

  • I would love to join this challenge, but only problem is, I've been stuck for the past couple months, I need tips, ideas, anything, help! I'm eating perfectly according to my dietitian, so there I am doing something right. Then for workouts I am doing the P90X program. I'm so frustrated! What do you guys do to get off…
  • I would love to join this challenge, but only problem is, I've been stuck for the past couple months, I need tips, ideas, anything, help! I'm eating perfectly according to my dietitian, so there I am doing something right. Then for workouts I am doing the P90X program. I'm so frustrated! What do you guys do to get off…
  • Thanks guys! What about the order of the DVD's. I am doing the Lean version. The day that I have to do Yoga is a day that I don't have 90 minutes to workout. My question is, is there a purpose for the order that the DVD's are in? Can I mix them up?
    in p90x Comment by becky23 March 2010
  • k, so I am borrowing one of my friends' P90X DVDs and bands. My plan is to start Tuesday, wish me luck! I think the hardest part will be finding the time to do it after work! ah! Oh I don't have the bar, will that be a problem?
    in p90x Comment by becky23 March 2010
  • So are we going to go for it next Saturday too?!!!!!
  • So are we going to go for it next Saturday too?!!!!!
  • 50 minutes with Jillian Micheals this morning! WOoo!! and I've been going to the bathroom like crazy today! WOOOOo
  • Yes, the last 2 weeks I haven't filled it out because my dietitian wants me to use a specific website to put in all my food so that she can see what I'm eating. It's a hastle to put it in 2 different times.
  • Mellie, That is exactly what I'm doing! I eat 1600 to1700 cals a day and eat only organic and 5 to 6 times a day, I can't even eat Gluten or Dairy! Which isn't as tough as you would think!
  • HECK YES! I'm in! I need something like this every week to motivate me to do 110%! WOO!
  • Are there any rest days?
    in p90x Comment by becky23 March 2010
  • and you do a workout everyday? for an hour right?
    in p90x Comment by becky23 March 2010
  • what is the diet like? I can't eat dairy or gluten.
    in p90x Comment by becky23 March 2010
  • this should help you, this is how i found the calories burned.
  • so lets see if i'm understanding this. Being on a starvation diet is ok? That's what i'm getting from this whole post and that blog. I was eating 600 cals for 2 months then STOPED losing weight. I'm trying to understand why I stopped.
  • and why can't you have vegetables? celery, lettuce, broccoli... none of those are protein or carbs!
  • I think they all tell you how many cals burned. Mine doesn't tell me until after my workout is finished. I had a hard time finding it, but i did. What kind do you have?
  • black beans, avocado, salsa, chicken, and melted cottage cheese! YUM!
  • meant to quote that sorry. =D
  • [quote/] LOL, you are not in starvation mode. That is called a stall. Please research before stating something such as this. This is how the rumors of "starvation mode" stay alive. You would have to have been consuming 500-600 calories per day for an extended amount of time to go into a starvation mode type…
  • first of all, I am in starvation mode now and it SUCKS! I was eating less than 1200 cals every day and losing weight every week. I was so happy! I lost 20lbs in 2 1/2 months!! I haven't lost any weight for almost 2 1/2 months now. My weight hadn't budged a bit, not even the inches! Once your body is in starvation mode, it…
  • i like cottage cheese with a tsp of vanilla extract and a slenda pack. just try it! it's like ice cream, low carb woo!
  • How many of you that increased your calories gained weight before you started losing weight again? How long did it take for your body to start losing again?
  • allergenic/cause inflamation.
  • gluten, dairy, peanuts, eggs, corn, oranges. I don't know how I'm going to do it! Peanut Butter is my favorite thing in the world. Then there is yogurt and cottage cheese that I love love! Oh and corn on the cob! ugh....
  • Thanks guys this helps a lot! Sherry- I will take you up on those emails for sure! I'm sure I'll have lots of questions for you!! I have a lot of shopping to do lol! Keep the suggestions and tips coming!
  • What's so bad about stevia??
  • Don't do it!! If I could go back to the start and change how I lost this weight (eating 1000cals) I would! Eat AT LEAST 1200cals and anytime you workout, eat those calories you burned. I'm stuck at 160, for the past 2 months I haven't lost anything. My body is hanging onto everything and won't budge. Don't starve yourself…
  • I am in the EXACT same boat as you. I was losing weight eating around 1000 cals a day and 2 months ago stopped losing weight. It is so frustrating and I have been adding in more calories and keep praying that something kicks in! Don't give up, I won't either!
  • Yes, i do take a multivitamin, there is iron in those. But I've taken those since I was a teenager. Also I thought I'd mention that my pee is always clear during the day. Doesn't that mean I drink enough?