Unsure and Confused

Ive been on My Fitness Pal for some time now. Had once reached my goal weight but then got completely derailed. With emotional eating followed by my second pregnancy and I'm now weighing the most Ive ever weighed. 200lbs. Ive lost almost all my pregnancy weight but that was because of luck. Basically lost it all right after delivery.
Trying to get myself back to where I want to be is very daunting for me. I'm unsure as to what to do, and feel horrible about myself.
I have no idea what to buy for groceries to make the best and most healthy filling meals. Especially on my minimal budget. I feel defeated all ready and I'm only just trying to start.
I'm 5 months postpartum and my little guy doesn't like being left alone for longer then about 20mins haha, so I'm not even sure what exercise activities I can do and get the most benefit from.
I'm wanting to loose 50lbs, and would appreciate any help and support.


  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    What were you doing when you lost the weight before? Were you logging your food on MFP then?
  • leooftheyear
    leooftheyear Posts: 429 Member
    start with eating your budgeted calories. All that is really needed for weight loss is diet, exercise helps but is not required. for now focus on you and your little guy and eating your budgeted calories. the rest will come with time.

    How many calories/day are you allowing yourself?
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    Move beyond feeling horrible about yourself. It's only going to get in the way.

    Don't take on too much at once, and don't rush. Really: there's no rush. You're busy taking care of little people.

    Start with your calorie goal and sticking to it. You don't need formal exercise right now. Find some core recipes that your family enjoys and use those. Do you have an Aldi where you live? Great store for the budget-conscious.

    Make sure your calorie goal isn't too aggressive. Have enough calories so that your energy doesn't flag, and eat food that you enjoy. Then: stay with it. Don't give up. There will be missteps, but keep going.
  • BrieGoorts
    BrieGoorts Posts: 48 Member
    start with eating your budgeted calories. All that is really needed for weight loss is diet, exercise helps but is not required. for now focus on you and your little guy and eating your budgeted calories. the rest will come with time.

    How many calories/day are you allowing yourself?

    I've set my goal to be to loose 1.5lbs a week so it's given me 1320 calories for the day.
  • BrieGoorts
    BrieGoorts Posts: 48 Member
    What were you doing when you lost the weight before? Were you logging your food on MFP then?

    Before it was a mixture of half healthy habits and half unhealthy habits/stress. So there's not much I can take from that time to utilize this time unfortunately.
  • Tblackdogs
    Tblackdogs Posts: 324 Member
    Walk every day with your baby. In a carrier or a sling or in a stroller. It will do wonders for your mental health and burn calories! If he fusses at first, don't stop! He'll get used to it.
  • BrieGoorts
    BrieGoorts Posts: 48 Member
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    Move beyond feeling horrible about yourself. It's only going to get in the way.

    Don't take on too much at once, and don't rush. Really: there's no rush. You're busy taking care of little people.

    Start with your calorie goal and sticking to it. You don't need formal exercise right now. Find some core recipes that your family enjoys and use those. Do you have an Aldi where you live? Great store for the budget-conscious.

    Make sure your calorie goal isn't too aggressive. Have enough calories so that your energy doesn't flag, and eat food that you enjoy. Then: stay with it. Don't give up. There will be missteps, but keep going.

    I'll try to move beyond feeling horrible. I know I should, but my own inner critic is overwhelming at times.
    I don't have an Aldi but we have an extra foods which may be the better option financially I think.

    I've set my goal to be to loose 1.5lbs a week so it's set my calories at 1320.
  • cocates
    cocates Posts: 360 Member
    Take it 1 step at a time. When I feel down on myself for not losing or self-defeated, I go to the success stories forum here. Those people are me. I'm the 'before' shot. If they can do it, I can do it. I've learned a positive mindset will overcome A LOT!!

    Enter your data into this link and it will give you a good indicator at what your calorie intake should be: http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/#results

    I think your weight loss goal is too aggressive and your calories are too low (especially if you are breastfeeding).

    Food wise, keep it simple for now. Think about what you ate when you reached your goal. Keep staples; eggs, beans, rice, quinoa, protein, etc.

    Like a PP said, take that precious baby for a stroll. Getting fresh air and a walk will do your mind a lot of good. I have a Pinterest account and find lots of recipes / ideas. It is a super easy site and you can search for practically anything (food, inspirational quotes/motivation, and workout ideas).

    Good luck to you!
  • MarcyKirkton
    MarcyKirkton Posts: 507 Member
    I actually spend less on food now. No more processed foods, which tend to be more expensive. I eat the same stuff every breakfast now, too: 1 Greek yogurt for 80 cals plus half cup of crunchy cereal, so I can take advantage of the 10 for price breaks on yogurt.

    In other words, you sure don't need money to lose weight. They haven't figured out a way to actually charge us for that yet. :)
  • leooftheyear
    leooftheyear Posts: 429 Member
    BrieGoorts wrote: »
    start with eating your budgeted calories. All that is really needed for weight loss is diet, exercise helps but is not required. for now focus on you and your little guy and eating your budgeted calories. the rest will come with time.

    How many calories/day are you allowing yourself?

    I've set my goal to be to loose 1.5lbs a week so it's given me 1320 calories for the day.

    do you feel like you're eating enough?
  • mousie1973
    mousie1973 Posts: 438 Member
    as far as exercising when you have a little one, i agree with the person above, strap that child on your back (or front) and walk walk walk... it soothes them too!!
  • captgalactic
    captgalactic Posts: 11 Member
    The cool thing is you don't have to do all your exercise in a day in one continuous bout to get the benefits. If say you want to do 30 minutes of exercise, you can break it in 3 10 minute bouts. The other thing is there is great exercise you can do with the kiddos. My kids love being in the stroller while I walk or run. I also have done Mommy/Baby yoga with both my kids, which they seem to really enjoy. Walking is awesome because a lot of babies love being outside, and it's a great way to get back into excercise.

    For eating in a healthy and inexpensive way, meal planning is key for me. My dietitian recommended checking out pinterest for ideas for meals. You can search for "inexpensive, healthy meals". Filling your plate with lots of veggies is a recommendation my dietitian made for me too. They have a lot of volume and fiber to make you feel full, but low calories. Plus, they have a lot of other nutrients your body needs.

    If you are nursing, you may need to add in some if not all of your nursing calories. Some people can do fine with supply and not eat back those calories, I am not one of them!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Please don't worry :)
    This doesn't have to be complicated and it doesn't have to be difficult -sending hugs-

    First of all, don't worry about the exercise right now. You've just had a baby and no doubt you are rushed off your feet as it is! Concentrate on eating at a daily deficit - that's all that matters. You don't have to spend lots of money on 'special' foods. Eat what you have been but moderate the quantity and you WILL lose weight. Plug your information into MFP and it'll give you your calorie allowance - stick to that number and you'll have no problems at all. You can do this :)
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    1320 is pretty low for calories. Why not lose at a slightly slower pace and get more to eat? :)

    It's up to you.