20yearsyounger Member


  • I actually prefer this method now. I don't know if I can go back to just running straight especially since the speed is only a tad bit slower. It's more suited to the sports I play.
  • Starting over too at 44. I got to 152 as well but I'm not willing to do what it takes to stay there. My struggle really started around the 155/160 area so may stop there. Just shooting for a healthy BMI right now though. Hit 191 last week and I was surprised and disappointed that I let things go so far. Dedicated again…
  • I'll let you know for sure in a few months. I don't know if it's really harder to lose weight with my mindset...definitely much easier to gain it :)
  • You are kinda comparing oranges to apples. Remove MFP from the equation and compare your Garmin Total Calories (not Active) to a corresponding Fitbit Calories burned. That's the starting point.
  • MFP uses something else to categorize it and never fully gets it right. Unless I run 8 minute miles, the fastest MFP will say I run is 10 min miles. I've learned to live with it....as long as the calories are right. Garmin knows how fast I truly ran and that's what matters when doing comparison reports.
  • Yes. I drink more of it now.
  • Maintaining now and not much has changed for me in that area. I still eat my meats and cornbread/biscuit. The side just happens to be salad, greens, potato versus mac & cheese and all the other high calorie stuff. I have to have my cornbread/biscuit though if not 2 or 3 :)
  • I eat back my Garmin calories and have for the last 19 months. No problem maintaining.
  • I weigh myself maybe once a month to keep myself honest. However, I log my food and workouts daily. It comes down to having something you can use as a reliable measure.
  • There is no scenario where you are 5' 9", 23, and need a goal of 1200 calories. You are doing your body a disservice.
  • Jealous. I only got $6.43. Don't know what I will get :)
  • Well from experience I have shown that the impact is greater than that.
  • Not sure exactly what your argument is. Personally I fit in the categories from the follow on posting showing when it would be needed and I definitely am not in the advanced trainee category. If someone fits in those categories, why wouldn't they need it? Other exercise nutritional research points to the same thing.…
  • Meal timing from a calorie deficit point of view sure. But timing is important for even intermediate trainees. For me, I don't need to carb load but I definitely need a combination of protein+carbs right after a heavy workout - carbs for replenishment, protein for recovery.
  • It was a guy in a Smith Machine. He didn't drop weights or anything. He was just doing something with the weights/machine that made a lot of unnecessary noise (for about 10-15 seconds). Maybe something was stuck.
  • Hope you had both :) On a different note, I did hear the lunk alarm go off this morning. The guy had his head phones on so he probably didn't even hear it :)
  • I've experimented with setting my diary to eat a whole day of cinnamon raisin bagels and I could hit my fiber and adequate protein goals - sodium is the killer. I'll rather have a bagel than a glass of milk with protein powder so I might be over sensitive in that area :) However, I get where you are coming from. I'm no…
  • You are correct. I am not looking at all of the other stuff you said. Protein shakes or very different from bagels. I was very focused on this specific statement. I don't know what it proves about PF and I don't need lox on my bagels for enough protein to help rebuild my muscles. I can enjoy a bagel and still get enough…
  • I do lift but my lifting is for different reasons and therefore I have different needs. I can still easily get 200g of protein eating pizza and bagels and fit all my macros. My point is the assumption should not be that everyone that uses PF needs to just focus on lifting the heaviest they can possibly lift. Understandable…
  • I don't get your point. When my PF offers, I eat a multi grain bagel and Asiago cheese (they are from Panera) and I have no problem hitting my protein goals for that day. Nutritional needs are very individualized.
  • All depends what you want to progress at. I did a fine job there this morning progressing in a controlled environment.
  • Using all the dumb features of my vivoactive HR. Same name as on here.
  • Easy. That's why I continue to log on MFP :)
  • Does your treadmill have an incline? You can easily reach your 300 cals by increasing the incline versus the time.
  • Use Garmin not the elliptical.
  • Your running days dont have to be over but you should slow down the running for now. I thought I would never run because of my shin splints. 1500 miles later I am still going. What did I do? Didnt run with shin splint pain, increased mileage slowly, ran slower, shorter stride. The treadmill made me run too fast initially…
  • I'm in maintenance and I count calories and enjoy eating and drinking every single one of my exercise calories back. I didn't eat all of mine back when losing but that wasn't because of inaccuracy, that was because I wanted to lose faster and didn't feel like I needed to feed my body more than what it was asking for.
  • Suck it up buttercup :) That's Florida training :)
  • Now that I am starting to work on speed intervals, I have grown to like them. Hard to be a slacker when the other scenario is falling flat on your face :)
  • I will just say I had a vivofit 1 for the longest time. I would rather take the reduced calorie burn it gave me and eat back to 1 calorie and maintain than the inflated calories my fitbit gave and guess after leaving back 300 calories. Everyone has different results. Just make sure you can accurately gauge your weight loss…