

  • I havn't tried pastured beef, sounds interesting. I found some 95/5 stuff, but even that didn't hit buffalo values. IMO Buffalo tastes just like beef, not gamey at all.
  • I am kinda dealing with the same issue. Every couple months I tweak my lower back. Yours seems way more extreme, since I am only out about a week before it gets better. If it feels like mine does right now, I can't even think of an exercise that wouldn't be painful. Sorry, I guess I am pretty much no help on this one.
  • I think it really depends on how much you weigh. 3000 calories seems like alot for anyone that isn't trying to put on a little muscle weight. I try to pack on that many calories, just because I want to gain muscle, but I have a hard time doing it when eating clean. - What type of foods are you eating to get to the 3000…
  • I had a friend that I didn't see in awhile ask if they cut me in half, that was pretty cool.
  • Ill throw some crystal light in my water bottle every once and awhile also. I don't know of anything that will make you drink more. Do they make something like that? I would be interested in reading on it if you have a link to a product like that.
  • 150 pounds is just awesome. Don't let it slip, it isn't to late!!! Just find a plan you can enjoy, and it will come back down.
  • I don't think anyone told you not to eat it. But if your worried about the processiing, you may just want to stick with in the shell peanuts. They have to do something to make you peanut butter in paste form. Either way, it is a great alternative for PB and something a little different.
  • Sweat is your bodies way to cool itself down. This in itself does not hydrate your skin or make it more elastic, or whatever (elasticity in your genes). I don't doubt at all you have a better complexion when you do drink water. A hydrated person is a happy person so they say and I think emotion and stress can have a lot to…
  • I agree, it is good for you, but you can't just go sit down and eat a jar of it daily and think you wont gain weight. To much of a good thing is a bad thing also. I am just saying this is an alternative to the real stuff if PB is your vice.
  • I tried the betternpeanutbutter.com but never could get use to the taste for some reason. I have heard people rave about it though. It does take away most of the oil, but you can eat 3 or 4 times as much. So when I am really hungry, this is great. Natural PB is awesome to.
  • When you start weight lifting your muscles will retain water in the beginning. It is just what happens. Drink extra water and it will help. As far as protein. I would go for a meal replacement on rather than whey like myoplex light. Whey protein is a fast acting protein that breaks down quickly and is really used for…
  • Water never even reaches the skin, it is a proven fact. It will make you feel better. It will make you be less dehydrated which in turns makes you weigh less, it will make your body function better and allow you to use more energy when you work out. So it is still a good idea to drink it.
  • Do you sing in your car for all to see? Only when I forget where I am. Do you think a penguin would make a good pet?
  • You should substitute your cereal with good grains like oatmeal. Not the instant stuff either, the good hardy out of the tube oatmeal. Your body will thank you for it.
  • Ok, so diet soda is bad for you for many reasons, but the loosing fat stuff it total BS. I lost 87 pounds in total and I was drinking 8- 10 cans of diet pepsi a day. I have since cut it out because I am trying to get away from all the chemicals, but in truth, it will not hurt your weight loss.
  • Looks pretty expandable. You could put any veggies in there you wanted.
  • I always double the recipe for dinner so I can bring the left overs with me to work the next day. Tonight I am making Whole wheat spaghetti with homemade sauce and the same thing for Friday lunch with a little crushed red pepper to spice it up a bit.