burnsgene42 Member


  • Way to go! I've gone through the same thing. We were taught not to waste food. "Think of all those starving little _____________________ Children" I do save food if possible , put it in the ice box to eat later , but "cleaning my plate" is a thing of the past. Hang in there. D
  • I used to hear it ,especially from my sister who insisted I probably had cancer and was dying and wouldn't tell her. I think a lot of people especially from the depression era and just after equate health as rosy cheeked and pudgy. I think they remember what hungry people looked like . If it's a loved one I would just…
  • So from some of the answers I'm seeing here, If instead of an old lady knitting , if the pie thrower had instead said "You're not a ____________(any ethnic/racial group)" and thrown pie striking person of that group , Still Funny ? No harm ? How about a disabled vet ? or a small child ? Still funny ? Not funny ? Why was…
  • Well I'm all for starting out easy and gradually working into it. I would suggest start by taking walks . Get a stroller and take the baby along. I suggest walking because it's something everyone knows how to do. Doesn't require a coach or training . Just put on your shoes and walk out the door. As walking gets easier…
  • Cleaning the outside of the house getting ready to repaint. Trimming back bushes/shrubbery , up on the roof cleaning off all the last falls leaves. Spring Cleaning ((;
  • Paddling a kayak 3.5 mph on still water shouldn't be a problem for anyone in shape that has practiced enough they can keep it in a straight line. With current in your favor you should be able to hit at least 4 mph. which would give you 90 min. for 6 miles. Takes a lot of folks 3-5 times out before they really get the kayak…
  • "That bothers you ?" You mean " She a old white bish " ? Racism , prejudice and racial stereotypes don't bother you ? I was trying to clarify exactly what a "bish" is.
  • Wholeheartedly agree. Will add climb a rope if you can set one up. Stamina and agility will get you through. Probably most of the guys you're competing against won't be in shape. You should be. It'll also pay off later when you get into a foot pursuit or scuffle . Let's face it , Everything is easier when you're in shape…
  • I agree, at least in theory. Last time I ask this question , someone suggested that we had it all backwards , trying to eat back lost calories. He suggested we should tailor our diet today ,eating enough so tomorrow's workout isn't on an "empty tank". Probably good advise , I'm just not that good at planning anything (((;
  • I don't eat all mine back , maybe a third of them. There's no way I can eat them back the same day . The next day I find myself trying to stay under my daily goal. I wish there was an easy way to keep a weekly average without all the math. I think if I ate them all back I would gain weight. Either overestimating the…
  • I never was a "weight lifter" or "body builder" but I used run and work out in the gym to stay in shape , but let's face it well defined muscles aren't a bad thing. I worked under the premise that muscles and strength are built by stressing muscles then resting them. That's stressing them not tearing them. Don't overdo it…
  • "but he didn't take aim at the grandma." Intent goes with the bullet. Intend or not it's simple battery. Unless she's seriously injured. " I think it's okay " I think we all find it funny when a seemingly powerful person ( Politician, Police Officer, Millionaire ) gets put in their place and embarrassed . No one would find…
  • Yep . Back in the early 80's I lost a little over 50 lb. Used the "Jim Fix Plan". After I retired I gained back up to about 200lb. I've gotten it down to about 175 now and dropping. Fitness Pal is like an online version of the Jim Fix plan. Whatever worked for you before should work now. AND you know the plan can work. ((;
  • "40 somethings" ....Deep sigh... I can only dream. (((((; On a serious note I was 40 something when I started eating right ,exercising . Lost about 50 lb. started running. Got in shape. Fell of the wagon several times over the next 30 years but so far I've always climbed back on . It seems to get easier cause you know you…
  • When I first started all this my wife would help my plate. What she put on the plate, that was it. I would schedule a cheat meal when I hit a certain goal like lose 5 lbs. If I couldn't stand it I would eat an apple or banana or something good for me. When you feel the urge go outside for a walk, or take a shower. Anything…
  • +1. The sweat is there to cool your body off. let it. I "sweat like a horse ". Literally. Dress to evaporate the sweat ,stay cool and try to drink enough water to offset the water/sweat loss. Water is filling and almost calorie free (((;
  • Seeing people with real injuries, disabilities ,veterans ,cancer survivors/patients ect ,( not laziness like me) ,still cheerfully bravely working and staying in shape and enjoying what ever life is there for them with whatever body is left to them. Look at them. What's YOUR excuse ? Same as me. NO EXCUSE !!
  • I used to enjoy going early in the cool morning ( S Fl.) . Seemed like I had accomplished at least something for the rest of the day. But really the best time to run is when you have the time needed and your shoes are handy. Enjoy . ((;
  • Welcome aboard. One of the hardest things about weight loss is the realization that your weight and fitness is within your control, you can do something about it. You are NOT stuck with this. There is nothing about "busy schedule, injuries, illnesses and limited resources" that fitness and health won't make better. Any…
  • Sit her down and explain to her respectfully that though you would jump in the fire for her or your spouse that this is your and your spouse's life and you will make your own decisions. That though you really appreciate her advise ,in the end it is your and your spouse's call. I put up with a father in law like that for…
  • Is stationary biking a waste of time ? Not according to my polar watch which adds up calories burned weather I'm on a real bike or the indoor one. Just adjust the tension on the indoor bike so that you burn the same amount per hour as your real bike. With a twist you can create hills. I think the stationary bike actually…
  • Butter in coffee something new ? My uncle Erb (from the WW1 days) was putting butter,with huge amount of sugar in his coffee back in the 40s. Carpenter , thin as a rail healthy as a horse.
  • Advise. The hardest , most difficult part of any exercise program is (for example running) lacing up your shoes and walking out the door . This is the easiest time to come up with all the excuses and reasons NOT to exercise . Make yourself overcome this obstacle and the rest is easy. After a few weeks you actually start…
  • As Mark Twain said " Get a bike and learn to ride it , You will enjoy it . IF you live." Hey! If I can get back on a bike at age 70 you certainly have no excuse ((; Now I'm riding in traffic and logging about 100+ mi. a week. I gotta admit I felt a little apprehensive (and self-conciense) when I first got back on. I'd…
  • I like peanut butter. Has a lot of energy. If you have time you can grind up baked/shelled peanuts for a couple of days instead and lose a lot of oil and preservatives.
  • Right up front, first thing , just give em a house and a car ,call em some names and walk away. Save yourself about 5-7 years of grief and lawyer fees. (-
  • I know I never could drink that much when I was working. If it's convenient keep a 24 oz. water bottle or glass near to remind you. It's easier for retired people. just leave a 24 oz. class filled with water on the counter to remind you to drink. I used to do hard outside physical labor out in the heat and I know I could…
  • BK's Double Bacon cheeseburger salad with a side of buns and fries washed down with sugar free coke is one of my favorites. (;