mlv333 Member


  • I'm on this also. I gained 30 lbs with my son, and just can't get back. My doc didn't want to prescribe a stimulant, so he prescribed this. In the beginning you really have to take as prescribed once in morning and once at night. I'm not that great with taking pills, so it probably did take 2 weeks for the desired effect.…
  • I'm doing the samething. It's no problem. I was worried, because it has an exuberant amount of iron. I have had no issues.
  • calories- for obvious reasons Sat fat Calcium - studies say you lose weight easier if you intake enough calcium Protein - b/c i usually eat waaaay too much Fiber - if you intake enough fiber, you don't absorb all the fat you intake Sodium - I'm always over.
  • I'm having a hard time losing my last 10lbs. I'm forgetting about the scale. I'm going to continue to do what I have been doing all along without weigh in's, and I'm going to step it back up in the end of summer. And who knows, maybe I'll lose the 10lbs anyway. But I'm not letting it make me angry anymore.
  • It does seem like a lot, but if you've been doing the same workout for a while and your body was used to it maybe the first time you switched things around your muscles were intensely working out. Just a theory.
    in HRM Question Comment by mlv333 June 2010
  • Awesome! Maybe you should buy a dress that would fit now and when your skinnier too. I had that problem 5 years ago. I bought clothes because I didn't have any that fit, and then when it became time to wear them, I was too small for them. Good thing I kept all receipts. Congratulations! Happy shopping!!!
  • My parents did the same thing to me, but it was more of a money issue then fitness issue. I was told if I truely wanted sweets that bad, I can bake them myself. So the only time my siblings and I were able to eat cookies was when I made them.
    in Evil Mom??? Comment by mlv333 June 2010
  • I'm just did you treat your plantar fasciitis previously???
  • It could be a number of things. The 2 biggies would be a recurrence of plantar fasciitis in which case if you still have your ortho boot that you probably slept in before to fix the problem, you would need to do that again. You may have even broken a bone than that boot would be a bad idea to wear. That's why you need to…
  • You look great! No need to change anything else. I say take the dye job money and get a well deserved massage!!! ..........I wish I was having one right now..........hmmmmmm :tongue:
  • Heck no!!! Just don't over do it. If you go under some days and over others, your doing exactly what you should be doing. The number is more of a guide than a definite.
  • I just started racing this year too! I did the research, and "they" say to stay away from fiber and protein. You should eat simple carbs. Lots of people eat banana's, oatmeal, and/or protein bars. I had a banana and a mulit vitamin my last race, and threw up my multi vitamin, b/c breakfast wasn't enough. I ended up downing…
  • It's the estrogen in the pills that add the weight. If you are not already on a low dose, you could possibly switch to a lower dose pill. Honestly, I took the pill for 12 years. This is my second weight loss adventure. The first time I was on the pill (not low dose), and this time I am birth control free. The first time…
  • I have a similar body type. I have huge muscular legs and wide shoulders for a girl. I like tie side bottoms the cut is different then the brief kind. I can't explain it, but they never look right on me. And then for the top I like a halter with thick straps. Good luck shopping. I also love athleta. They are very cute.
  • Zumba is fun. I like doing it with a group of friends, but I really don't think it's a big workout. I really like step class. That's a insane workout, and it's fun.
  • My thing.....just do it......and don't stop. Pick a distance, and finish it even if you are hopping at slower pace then walking. At this point in my life, I'm going for endurance not speed. I usually start my running season with 2 miles.
  • Check out hungry girl. She's amazing
  • This is exactly what my goal is this year. I've always been a "runner", but I had only ever ran 2 miles. Then, I broke my leg, and realized I had never done a 1/2 marathon or triathlon. I'm attempting the Baltimore 1/2 in Oct. Then I'm going to attempt the Assateague triathlon next year in June. THEN, I'll think about the…
  • After lots of practice, you won't need to be as diligent as you are now. This is us changing our behavior which takes a LOOOOOONG time. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty stubborn in my ways. If I see good free food, I'm going to eat it. The only thing keeping me from it is the fact that I'll have to document it all…
  • arewethereyet is right! 700 cal of eggs is lots of egg.
  • It's alot easier if you exercise and increase your caloric intake parameters. But on the days that I don't work out I'll have maybe a can of veggies for dinner. You really want to eat most of your calories for breakfast which I just don't do. I usually eat most of mine for lunch.
  • WOW! Great job for loosing all that weight, and becoming yourself again!
  • I went to my local running store and had the sales people fit me for shoes. They said I needed max support which I never bought before. I always thought those shoes were uncomfortable compared to the comfortable shoes, and they gave me a size bigger. I left that store angry and saying they don't know what they are talking…
  • Animal proteins are complex. Vegetable proteins are short. You can get what you need from a variety of beans. Hopefully you like them, b/c you should be eating them daily. Also iron is absorbed with the help of Vit C, so taking your iron pill with a glass of OJ or tomato juice should help. One thing my grandfather eats…
  • Absolutely, I found out after I joined a gym that my best childhood neighborhood friend who I hadn't seen in many many years just so happened to already belong to. I was thrilled just to be able to see her on a regular basis, and I had a weight loss partner. Her workouts were way more intense then mine. She was obese and I…
  • Congratulations! Way to go!
  • 1,800 cal is generally what I've been eating on the days that I workout, and I'm trying to eat 1,200 cal on the days that I don't. I've lost majority of what I want to loose. My girlfriend is eating about the same as me, and she has loosed a total of 66lbs with 44 to go. You're on the right track. 2,000 is a lot when your…
    in Cals/day Comment by mlv333 May 2010
  • 1,800 cal is generally what I've been eating on the days that I workout, and I'm trying to eat 1,200 cal on the days that I don't. I've lost majority of what I want to loose. My girlfriend is eating about the same as me, and she has loosed a total of 66lbs with 44 to go. You're on the right track. 2,000 is a lot when your…
    in Cals/day Comment by mlv333 May 2010
  • I usually read everything to make sure this hasn't been said before, but there are a lot of responces. the "cleanses" that I have seen are just stool softners Colase and Senna. They take the water from your interstitial fluid and put it in your colon. In my opinion, save your money and side effects, eat enough fiber and…
  • I'll have to try this. Thanx!