the occasional treat. A really hungry teenager…
  • I do not know of such a device. I am also mildly autistic and find the choices difficult as well. I find that, if I take my time and double-check, I can usually find the correct one. The database can be a bit confusing because MFP has people from many different countries and one food item may not be the same from one…
  • Research currently being undertaken suggests that we do not need carbs at all. It's early days yet but we may all be singing a different carb tune in a couple of years. You heard it here first folks.
  • Stir one sachet of lo-cal jelly crystals into 500gms lo-fat cottage cheese. Good desert or cheesecake filling. Or stir in thousand island dressing and sweet chilli dressing for a dip.
  • You would have to agree that a woman in the weight area is not as common as a man in the weight area. Rightly or wrongly, most men feel protective towards women and will feel some motivation to assist if they think the lady is in some way disadavntaged such as being in an unfamiliar environment. This comes from thousands…
  • I believe that most humans undergo a hormonal transformation during their middle twenties. My research suggests that HGH (alone or in combination) is the culprit and that some of us are very sensitive to it and this keeps us slim no matter what. When HGH production slows down at about 26YO (for most of us), that "weight…
  • My home-made bread with real butter. (Sigh) Maybe when I reach my weight target.
  • I use a plastic doohickey that sits in the water with the eggs and shows you just how cooked they are. You just remove the eggs when the display shows them cooked to your liking. Coupla bucks on eBay - no batteries.
  • If you are eating a calorie deficit there is no way you can fail to lose weight - thousands of years of mathematics are not wrong. There are some factors which will influence the efficiency with which your body processes food but the basic algebra remains the same - out > in = loss. Weigh and record everything. If you are…
  • I've only drunk straight tap water for years - not dead yet.
  • Light a backyard incinerator on a day of high winds and over 100 degrees. And yes, it did get out of hand, at which time he disappeared and let others try to control it until the fire responders turned up.
  • Five hours in a white water kayak against the current just to get a 15 minute rush coming back down.
  • She is insecure and lacking in self-esteem and is a product of the "beautyism" propaganda that we are all subjected to by companies whose business is selling industrial by-products disguised as beauty enhancers. She does not have the intellectual wherewithal and strength of personality to see through the propaganda and…
  • Unless you were in NT, 120KPH is over the speed limit. Doing 120KPH in a 4WD is asking for trouble anyway - they are unstable at speed as the six rollovers attests. I can't see a bitumen surface in the photos which makes the 120KPH even more ill-advised. With luck, your pains are just minor and will go away by themselves…
  • I started with a loss of 10% because this would halve my heart attack risk. That achieved I set another 10% loss target. The steps give a sense of achievement and provide a point to reflect and reassess. It also gives a point at which you can reward yourself for being a "good loser".
  • The one with the highest bran (fibre) content. Sorry for double post - gorilla fingers strike again.
  • The one with the highest bran (fibre) content.
  • Your body does not need simple sugars because it can extract what energy it needs from other sources such as protein or complex carbs. BUT it does need protein because it cannot manufacture the essential amino acids that it contains. Excessive protein can increase the load on the kidneys but this is not as bad as the…
  • Why would you take any nutrient risk when "eating small"? You may be nutrient deficient or not - how can you tell until your health fails? Unless you have an proper dietician work out your diet you can't tell if you are getting all you need or not. Nutrient supplements from established manufacturers are safe. Take the…
  • There is a lot to be said for the fit overweight. Some recent studies suggest that fitness is more important than low weight for maintaining health. That said, as you age your body needs to be molly-coddled more. Also fat can block hormonal receptors such as insulin and clog up your liver as you age. A long-term weight…