High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    Yay, a challenge I'm good at! :) I was the water drinking champion in Basic training...:laugh:

    Cris, I'm hoping you get to feeling 100% soon! And thanks so much for the info on why we need to drink so much water. Sometimes you just hear 'because you should", and not a whole plethora of GREAT reasons why.
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    Help! I'm doing horrible on the water thing so far. I just don't feel thirsty very often, so I don't drink water (or anything for that matter) much throughout the day! The only time I drink a lot is when I'm eating, so maybe I"ll have to slug a bunch down with lunch today...

    It might not be the best way, but I drink a liter of water as soon as I get up in the morning. I just down the thing and then I am 1/3 of way there for the day. I can then worry about the other liter throught the morning and early afternoon and the third liter at the gym. It works so far.
  • bennettv
    bennettv Posts: 152 Member
    So, I really want to do this, but I just can't keep up right reading all the posts and figuring out what's going on. I appreciate the work and time for those organizing -- I know how much it can take. Right now I'm in a good grove with Couch to 5K and other exercises, eating well, and still losing. Trying to find the time to do just one more thing is starting to stress me out -- especially since I've been so bad at it. I do enjoy getting the feeds for those who friended me and that seems more manageable -- feel free to friend me if you want to keep in touch that way.

    Good luck to the rest of you!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    So, I really want to do this, but I just can't keep up right reading all the posts and figuring out what's going on. I appreciate the work and time for those organizing -- I know how much it can take. Right now I'm in a good grove with Couch to 5K and other exercises, eating well, and still losing. Trying to find the time to do just one more thing is starting to stress me out -- especially since I've been so bad at it. I do enjoy getting the feeds for those who friended me and that seems more manageable -- feel free to friend me if you want to keep in touch that way.

    Good luck to the rest of you!

    We'll miss you, but I understand how difficult it can be to keep up with too many things. Feel free to pop in and say hello every now & again! Best of luck to you as well!
  • dzoara
    dzoara Posts: 6
    First off:
    Great job on the spreadsheet!
    Congrats to the biggest loser!
    Great job MFP team on the weight loss!

    Ok so I see that everyone is posting when they complete their challenges. For me, all challenges up to date are in the clear. Done, except with the water one. Oi! I think this one might be the biggest challege so far! I might get in 32oz. when I'm working out but that's not even close to what I have to drink for this challenge! None the less its a magnificent one! Water us super important and all that info about it was nothing less than great. Thanks for posting.

    Here is something to consider girls: while we are doing this water challenge try to fast for at least two days. Nothing but water and pure fruit and vege juices! Make them yourself with a juicer or buy them but make sure you read the label and pick the best one. This is a great way to clean your system and provide it with the nutrients it need to jump start itself without all the added energy it uses tto process the waste of food. My mother is a natural health consultant and is always saying how our digestive system is really like a brain itself. With a proper functioning digestive system our bodies would fall apart since its not receiving the nutrition it needs to function properly. She always recomends a "cleanse" from her company but of course this costs money. The cheapest way to go about it is to "juice it up"! She highly reccomends 1 whole organic beet( this includes the roots and leaves), 3carrots, 3 romain lettuce leaves, 1/4 tsp of garlic extract, and 1 tbsp of liquid chlorophyll. Do this one only once a day if not once a wk for its super loaded with vitamins and you don't want to over do it.

    Cleansing your system first is the key to anything really. Its a great way to promote weight loss and help you keep it off!
  • Bee28
    Bee28 Posts: 99
    grrr...this is the first week in 2 months that I want to eat everything in sight and didn't stop myself. I was doing sooo well but for the past few days I can't get enough chocolate. Usually I include something sweet in my daily calories but its getting out of hand! At least the water challenge should help me! I just had a hot chocolate from dunkin donuts (300 cals yikes!) and thats it for me..i'm done indulging.
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Help! I'm doing horrible on the water thing so far. I just don't feel thirsty very often, so I don't drink water (or anything for that matter) much throughout the day! The only time I drink a lot is when I'm eating, so maybe I"ll have to slug a bunch down with lunch today...

    Heather, I know some of my friends who work at computors can time a "Drink Water" reminder to flash on their screen every 15 or 30 mins, whatever works for you. This may help you, especially if you get in the work zone and are so captivated in yoyr work (good girl) that you simply forget.:drinker:
    I'm a home maker so it's easier for me. I have it scheduled on my Palm and hear that reminder every hour....30 mins was way too often...I wanted to throw the phone out the window. I know scheduling to drink may seem excessive but this way will remind me until I get into the habit on my own.:drinker: Hope this helps.
    Off to mow the lawn
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    grrr...this is the first week in 2 months that I want to eat everything in sight and didn't stop myself. I was doing sooo well but for the past few days I can't get enough chocolate. Usually I include something sweet in my daily calories but its getting out of hand! At least the water challenge should help me! I just had a hot chocolate from dunkin donuts (300 cals yikes!) and thats it for me..i'm done indulging.

    Bee28 HALT!!!!
    Literally. Get out a post it, stick it on the fridge door with this acronym...
    H- Hungry?
    A- Angry?
    L- Lonely?
    T- Tired?

    Ask yourself if you are feeling one of the above and take a 10min sit down to answer. Still hungry, drink some water and try to make a healthy choice.
    Not hungry....walk away from the fridge, go to bed, call a friend, read a book, go workout.
    This has helped me before in times of stress.
    Sometimes a big donut IS the answer...don't beat yourself up about it and move on with the rest of the day.
  • NewChapter
    I really like the water challenge this week. I am never without a bottle of water. In the morning I fill up 4 water bottles and take them to work so that I have them with me, I also keep a gallon at work so that if I run out I have more to fill them up. I am picky and don't like to drink tap water unless it has been run through a filter which I have at home. There are days when I drink a gallon of water depending on how active I am. Once you get used to having the water bottle with you and train yourself to drink water on a continual basis you don't even have to think about it and you really miss it when you leave the house without the bottle.

    Good luck to everyone and keep up the great work.
  • start_on_monday
    Well its time for me to go to bed...I have tried my best on this weeks water challenge today, I didn't quite manage 12 cups....but 10...which I think is a real achievement so far, hope I can keep it up and by the end of the week be up to 12.
  • Crawline
    Crawline Posts: 1,028
    Bee28 HALT!!!!
    Literally. Get out a post it, stick it on the fridge door with this acronym...
    H- Hungry?
    A- Angry?
    L- Lonely?
    T- Tired?

    Ask yourself if you are feeling one of the above and take a 10min sit down to answer. Still hungry, drink some water and try to make a healthy choice.
    Not hungry....walk away from the fridge, go to bed, call a friend, read a book, go workout.
    This has helped me before in times of stress.
    Sometimes a big donut IS the answer...don't beat yourself up about it and move on with the rest of the day.

    I really needed this. I feel like all I've been doing is eating and eating and eating for the past 4 days.

    Next time I WILL HALT. I'll go read a book, or have a shower, or work out, or talk to my roommate now that she is home :)
    THANK YOU for this.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    anyone have any tips on eating breakfast? here is my problem....in the morning when i wake up I'm not hungry (usually around 6:30 - 7am) so i have some cereal or yogurt or toast something small but as soon as I get to work around 8:30 I'm STARVING!

    any ideas?

    Hi Nolachick,
    I prefer cereal myself but I do find that when I eat protein for breakfast that I stay fuller for longer.
    My favorite thing is 1/2 cup of egg whites mixed with 1 cup shredded spinach on a Thomas light muffin. The whole thing is approx 160 cals and keeps me full for ages
  • dzoara
    dzoara Posts: 6
    First off:
    Great job on the spreadsheet!
    Congrats to the biggest loser!
    Great job MFP team on the weight loss!

    Ok so I see that everyone is posting when they complete their challenges. For me, all challenges up to date are in the clear. Done, except with the water one. Oi! I think this one might be the biggest challege so far! I might get in 32oz. when I'm working out but that's not even close to what I have to drink for this challenge! None the less its a magnificent one! Water us super important and all that info about it was nothing less than great. Thanks for posting.

    Here is something to consider girls: while we are doing this water challenge try to fast for at least two days. Nothing but water and pure fruit and vege juices! Make them yourself with a juicer or buy them but make sure you read the label and pick the best one. This is a great way to clean your system and provide it with the nutrients it need to jump start itself without all the added energy it uses tto process the waste of food. My mother is a natural health consultant and is always saying how our digestive system is really like a brain itself. With a proper functioning digestive system our bodies would fall apart since its not receiving the nutrition it needs to function properly. She always recomends a "cleanse" from her company but of course this costs money. The cheapest way to go about it is to "juice it up"! She highly reccomends 1 whole organic beet( this includes the roots and leaves), 3carrots, 3 romain lettuce leaves, 1/4 tsp of garlic extract, and 1 tbsp of liquid chlorophyll. Do this one only once a day if not once a wk for its super loaded with vitamins and you don't want to over do it.

    Cleansing your system first is the key to anything really. Its a great way to promote weight loss and help you keep it off!
    sorry everyone I meant to say *WITHOUT proper functioning in our digestive system our bodies would slowly falter. Ugh I I guess sometimes I think faster than I can type *properly that is*
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Love the challenge this week (mostly because it will be so easy for me :wink: )
    I started consuming 100oz about two months ago and I would never go back.
    My thirst mechanism has actually adjusted to a place where I am terribly thirsty if I don't get at least 100oz.
    My skin looks more radiant and I feel more limber in general.

    Great info post Cris, thanks for sharing with all

    So I really think that my switch up to 1450 cals per day is working for me. I was on 1200 for about 3 months and did well until I hit a week without a loss for no good reason. I decided to switch it up a bit and try 1450 for the last 1.5 weeks....so far so good.....I'm down 2.8 lbs in 11 days.
    To take the experiment even further I think I might go back down to 1200 next week just to see what happens.

    I know some people do switch up their calories from day to day or week to week and I'd love to hear your experiences with doing that. What worked for you???

  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    will i got my cardio in today. i'l do some kind of workout later.
  • AngelaCZ
    AngelaCZ Posts: 158
    I agree with NewChapter. I've been drinking at least a 1/2 gallon of water a day and don't go anywhere without my water bottle. I hate when I do occassionally forget it.
    A tip for those ladies who find it difficult to drink water: I hate plain water unless it is ice cold. I have found the Crystal Light Cherry Pomegranite to be very good. It is only about 5 calories per serving. I use the pouches. The directions state to use 1 pouch for 16 ounces of water. I find this too sweet so that I use 1 pouch for a 32 oz water bottle. For a gallon of water, that's only 20 calories total. Plus, the pomegranite is supposed to help your skin more so than just the water.
  • Bee28
    Bee28 Posts: 99
    Bee28 HALT!!!!
    Literally. Get out a post it, stick it on the fridge door with this acronym...
    H- Hungry?
    A- Angry?
    L- Lonely?
    T- Tired?

    Ask yourself if you are feeling one of the above and take a 10min sit down to answer. Still hungry, drink some water and try to make a healthy choice.
    Not hungry....walk away from the fridge, go to bed, call a friend, read a book, go workout.
    This has helped me before in times of stress.
    Sometimes a big donut IS the answer...don't beat yourself up about it and move on with the rest of the day.

    Thank You for this Shredder! This really is just what I needed to get through the rest of the day!
  • candice26
    candice26 Posts: 27
    I also read a great tip for feeling fuller - if you find that lunch rolls around and you just want to chow down (let's be honest, this happens too often, especially when I don't bring snacks to work) drink 2 glasses of water BEFORE you eat. Then have your lunch, dinner, whatever and finish off with another glass of water! Like many are saying, sometimes your body confuses thirst with hunger. I also read "YOU on a diet" by Dr. Oz, and found it so informative! To get the perspective that book offered made me see food, and what it does to, and for us in a whole new light!
    I'm 20oz into the challeng for today Chris, and looking forward to the excess water my body us holding onto to start flushing through my system! LOVE the info u posted thank you!!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member
    Ok, so I've done well with the water challenge. I got my cardio in yesterday and even did some stretching (which my daughter thought was a funny game =) ). My clothes fit much better than they did last week, but I've GAINED a pound!! My husband told me not to stress about it because it was probably from exercise and water. He said to give it a couple of days and it should come off, but I can't help but stress!! It drives me crazy to see the numbers going in the wrong direction! I felt great until I stepped on the scale this morning!! I'm not going to quit, I am just going to keep working hard and hopefully the scale will cooperate Friday!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    calcote- Stress will hinder weight loss, so dont do it!!!:laugh: :wink: Your hubby is right its probably water...do you wear a ring? Use how tight it is on your figner to determine your water retention and how your clothes fit is usually the best measure of weight loss, after all its not what the scale says thats going to be projected to people its the way you look and feel

    Keep at it!
