xzy1000 Member


  • If you are finding it difficult you could take one out at a time. Wouldn't that make it easier to find out as if you still get symtoms it could be only one that is causing them. I have a dairy and yeast allergy. It is difficult at first but soon becomes a way of life. I can have soya products. You could try that. I have…
  • hey yes would love to join you all Cw 162 gw 142 good luck everyone
  • Hello I will watch this thread as I am the same!!. I measure myself with a tape measure maybe once every ten days. Not sure what the answer is hopefully someone will come along with some inspiration!
  • you look amazing ........well done you!
  • Hi hun yes I have fibro too. The exerise is quite hard going but I keep podding on at it. Walking is about the only thing that I can do at the moment very much of at present.
  • aww thats nice thanks for that x
  • well done. You look in great shape after all your hard work. You look like a differant guy to a year ago in the pics!! Fab
  • hello!! I started it yesterday.... never used it before yesterday. I am so feeling the pain after day 1. Its my thighs they don't know what has hit them!! I cant think with how you must be feeling after day 3!!! well done. I am going to get it done now ........I am hungry and need to eat more lol!!! Oh dear I so will get…
  • aww thank you all ((((hugs)))))))
  • thank you for the reply I will goggle it like you suggested. cheers
  • I started today.... only come in the post today. It is very good. I will join you too. Forgot to add.... current as from 12 / 5 neck 13 bust 36.5 under bust 32 r-arm 10.5 l-arm 10.5 waist 31.5 hips 37 r -thigh 21 l- thigh 21 goal would like 2 inches off bust and waist each 4/5 inches in 30 days . good luck everyone!!!!
  • Hi anyone well done to all of you who run marathons. I am looking for some advice.... How can you train for a marathon? I mean it is so far to do the distance in training. I don't understand how you know that you can manage the full distance. Thanks for any replies.
  • Bump is when someone doesn't want to say anything just now but wants to keep the post going so others will see it and hopefully comment.
  • hello I have been taking them for around 3 months. I have only just joined this site and began to try and lose weight. I have not noticed any differance in my weight /gain since starting them. I am taking them for pain for fibromyalgia. Good luck with your weight loss!
  • Hi nice to meet you. I am new to the site too. Just wanted to say a quick hello as see you also suffer with fibro. I have fibro too and am in a similar situation to you. I started walking last week, the pain did increase but it was bearable, but expect you already know anyone with fibro is differant. I thought I would just…
    in New Comment by xzy1000 May 2011