melissa97 Member


  • Looking for friends on my new fitbit charge to challenge me!! Please add me!
  • What app did you use...the free one or the one you paid for? How does it work? did you like it? Hoping to start this week....hopefullyy the rain holds out for me!
    in Newbie :) Comment by melissa97 May 2012
  • Thanks! I was planning on giving my girls more swimming older one is 6 and can swim but not great and my 3 year old has no fear and cant swim and we will have a pool at our house so that will def be one of the 1st things i do. I burn bad so sunscreen is my bestfriend!!
  • 197.8 down a tad but not what i want...switching some stuff around and crossing my fingers for some loss!! Hoping this knee injury dont get in my way!
  • 198.1 I gained :( I am full of excuses...time to get my a** moving and stop all the damn excuses!!!!!
  • soryi was gone all day yesterday 197.2lbs
  • i usually start the night with my chihuahua, 4 pillows & a body pillow then the hubby joins a hour later then my 3 year old & her 4 babies a few hours later then around 5 or 6 am my 6 year old joins in and my hubby gets kicked out...sometimes my cat joins the party too.
  • I think the Easter candy and 3 easter dinners got to me...i gained :( Gonna have to step it up...ofcourse i would get sick and be unable to breathe....uhhhh CW 177.6
  • my youngest is 3.5 and about 35lbs...i just bought a maclaren stroller,.,,its a better umbrella stroller. Its sturdy and pushes amazing plus its good upto 50lbs. My 6 year old still likes to sit,,,i put both in my double jogger and she has sat in the maclaren also. i like having my kids sit so i dont have to worry about…
  • SW 199.0lbs CW 196.6lbs Eveyone had such great losses!!!
  • Happy Birthday!! I had 2 birthday parties to attend this weekend...did ok Sat...we will see how today goes. Also have dinner at my in-laws...which is gonna be hard cuz MIL is a AMAZING cook!!! Weigh ins should be always bigger by
  • To stay under my calories allowence and exercise everyday...even if its only 10 min! (i always struggled with water but now use Propel zero packets into my water and can easily drink 8-12 classes aday!!!!)
  • So this is very brave for soo unhappy with the way i look and cant wait to feel good about my body! 1st time uploading pics so i hope they work!! This is current weight of 199.0lbs at 5ft 10inches tall.
  • gotta take some pictures...will do soon!
  • Im Melissa and a stay at home mom to 2 beautiful girls age 6 and 3. I was always very skinny with a super fast metabolism. I could out eat anyone i know and never gain a ounce. When i got pregnant with my first daughter i gained 55lbs but quickly lost 30 after she was born. I began to have anxiety and began treatment with…
  • Starting weight as of Monday 199.0lbs i gained in the last week...booo :( Sll glad for a compettion...something gotta get me moving and losing!!!
  • i would be interested too!!
  • every 10lbs lost i get a new workout outfit my half-way goal (30lbs) a full spa day and a few new outfits my final goal (60lbs) a new wardrobe, a weekend away to relax, mani, pedi, haircut/style
  • Im 28 and a mother to 6 & 3 year old daughters. Im moving from Massachusetts in June to North sumpter (SP) Im soo excited but soo nervouse since we are kinda doing it on a whim without much planning. I would love to have a friend that i can workout with and have playdates with when i get down there...and maybe…
  • I dont log my daily cleaning but when im shampooing rugs and washing walls and windows and mopping my whole entire house and my heart rate is up and sweat is dripping off me you are damn sure i count that as a work out!!!!
  • i wish we had something like that around me!! It sounds like a wonderful idea. especially if they make it fun with games and races and sports. Im disgusted when i see a overweight child drinking soda and eatting chips at the park...put down the damn junk and play and burn some calories!! I take my kids to a open gymnastics…
  • I passed out cold on the gym reason just did. It was sooo embarassing that i didnt go back for 7 months!! Now that im back people are always asking me if im ok...drives me crazy and makes me embarassed all over. I have noticed i dont push myself really anymore when im there for the fear of passing out. Lucky for…
  • I do themarch of dimes every year in MA for my daughter who was a 30 weeker...would love to walk with you but wont be in Florida full time till June :( Maybe next year we can get a myfitnesspal team together!
  • Hi im Melissa...not a Florida resident yet but will be soon!!! Moving to North Port in June and cant wait....I love Florida!! Looking to make friends in the sunshine state!!!!!
  • im 5' 9.5" and currently at 203...i am aiming for 150 but its just a base to work from...may be less or more depending on how i look and feel when i get there!
  • im 28, mother to 2 and been a member for a long time off and on between college and ready to make a big change & get back to pre-kid weight which totals over 50 lbs i need to lose! Add me!
  • Usually people are more attractive if they seem like they are not available...the challenge is half the fun! So no i wouldnt wear one and wouldnt be interestedin a guy wearring one!
  • my measurements where off last week for my waist & hips so it looks like i gained :( Current Weight: 200.2 Current waist inches: 41 Current hips inches: 43.2 Current wrist inches: 7.10 Current forearm inches 11.5 Exercise Minutes: 196 (didnt count in time it took me to perform challenges besides walking) Daily Challenges…
  • I have been dealing with this since my 1st child, 6 years ago! i take daily fiber and stool softner and eat lots of greens and it doesnt work. i drink lot and lots of water and exercise and that dont work :( I had my thyroid checked and it was what i do...kinda gross but it use non laxative…