HELP, would love your thoughts and ideas

I want to lose weight, but mostly I want to gain life (health, energy, movement).

I have an obese BMI. I have an extremely sedentary lifestyle and my body is always stiff and sore. I don't move it enough. I am changing this now. I need advice on an exercise plan.

I have access to:

- A great place to walk with outdoor fitness equipment
- A fully equipped gym
- A cross trainer at home
- Space to do at-home workout DVDs (have JM 30 day shred and 90 day body transformation)
- A boxing/kick boxing bag

I have a 4.5 month old and I am breastfeeding. I am aiming to eat 1800-2000 calories per day.

My pelvic floor is still recovering so jumping is a bit iffy. I have very mild separation of my ab muscles so need to be mindful of what ab exercises I do.



  • burnsgene42
    burnsgene42 Posts: 102 Member
    Well I'm all for starting out easy and gradually working into it. I would suggest start by taking walks . Get a stroller and take the baby along. I suggest walking because it's something everyone knows how to do. Doesn't require a coach or training . Just put on your shoes and walk out the door. As walking gets easier ,branch out with some easy upper body exercises.
    Any exercise you can do one of , Then do one every day until you can do two then do that until... Get it?
    Take it easy on yourself at first but try to get into the habit of doing whatever you planned every day .
    You want to get addicted to exercise . Feel like something is wrong IF you don't go out and walk /jog.
    JUST START ! Anything you do is better than doing nothing. Right ?
    I am not a trainer. Just my 2 cents worth.
    Good Luck.
  • PopeyeCT
    PopeyeCT Posts: 249 Member
    I go outside a lot, and there are a lot of mothers with babies using jogging strollers. Can you do that? You don't have to actually jog. You can just go on long walks.
  • DesertGunR
    DesertGunR Posts: 187 Member
    Get a good pair of walking shoes for now. They actually make dedicated walking shoes. Take the little one with you in the stroller. In the beginning start with short and easy walks, since you will need to fit them into your little ones feeding sessions. Your body is already under stress so give it some time to recover. Talk to your OB/GYN about how serious your ab separation is and if they can refer you to a physical therapist that get you on a proper rehab program for that and your pelvic floor. Odds are that the PT will give you a program that can be done mostly at home with all the equipment you have available. Now once those two issues are properly taken care of, then the possibilities are pretty much endless with the equipment you have available to you.

    I would suggest that once you have those issues well in hand, that you look into a strength program like StrongLifts 5x5 plus some cardio fitness that you enjoy. Include the little one as much as you can in whatever you do so you are visibly setting a good example. Above all make sure it is something you enjoy and it will be much easier to stick to for long haul.

    Good Luck!
  • imaginaryproduct
    imaginaryproduct Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone.

    I should have said I have been cleared by the doctor and physio to exercise (starting off slow, and not high-impact). I have some exercises to do for the abdominal separation, it's less than a finger width apart now so really mild).

    I do go for a walk a few times a week but it doesn't feel like exercise... I feel like I should be doing more. I guess I am getting ahead of myself with enthusiasm to start doing something. I will start with walking and then adding in some other exercises gradually.