Hard boiled eggs...



  • rachael1415
    Crack on the bench after boiling and roll them under your palm so the shell cracks entirely the way around and then peel under running water. I have never had a problem with shell sticking.
  • raysputin
    raysputin Posts: 142 Member
    I use a plastic doohickey that sits in the water with the eggs and shows you just how cooked they are. You just remove the eggs when the display shows them cooked to your liking. Coupla bucks on eBay - no batteries.
  • roanokejoe49
    roanokejoe49 Posts: 820 Member
    I use a vegetable steamer. Just steam six eggs for 25 minutes, dump them in ice water for 5 minutes, and peel and enjoy.
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    The green ring is caused when they're overcooked.

    Everyone has a different method, I say do what works for you. I put them in a pot of cold water with a bit of vinegar (which stops them from cracking by reducing the size of the bubbles when boiling), on the gas stove (instant heat) for 11 minutes FROM COLD. Take it off, run cold water from the tap into the saucepan to stop them from cooking.

    Perfect every time, never had a fail.
  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    I've had to get more creative when it comes to cooking eggs hard, especially here in California where we're in a drought and I refuse to waste water. So, I bake my eggs, in shell, and they come out perfect.
  • redfisher1974
    redfisher1974 Posts: 614 Member
    Well my steamed eggs turned out good, 11 minutes in the steamer then into the fridge for a few hours then peel under cold running water.