

  • I usually need at least 8 hours a night. Last night I went to bed at 9:30 and I was still not ready to get up at 7:00 am...
  • A higher TSH means you have an underactive thyroid, the higher it gets, the more hypo you become is the way I understand it.
  • Thanks for explaining. My doctor said that I have thyroid antibodies present, so that means I have Hashimoto's? The sore throat makes sense. I've had a sore throat for the past few weeks, but it only hurts when I yawn. I couldn't explain it, but this could be a cause? You have explained this way better than any website…
  • Yes, most doctors are clueless - take mine for example! LOL I got my text results back last week. My thyroid was at 5.75 right before Christmas, and now it is at 7.34. I know it took a drop because of the 10 lbs I gained, but is it a significant drop over the course of 3 months, does anyone know?
  • I have dry skin ALL the time!! Winter is when it is the worst. My legs are fairly bad, if I am wearing my capri yoga pants, and cross my legs, I leave flaky skin behind on my pants. My elbows are very pointy and get sooo bad sometimes they hurt to wear clothing. I just apply lotion, lots and lots of it! My face gets dry…
  • Thanks all for your support and suggestions. I am in the process of trying to find a new doctor, but unfortunately there is a major shortage up here in Saskatchewan, and therefore I have to take what I can get. I am hunting daily for a new doctor but unfortunately have not succeeded yet. Thankfully, we have free health…
  • Total 1253 Carbs 157 Fat 43 Protein 88 Sodium 2025 Sugar 65 Went way over on my protein and sugar intake. However, I did have a banana and an apple so that accounts for most of the sugar. I drank a LOT of water - not sure how much but probably between 8-10 glasses. Exercise - ran on the treadmill for 1/2 hour. Then I did…
  • Total 1441 Carbs 130 Fat 24 Protein 49 Sodium 1,309 Sugar 32 I did have a beer at dinner, however, I only joined the group today, and I didn't know, so no more from now on! My bf also came home with some No Sugar Added bread from the grocery store last night, which was super awesome of him :)
  • I'm a little late in joining, but this group is perfect for me as I am also on the NO ADDED SUGAR kick right now. Need to get my weight down as my thyroid has gone wonky and I am gaining like CRAAZZZYYY (almost 10 lbs since before Christmas!). The only way to stop is to change my lifestyle. READY AND GO!
  • Yesterday, a co-worker gave me a big piece of rice krispies squares because I did him a favour. I had two small pieces of it, and then gave it away to a different co-worker!
  • Congrats! I tried my grad dress on last Christmas and although it was a little tight, I could still get the zipper done up! After 6 1/2 years, that's not too shabby!!
  • I listen to a bunch of different artists, but one song that I try to listen to every run is "Better Life" by Keith Urban. Its not a SUPER fast paced song, but it just really gets me going :bigsmile:
  • I'm in!! I am planning on going for a run and then to ball tomorrow, so yay for ball on Wednesdays!
  • I had a dream I went to weigh in and i was down 4lbs and was the "biggest loser" for the week... Not the case in the real world, but I still went down 0.8 lbs so thats better than nothing and better than a gain. Shredder, it'll come, just keep up the hard work I know you are doing!!!!! Allie, have a blast in Vegas!!!…
  • Goood morning everyone!!! After a gain the first week, and no change the week after that, I am FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY back down!! AND it's my TOM this week and I am bloated....soooo I must be doing something right!! YAY! LW 170.3 CW169.5 I think this diet is starting to work!!!!
  • I just bought some new ones last week. They are Saucony.... We have a store in town where they watch the way you walk and then fit runners to your needs. I tried on about 5 different pairs of 5 different brands till I found the right pair :smile:
  • I have been really slacking the past couple of weeks, but my bff found a 6 week meal plan for us to do and I technically started it today. I had to substitute my lunch as I didn't have the groceries and she didn't send me the menu until 11pm last night!!! I'll go after work tomorrow to get the groceries that I do need…
  • Well, this weekend was a bust!!! I definitely ate wayyy too much crap!! But I was out of town, and it really was our only option :( But its gorgeous out and I am ready to rock the workouts this week AND back on the diet train!!! HERE WE GO!!!! Tonight I plan on doing JM shred and then going for a run after :)
  • Well I've got good news and bad news. I'll start with the bad news...I didn't lose anything this week :( But the good news is that I DIDN'T GAIN. Sooo I am the same.... at 172.2 I am confused. On saturday and sunday I was down to 170.3...How possible is it for me to gain 2 lbs thru the week and then the weekends are my…
  • Hey everyone. This week has been bad bad bad... I have NOT been eating well at all :( :sad: And not to mention my lack of exercise. I have however gone for two runs. Tonight I am going runner shopping as my current pair is EIGHT, count that, EIGHT YEARS OLD!!!!!!! I am also going to buy some cleats for slo-pitch which…
  • I really needed this. I feel like all I've been doing is eating and eating and eating for the past 4 days. Next time I WILL HALT. I'll go read a book, or have a shower, or work out, or talk to my roommate now that she is home :) THANK YOU for this.
  • Hello everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend.... Allie - GREAT job on the spreadsheet!! Just wanted to say that I weighed in again on saturday morning after having two days or gourging on food, and now I am 0.3 lbs away from where I was sitting last week!! I am soo happy to be back on the weight loss train again and…
  • SW: 170 CW: 172.2 Shredder, we're one and the same. I used a new scale to measure me so I am going to go with the fact that last week's scale was WRONG!!!!! Got 4 workouts in this week so far, going for two more!!!
  • Thank you! I did a photoshoot a couple of years ago, I have about 200 pictures of high heels and fishnets, it was sooo hard to choose!!
  • Shredder, our board totally rocks!!! I am off to bed to catch some zzzz's!!!!! Have a great night everyone :drinker:
  • You and me both. On friday I was down to 170, and on Monday I was up to 174 (had my yearly check up). I don't understand because I didn't throw the rules out the window on the weekend!!! Soo, just keep tryin, it'll come eventually!!!
  • I can't actually remember the last time, so, just now is my answer. Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • Soo, today I had my yearly check up and I am MAJORLY disappointed!!!! They weighed me in at 174!!!! My starting weight was 175, soo basically I've lost ONE POUND!!! HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN? Just a lil frustrated today, I WAS down to 168, and then the scale just kept going up, if it goes up any higher I am going to break it!!…