PopsGils Member


  • average cal over 24 days of reset eaten - 1835, 44050 total cals for 24 days, weight gone from 151 - 154.8 so 3.8 pounds = 3500 cals per pound = 13,300. SO total cals 44,050 minus 13,300 = 30,750 cals to maintain divided by the 24 days = 1281 calories. can this really be my true maintenance level, heybales this is the…
  • Thanks Sarah for your input, both measurements and body fat percentage have gone up when eating 1400 and continued to rise but faster eating 1850. Heybales, it just isnt as simple as doing the math, I have had my RMR tested in a lab twice, saying it was 1480. My weight only ever goes down when I am dehydrated from weekend…
  • well i don't think 28 days is a magic number so I started a cut as of yesterday and today I am back up to 154.8 pounds. So I am going to eat 1400/1500 cals a day for a while, I can't deal with this constant gain after gain. I know what you mean about 'valid' but the trend has been upwards for months and months, constantly…
  • heybales I am not sure what you mean, HERE 'So coming back around finally to day 28 to see where it stands.' and also HERE 'So it'll be interesting to see what happens in next few days since dropping.' since 'dropping' what?
  • I weigh every day, since I started reset it has looked like this (a few days missing here or there, never more than 2 days missing) DAY 1: 151.2 151.2 152.6 153.0 153.0 154.2 153.8 155.4 154.8 153.6 153.2 154.8 155 155.6 156 155.2 154.6 DAY 25: 153.6
  • So in 21 days of resetting at 1850 (average per day according to MFP) I have gained 5 pounds. 3500 x 5 = 17500 1850 cals x 21 days = total 38850 - 17500 = 21350 / 21 days = 1016.6 Does that mean my TDEE is actually 1016???
  • Well I can assure you, even if we disregarded the excercise for a second, I have gained weight eating at a deficit, or RATHER at a deficit of what my tdee is supposed to be. This is for sure. Don't ask me to explain it otherwise I wouldn't be on this forum asking for help. I ate 1200 last year for a month straight and…
  • Thanks for the reply, I weigh every single day and log it onto a weight grapher so I can see what I am really dealing with and when my weight goes up in chunks - it doesn't go down again at all. Just up and up. I had my rmr tested in a lab and the tables they gave me say my rmr is 1480 and my tdee is 2035 with exercise I…
  • Thanks for replying, my RMR test said 1480 - x1.35 for gymming 3 times a week = 2000 cals, not quite there yet, some days yes some days no - evening out to 1850 a day for the past two weeks. When suffering from an ED your worst fear is gaining uncontrollable weight and being bigger than before and its actually happening to…
  • First of all, it is very common to gain a significant amount of weight when quitting birth control - just google it and there are lots of people saying this ( it does go away eventually ) and secondly it sounds like you are 100% still totally in an ED mindset, just because you have gained weight that does not mean to say…
  • I restricted quite a lot for a few years, but have been eating normally for a year now, I weigh all my food on a scale, it is not digital no - just a regular one, the weekend a way I did not weigh anything but I am good at guessing, i test myself often and am pretty darn accurate! I do not eat back exercise calories as I…
  • Thanks for replying, I hoped it was water weight but 2 weeks later! It was almost my TOM but that has come and gone over a week ago, the scale did drop slightly after a week, for one day, down to 144 then back up the next day to 147! I am now eating at 1300 calories a day, but then I was eating at maintenance, of 1700 cals…
  • I drink plenty of water, I have been trail walking and walking the dog every other day, but gained almost 5 pounds in one weekend... ahhh
  • my RMR - and then the professor worked my TDEE out for me..
  • Thanks guys, the only reason I say my TDEE is 1680ish is because I had it tested in a lab, I am hardly active, sit on my bum all day at my desk at work, drive to and from work and walk my small dog twice a week and even that isn't very far at all. I ate 1700 all last week and i am up from 142.4 to 147.8 as of today. So in…
  • Bless you for replying, nobody normally replies to me. I dont do any exercise, at work all day and a few poxy dog walks is the most I am doing at the moment! I had my RMR/BMR tested and my TDEE is 1680. I have actually read that great post, jsut cant believe after 10 weeks I am not back to a normal metabolism! I was…
  • "I notice that your calories are varying significantly each week. Have you considered trying to keep those steady for a while? Remember, your body cannot defy the laws of physics. Calories in, calories out. That's it. You are not losing weight because you are not sustaining a calorie deficit." - Do you really think that…
  • I am 5 foot 5, or 165 cm, the list on my original post states how many calories I have per week, if I add them all up and divide by 7. Anything from 1300 - 2000, but the averages each week for the past 4 month are on my original post above! Thanks guys, always under my TDEE which is why I am in a state of desperation and…
  • Hi Workoutgirl! Thanks so much for replying, I never eat processed foods, sometimes I add my food as restaurant versions as it is the easiest and closest ones in the database to find. I have a few pieces of choc here and there as I can not not have chocolate! I am one of those people! If you go past the last few days on my…
  • Thanks for replying, I have gained almost an inch in my waist and the other measurements are more or less the same, I have been using a scale for years so I use that but often guess it correct, then weigh it just incase t check and yup im pretty good at guessing these days. Good with portion sizes. I will stick at it until…
  • Bekahrogers - its more than 2 weeks - i have been eating above my BMR of 1345 for 6 weeks now..still no change, I do drink water, tea and coffee and zero calorie sodas, coke zero etc occasionally, nope I haven't done any proper cardio or exercise apart from walking the dog since christmas, not ideal I know, I just haven't…
  • I had it tested in a lab and actually RMR is the minimum amount of calories you require to function and BMR is that - plus any daily activities and exercise you do, i dont exercise at the moment so my BMR is about 1700
  • SO! Just thought I would write an update, I upped my calories from between 1000-1400 a month ago, when i weighed 138 pounds, I am now on an average of 1700-1800 day and in total have gained 4 pounds in a month. My RMR is 1360 and my BMR is 1700. I have been up to 142 pounds and have been bouncing up and down between 142.4…
  • Thanks everyone, will stick at it - scale still saying 142. Oh goody! I suppose I should start exercising, eh!
  • Oh dear, so Hbazzell - you may well be confirming that if i stay at 1500 I will only keep gaining, How tall are you and what age?
  • Thanks all of you for trying to help me out, I know we do fluctuate often and the scales are the devil, but i also measure and my waist has also gone up over an inch in the past few weeks and I feel heavier, look heavier and my clothes say we are too small for you. My metabolism is clearly not having a good time as I cant…
  • TOM was 19th May yep, but basically over 12 weeks I have been eating less than 1500 with a grand total loss of nothing cos of my recent gain. IS this weight - if its from the BCP going to stay with me or go away! I literally feel like eating everything in sight I am so upset about all the effort and getting nothing back.…
  • But you are probably loosing weight at 1500? Not gaining a kg a week on 1500!
  • Woops sorry I have opened my diary now again, dont judge it on this week so far - had a terrible week at home. The rest is more accurate to what I normally have.. thanks!
  • I did indeed take pics but did not weigh at that point as I didn't want to see a gain and it freak me out - all my clothes were still just as tight as before if not tighter. I was measured in the gym too and there was no difference but obviously I should have stuck it out for longer for sure. But i Should be able to lose…