hamoncan Member


  • Do both. Cardio doesn't have to be intense. Brisk walking or swimming is great for you. IMO, your strength training should mainly concern the big 3, your legs (you got it, squats are the best), your chest (push) and your back (pull). It sounds like you might be doing a lot of incidental arm exercise which is unecessary for…
  • When you first start lifting weights many do gain some muscle even while losing weight. After that initial phase though, you won't until you up your calories again. Take it as it comes and keep on losing the weight. "Bulking" is pretty tricky if you don't want to just get fat again (yup, done that), so only go there if you…
  • Can't wait until I'm old and don't care enough to not say exactly what's on my mind aloud ;)
  • Considering that your base calories burned per day is an estimate anyways I've never been convinced that resistance training is worth adding back calories for. Even for long bouts of cardio I only add back a very conservative number. If you're eating to lose weight it seems like there is a greater risk of over-estimating…
  • Don't be a victim. Our whole culture loves victimhood and tends to wallow in it. Everything is someone or something else's fault. Take responsibility for your choices. If you're shoving too much into your mouth, it's because you choose to. If you don't want to do it any more, then don't. Don't lie to yourself as if it…
  • Just MFP on my phone, the scale, the mirror, a good pair of runners (for lots of walking), audio books/podcasts, dumbells and an exercise mat.
  • Commit to logging everything even if you go totally "off diet". The data will help motivate you. Click that button at the end of the day when you're done logging that tells you the weight you are trending towards if you eat the same as you did today. Don't like it? Do something about it or accept that is where you're…
  • You can't go wrong so long as you do something! Everyone seems to have a different blend of cardio and resistance training. Some only do one or the other. Just get fit. Doing what you like and makes you feel good gives you by far the best chance for success.
  • Keeping good (less calorie dense) food around is half the battle for me. It takes time but after a while and some success you just won't want the junk food. Over time I've entirely lost my taste for salty foods. If you do eat it, don't pretend it never happened, log it so you have to acknowledge your calorie intake.
  • I hope he's eating gluten free Rocky Road ice cream.
  • Have you researched the effects of soy products on men/boys? Sounds like there's some things to worry about there, especially if you make them a staple in your diet.
  • Maybe figure out what weight you would be comfortable with and start eating at the calorie count that would level off at that weight. For example a 5-6 25 year old woman will maintain her weight at 120 lbs if she eats approx 1800 calories per day. If you`re under that you`ll slowly rise to that weight and stop when you…
  • Milk seems to set off a nagging cough for me - I assumed I`d hate milk alternatives - I`m like that, but turns out I love almond milk - don`t be afraid to try it, it`s always selling out at my grocery store
  • Depends on the activity level you chose in your MFP settings. I never add back extra calories for exercise as on average they seem to be accounted for in my activity level settings. Other people seem to prefer setting their MFP setting to sedentary and then log their exercise and add back to calories. Figure out what works…
  • Official weigh-in is first thing, same time, same day each week. I sometimes "check" if I'm in my normal range at other times but it's only roughly comparable to simlar days at the same time of day as my weight swings up and down a lot depending on the day and time.
  • Rest and sleep while you're sick. You'll recover faster and then be back exercising faster. You'll do more damage than good pushing your body to exercise when it's telling you it needs to rest.
  • It's a real individual thing. For me, a good breakfast sets me up for staying on track the rest of the day. If I skip, I start snacking and that's always been the source of all my excess calories. I'm a 3 square meals kind of guy. Some people are good at grazing so breakfast is less important.
  • Awesome link to the story on the Gimli Glider conversion incident
  • It's a tool, fine tune it as necessary based on actual results - I don't always lose the whole pound lately, but when I don't I usually have a good idea why - it undoubtedly makes you more aware of your calorie intake regardless of how precisely you use it
  • Its all about what you're used to - Canada has been metric for decades but we're still used to ft+inches for height and lbs for weight, 6ft-2 and 200 lbs is instantly understood to your mental frame of references but if I say I'm 188 cm and 91 kg you'll probably have very little frame of reference to decide if that's big…
  • I know what you mean - I haven't lost as much weight as you but I feel the same - seems like that last extra gear is gone - that and losing the size and weight to throw around even if it was mostly fat leaves you feeling physcially smaller - it's a macho guy thing, we like being big. On the plus side I'm feeling younger…
  • By all means listen to advice - interestingly some of it will conflict entirely - so most of all you'll have to figure out what works for you. I have "cleaned up" my diet some - I eat a lot less fast food and actually am starting to dislike some of it (greasy salty burgers make me feel ill now, still love pizza though,…
  • Your heart is your most important muscle as you age. Do your cardio.
  • If you're having trouble eating at a deficit and you have less than 10 lbs to lose, maybe just figure out what your maintenance calories would be at your goal weight and eat at that level and let your weight slowly drift down to your goal weight.
  • Force down another roasted chicken breast or something good at least when you're craving calories. You probably should stop allowing yourself to call them mindless binges though. Your mind is 100% involved in whatever choices you make. If you've got a big bag of chips in your hand, pre-log the whole bag to see what it…
  • \o/ Exactly. Seems like the less you sweat those days, the less they push you to double and triple down on indulging since you "blew it" anyways. The better I get at brushing off those "off" days, the more pleasantly surprised I am at my weight loss when I think I had a bit of a "bad" week.
  • I know its internet fitness gospel that you can't gain muscle and lose weight simultaneously yet somehow I did it every summer when I was younger and took a manual labour job when school was off. Usually lost 10-15 lbs and definitely put on some bulk. Body recomposition can happen gradually for regular folk who haven't…
  • There's lots of Subway 6" subs that are 2-300 cals. They're my goto fast food.