Which at home exercise DVD gave you the best results?



  • MikeHankins
    MikeHankins Posts: 10 Member
    Hands down P90X. However, as with any home exercise DVDs, you need to mix it up a bit. Otherwise it will get boring. My goal is the same as anyones, lose fat and build muscle. Tonite I used Slim in 6 for abs after a 20 min bike ride with my family. It was great. Instead of fighting with the kids to keep out of the way while me and mom exercise... we take them with us. I have a bike trailer which makes the 20 mins all i needed. However, we did ride for 40 this morning. Tomorrow Im going to pop in Chest and Back DVD from P90X and work thru it and probably ride again in the morning. Its about living. Walking with your family, friends... The other day my sister showed up. I said, hey, hop on that bike and follow me. She hopped on my wives bike and off we went for a 15 min ride that turned in to 30mins and inspired her to by a bike. She forgot how much fun it was to ride a bike. We sometimes forget what it is like to live, laugh and love to the fullest. For finals a friend and I would walk the indoor track at my college while we quizzed each other. Dont be afraid to mix it up. Good luck in your search. Truth is I personally think p90x is the best. Yet its about getting your heart rate to burn calories and resistance for building muscle. Mix that with a balanced diet. The results will be there.
  • dolphingirlsa
    well because of all the comments I read here I have just ordered JM 30 day shred off Amazon! Will let you know what I think when I have tried it!
  • MikeHankins
    MikeHankins Posts: 10 Member
    bump??? would you tell me what this means. its driving me crazy
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I had the best results with regards to weightloss and inches loss with my first round of P90X. That is probably because I went from being a sloven couch potato, to being a P90Xer for 90 days. No surprise that I would get great results.

    My favorite programs, though, and ones that have also given me tremendous results, but in different ways, are ChaLean Extreme and Turbo Fire. LOVE THEM both, but they really are very different programs...one incredibly cardio based (TF) and the other based on strength training (CLX). The hybrid of the two is very, very good.

    One of my other favorites are the Cathe Friedrich workouts (www.cathe.com). You can mix and match different workout, and her STS workouts are the bomb. The only dilemma I have with them is that the music is a bit, well, uninspiring to me.

    I actually loved Turbo Fire so much that I went to a Turbo Kick instructor training and now teach that format 3 days/week. Even though my classes only want a 40 minute workout, I work SO much harder as the instructor and finally broke a several month plateau.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Turbo Jam Cardio Party... because it's enjoyable and you feel like you're working everything at the same time - arms, legs & abs
    Also, I love the way I feel afterwards.... soaked in sweat, but not in pain.

    Plus, right now it's the only exercise that gives me the most calorie burn at 430+ calories for just under 45 minutes!

    I also like Jillian Michaels 'No More Trouble Zones' - I prefer it than '30 Day Shred', because it slower & I feel more in depth than the Shred. My muscles always need an 'off day' day to recover afterwards. It reminds me of the old skool body conditioning classes that I used to a long a time ago. So, right now it's my only source for strength training twice a week.
  • xzy1000
    xzy1000 Posts: 18 Member
    Bump is when someone doesn't want to say anything just now but wants
    to keep the post going so others will see it and hopefully comment.
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Zumba cardio party.......so fun...you dont even know you are working out till you are done and realize you are sweating!
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    I enjoy the Leslie Sansone DVDs (the 5 mile Fat Burning Walk) and the Biggest Loser DVDs. I have terrible knees and know that if I injure them again, I'll be out of it for a while and then find it difficult to start up again. (I have both the 30DS and No More Trouble Zones, but my knees kills when I do them)
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    My personal favorite for cardio is Turbo Jam-- especially the Punch, Kick, and Jam workout. I'm also definitely seeing results with ChaLEAN Extreme.
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    Jillian Michaels is very affordable. Her dvd's are a fraction of what Beach Body workout programs cost. I think that's probably why there's so many more people who do her workouts, and not because her workouts are better or more effective.

    JM is cheaper but I don't think that's why she's so popular. I've tried the P90X dvd's and they just aren't for me. They're too intense. I just want to be reasonably tone and skinny, not "built". JM workouts give me what I'm looking for and they are varying lengths so I can always fit one into my schedule. Plus I don't mind watching JM and her two helpers doing the workouts, it's a nice studio that she's in and it's almost relaxing, like I can do this. The P90X videos are in that cold looking gym and I just immediately want to turn them off. And I think the instructor is obnoxious.
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    I would love to try Turbo Fire when I'm able to but I didn't realise it was so expensive!
    I'll probably by JM 30DS as it's only £5 from Amazon compared to the 15dvd box set of turbo fire for £95!!
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    Biggest Loser Last Chance workout makes me feel strong and is doable enough that I don't lactic acid buildup for a week. Kathy Smith's Lift Weights to Lose Weight is a nice full body workout and makes me sweat buckets, Skinny Sculpt by Ellen Barret is wonderful. It uses small ballet/pilates type moves but you will feel it. Zumba has worked wonders for my endurance and hips and waist. For consistency when time is crazy, the Leslie Sansone DVDs are wonderful with walking/jogging and toning intervals. Tai chi for balance and toning.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Oh and I would consider JM videos more toning than anything.... loveeee circuit training!

    I hate circuit training... but I still No More Trouble Zones, because I still have to do some form of strength training...

    I prefer Jillian's toning exercises than the Turbo Jam ones... because the the Turbo Jam ones just didn't give me same amount of 'burn'....!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Biggest Loser Last Chance workout makes me feel strong and is doable enough that I don't lactic acid buildup for a week. Kathy Smith's Lift Weights to Lose Weight is a nice full body workout and makes me sweat buckets, Skinny Sculpt by Ellen Barret is wonderful. It uses small ballet/pilates type moves but you will feel it. Zumba has worked wonders for my endurance and hips and waist. For consistency when time is crazy, the Leslie Sansone DVDs are wonderful with walking/jogging and toning intervals. Tai chi for balance and toning.

    Hi, what Tai Chi DVD do you use?
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    I use this one and like it because sometimes the balancing can be tough on my acl reconstructed knee.


    Hi, what Tai Chi DVD do you use?
  • PrincessBTits
    PrincessBTits Posts: 198
  • kaytedawg05
    kaytedawg05 Posts: 209
    david's fitness for free on youtube.com

    I also loved the Zumba, and any kind of stretching, yoga, pilates and swimming and kickboxing & mixed martial arts. all fun & effective :)
  • damcool
    damcool Posts: 97 Member
    I love, love, love the Jackie Warner dvd. My favorite is Personal Training with Jackie. I also really like Bob Harper's Yoga For the Warrior dvd. The bonus 15 minute abs are fantastic!!
  • eamconnor
    eamconnor Posts: 130 Member
    Here's a related question: Are there any DVDs out there I can watch a few times and then do on my own? I dislike weight training (I know, I know), and I really dislike weight training while watching my computer monitor. Right now, I have several books and plan out a weight program from day to day. I wonder what the big advantage a DVD has over my pictures and notes? I work out in front of a mirror, and wonder if that's better or worse than watching a DVD. Thanks.
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    Here's the thing about the 30 Day Shred. It's the first DVD I stuck with. I joined a challenge here to do it every day for 30 days. I saw the first real results that I could measure at the end of the 30 days. I was really, really out of shape when I started. I had to modify every move that involved the knees. But day by day things got better: I could do all the jumping jacks and still breathe, I was able to finish the DVD without crying towards the end of the month, I gained a lot of confidence. I did lose around my midsection.

    I moved from that to Supreme 90 Day which I did enjoy. It's a $30 version of P90X. Along the way I decided I didn't really want a body like the women in those videos or like Jillian for that matter so I left it, for awhile at least.

    I am now doing Tracy Anderson's Mat Method. I got it on QVC for under $30. It doesn't burn a lot of calories, but I have faith that I will see results based on how different I feel during & after the workout. I have especially high hopes for abs and arms. I get my cardio in in other ways.

    Videos that I find a lot of fun and would do more of if I had the time are 10 Minute Solution: Belly, Butt & Thigh Blasters, Gold's Gym: Tank Top Arms, and Gin Miller's Kettlebell Workout.

    Frankly, I don't have many cardio dvds that give me the kind of calorie burn I'm looking for. I just made a CD of songs that get me moving and I "dance" in my living room. Getting good calorie burn from that!