BrieGoorts Member


  • I've been on fluoxetine for roughly 7years. There have been times where I've gone off of it and I am a completely different person. So my mood improves dramatically while on it. As for weight gain/loss and appetite, I've not really experienced any differences.
  • I'll try to move beyond feeling horrible. I know I should, but my own inner critic is overwhelming at times. I don't have an Aldi but we have an extra foods which may be the better option financially I think. I've set my goal to be to loose 1.5lbs a week so it's set my calories at 1320.
  • Before it was a mixture of half healthy habits and half unhealthy habits/stress. So there's not much I can take from that time to utilize this time unfortunately.
  • I've set my goal to be to loose 1.5lbs a week so it's given me 1320 calories for the day.
  • The path I take to work, is straightforward and along the road. But there is a walking trail nearby to me that has some good areas, so maybe I should try that. And I do have ankle weights, should I try wearing those every second day or so?
  • On a weight loss site, when asking for help. A guy is totally allowed to ask haha I'm 26, 5'6" and 160lbs
  • No I doubt that I am eating too little. I'm usually around 1600 cals a day. As for the BMR, Ive never really understood how to figure that out.
  • @Krizzo87 Eyes def! And lips :)
  • my boys 3 and ive been trying that entire time to loose my pregnancy weight. I've manage to get myself 8lbs away from my pre pregnancy weight, but I still have my little jiggly pooch of a belly :( I gotta figure out how to get rid of that.. but it is possible.. with lots of time, patience and love in yourself..
  • I've always been considered cute my whole life too, gotten to the point where I look at myself in the mirror and think "awe I'm cute" I'd like you to know that to me you aren't cute, your damn freakin sexy!! ;)
  • Just the other day I found a folder on my bf's computer titled Eden. I snooped, and found at least 20 or more half naked and full naked photos of an ex gf of his. I deleted the folder, then deleted it from the trash can. I can say that I to was a little nervous about what would happen when he found out, but just the other…
  • Thank you!! Needed this so badly!
  • Female 5'6 168 and usually a size 12 pant
  • I am going to have you in memory as my constant motivation. I've wanted for the longest time to find someone about my height and weight and see what they looked like, to gauge how I look now, and to see where you are now is amazing and gives me so much hope!! Thank you so much for posting your before and after photos <3 I…
  • This is how I felt after taking the womans brand Slim Quick. I quit drugs to get healthy and fix my life, and feeling like I was back on it through me into a panic mode, it was bad, and very very scary. I guess some people can handle the "boost" of energy, but if it scares you the way it made me, it is NOT a good idea...
  • For driving range I'm 100% certain she was referring to a driving range for golfing. NOT driving lessons
  • So I clicked your link, to maintain my weight it came to 2480.9 calories, and by doing your next equation to loose 1lb per week the result was 1980.38 calories, does that look accurate?
  • I can't be happy with the small steps Ive taken though. Yes clothes do fit a little better, But I hate how I look when I see myself in a mirror, I don't have more energy at all, I'm exhausted all the time, and I guess I'm in a little better shape then I was before... It's just, I've put so much emotional energy into this,…
  • I've always been set to the goal of "lose 1 pound per week" so this is the calorie intake that was designated. so I should completely ignore what MFP sets because its probably wrong? And try to teach myself whats proper for me?
  • My Carb allowance is what MFP set for me, so even though I'm under it every day the last 2 weeks I need to reduce it even more myself? Why would MFP set me up for failure then if that's the case?
  • mlynna1989--9 beautiful eyes girlie! lol you were above me when I hit reply
  • Sounds like what I'll be doing too haha
    in V-day Comment by BrieGoorts January 2012
  • First Name/Nickname: Brie General Location: British Columbia, Canada Age and Gender: 24/F Age range they're looking for: 25-35 Gender they're looking for: Male Interests: Art, literature, video games, movies, and baseball :) Pet peeves: People who say "anyways" and a couple of other things I can't immediately think of…
  • I do drink water haha, I'm just not one for remembering to log it. So no worries on that one
  • how do I add a sodium column? nvm , haha figured it out :) thanks Ill give this a try
  • I'm a single mom of one little man, almost 21 months old. I'm trying to get back to feeling good again myself. I'll join you on this journey haha :smile:
  • I hate weighing myself so I do it once a month...
  • yea I just started with the 20 min beginner haha, ok so now that I know theres nothing wrong with me, I'll keep at it, but at maybe a lesser pace, and stop when I need to.. it is fun haha.
  • I select vigorous if I worked up a good sweat after cleaning, but if I didn't then I choose light/moderate...
  • Thank you so much everyone, this was the support I needed so much. My son loves my friend, and I'm planning on utilizing every moment we have together with taking him to fun places, like the park or the beach, and have all of us enjoy and experience each others company to the fullest. This is the hardest time I've ever…