Bored with lunch

jennylynn84 Posts: 659
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition

I'm having trouble coming up with lunch ideas. There is absolutely nothing healthy near my office other than Subway. It seems like thats all that I can eat if I don't go home and make a sandwich or have a Lean Cuisine. I'm getting desperate for some variety! Help!

Any suggestions would be great.


  • Arianna52
    Arianna52 Posts: 36 Member
    I was going throug the same, one day there was a sale at Macy's and bough a chef knife, It was so cool that I could cut all kinds of veggies. A good knife makes a difference. Now, I have raw cole slaw (very little mayo), finely chopped onion that a sprinkle on top of many things. It made my food taste so much better.

    I hope this helps.
  • I always double the recipe for dinner so I can bring the left overs with me to work the next day. Tonight I am making Whole wheat spaghetti with homemade sauce and the same thing for Friday lunch with a little crushed red pepper to spice it up a bit.
  • skroll
    skroll Posts: 24
    They have lots of soups now that are good and not too expensive and easy to pack for lunch. Then just pack some fruit or veggies. Sometimes I take my raisin bran and skim milk or even turkey, cheese, on a salad. Good luck!
  • i posted a topic yesterday asking what everyone likes on their salads...since salads are easy to throw together and bring to work and very healthy if you make it healthy!!! search for that thread from yesterday for lots of yummy ideas! today i am having baby romaine, sprouts, black beans, corn salsa, avocado and hot sauce!!! yummmmmmmmmmmm!!!
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I'm a snacker so I dont usually have a full meal for lunch unless I go out. Generally eat 2-3 smaller meals throughout the work day. I keep those green giant healthy vision/weight/immunity/eyes veggie steamers in the freezer at work they range from 100-180 calories for the box, also cans of soup (Campbells Sellect Harvest, most range from 100-230 calories for the full can), crackers & laughing cow cheese, Amy's spinach feta pockets, Kashi frozen meals (mayan bake is my fave!!), almonds, pistachios, oranges a few fiber one bars and some emergency chocolate. I have to have variety because I have a really bad habit of saying "I'm not in the mood for what I brought" and I go out for lunch. NOT GOOD! only bad part about having so much? the rest of the office knows and hits me up for munchies all the time...
  • Subway ? C'mon.
    A little bit of effort goes a long way. Every excuse we can make, can be answered easily.
    Make up some foods and take them to work for lunch. You'll save money, eat better, have variety and know exactly what you're eating.
    Grill some chicken breasts on Sunday night, Just 2 should be enough for most of the week. Spice them in 2 different ways. Then, cut them up and put them into bags, and pop in the fridge.
    Next, buy some good wraps/tortillas. When you get the wraps, don't just look at the calories involved, look at the sugar and sodium content - but more importantly, look at the ingredients. There should be a very short list and you should recognize the words, like flour, water, oil, salt. If it has a list of 50 things of which most you cannot pronounce, or, even want to know what they are, don't buy it. I like "Rudi's Organic Bakery, Whole Spelt Tortillas", we get them from whole foods.
    Then, get some other trimmings, like tomato, lettuce, hummus etc.

    Now, make them up each night, and take to work in the morning.(or make each morning) It's not that time consuming.
    Just lay out some aluminum foil, then the wrap, then some hummus, then some chicken etc, roll it up in the foil. Done.
    You can get your variety through what you put in them. It may be chicken every day, but one day it may have sun dried tomatos, the next hummus etc. Maybe do a tuna day... the options are endless.
    If there's no refridgerator at work, get one of those hot/cold insulated bags.

    We're going through all this effort to look after ourselves, we should be able to spare a few minutes to make our lunches rather than let someone else do it.
  • bksteve26
    bksteve26 Posts: 216 Member
    Jimmy Johns Unwiches!
  • Thank you guys!

    I'm definitely checking out the salad thread and I really like the wrap idea.

    For a while I used Campbell's soups but wasn't hitting my calories for the day. Then I tried soup and half a sandwich, then just the sandwich. Got sick of turkey on wheat and moved on to Lean Cuisines.

    I usually have dinner leftovers, because I make enough food for four every time I cook (two nights for me and hubby). I'd hate to take them to work because that means cooking more in the evenings, which can be hard to do on nights when I'm at the gym. I can and often do cook after the gym, but it always makes me eat later than is generally recommended. I usually just try to cook enough on the weekends (when I work out in the morning) and nights off to get me through workout days.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    there is nothing worse than boring meals! and there is nothing wrong with subway and letting someone else make your food for you!!! but even that gets boring after a while.

    if you have a refrigerator, how about buying convenience bacon (the kind you microwave), lettuce and tomato and having a blt? you could do a sandwich or wrap.

    an open-faced grilled or breaded chicken breast on bread with some marina and melted provelone cheese.

    left-over meatloaf is great the next day.

    i have tons more ideas if you want them. :)

  • an open-faced grilled or breaded chicken breast on bread with some marina and melted provelone cheese.

    Oooh... i"m sooooo grilling some chicken this weekend and getting some of the items you guys are suggesting!
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993

    an open-faced grilled or breaded chicken breast on bread with some marina and melted provelone cheese.

    Oooh... i"m sooooo grilling some chicken this weekend and getting some of the items you guys are suggesting!

    mmmm I think I may stop on the way home and get stuff for parmesian chicken for dinner tonight!!
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