dedarlin Member


  • sounds like your activity level is good, maybe you need to take some time to weigh/measure and precook your meals so you get a better idea of portion sizes. when i feel like i'm getting off track i will weigh and measure every single thing i eat for a couple of weeks, time consuming, but worth it to me. i am also having a…
  • omlettes! with all kinds of veggies, a little cheese, and some fresh homemade salsa (or pace picante)!
  • 1350 seems low to me, even without exercise. there's no way i could survive and remain sane eating that little! i would recommend checking out and use the BMR calculator, i would bet that upping your cals just a bit would make it a lot easier to maintain and keep you right on track!
  • ^^^^this!
  • ummmm, yeah! that CANNOT be healthy for anyone?!?!?!
  • Mother of 5 here, and hubby is a paramedic, so i don't get much help either...i feel your pain. my gym happens to have a great kid center and reasonable hours, so that is my solution, but i have a couple of ideas for you. 1)HIIT if you can manage a gym or a jog 2-3x a week for 20-30mins, and 2)TABATA workokuts! youtube is…
  • good job! i NEED to stop the scale, it is so hard! i don't have one at home, but if i don't really concentrate on staying away from it in the gym lockerroom i just can't help myself!
  • if you could help motivate me to stick to this 100g of carbs thing i would love you forever! lol, i am sitting here daydreaming about bananas and prunes...there has got to be something wrong with me! haha :)
  • greek yogurt oatmeal ezekiel bread eggs-my family of 5 eats about 3 dozen a week :) string cheese reduced fat shredded cheese tons of fresh fruits and veggies chicken breast ground turkey sandwich thins fat free cottage cheese So Delicious almond +protein milk fat free half n half coffee! frozen fruit for protein shakes…
  • STEVIA if you have the option!
  • i would definitely NOT reccomend strength training after a seriously hard cardio session! once i went to a 1hr kickboxing class and then tried to do biceps and triceps (with a 30 minute break AND snack) and i thought i would die, or vomit, or both! i had nothing left to give to my weight lifting and made myself feel sick…
  • i find that the cal burn on machines is too LOW if you're doing HIIT...i say increase to 1500+exercise cals and get a HRM (i got one from Big 5 sporting for less than $40, its a Bowflex w/chest strap) and keep doing what you're doing exercise wise! i found that increasing my cals (i do 1750+exercise) bumped up my bf%…
  • if you want to get into fitness model/body building shape you would really need to keep track of this. i read A LOT and if you're looking to drop below about 17% body fat then sugar (even from fruit) is a BIG NO NO! but if you're just dropping some weight and getting healthy it's something to keep an eye on, but not obsess…
  • the day is NOT OVER! back on track and change that mindset! one indulgence will not undo all the hard work you have done! congrats on the 30 lbs and keep on rockin it :)
  • i ABSOLUTELY know how you feel! i am struggling myself with some serious body image issues. it seems to get worse as i get more fit. i think it was easier to ignore when 90% of my life and focus was on things other than my weight and fitness. i try to remember that this is a journey, not a destination, but am often…
  • i am addicted to sweets! i must have them, and if i dont make them healthfully then i KNOW i will indulge on the stuff that's super bad for me. so, i do my best to make healthful alternatives, protein pancakes with sugar free syrup, frozen fruit/protein shakes (with greek yogurt to make it thick like a shake), cottage…
  • egg yolks from fresh eggs have tons more nutritional value than store bought eggs! also, more than half the protein is in the yolk, such a waste to NOT eat them! unless you are seriously watching your cholesterol there really isn't a reason to forgo to the yolks :)
  • first off, awesome job and dedication! second, my understanding (and of course i am not a personal trainer or medical professional) is that the optimal window for cardio is 25 to 45 minutes at a time, i can't recall why because i read SO much information that i only try to remember the stuff that i feel is beneficial (for…
  • i measure, measure, measure...definitely thinking lately that i need a food scale though as well. i think it is possible i am underestimating my grain and meat portions for fear of OVERestimating :/ i am always asking my boyfriend 'how much do you think this weighs?' as it sits on my plate, lol, probably not the most…
  • i am eating at a very small deficit, about 200 calories, consuming between 150 to 180 grams of protein per day. strength training 5 days a week, as well as a good amount of cardio/kickboxing and gaining lbm while maintaining my current weight. so in actuality losing about 3 lbs of fat per week, and gaining muscle.
  • think about how many ADULTS are not educated about food, i think it absolutely is the schools responsibility to teach our children about nutrition and provide healthy meals! in addition, please remember that not all of our nation's family are able to provide healthy lunches for their childrent to take to school. Some of…
  • i just recently heard someone say to roast garbonzo beans (out of the can) she rinses and drains them, then puts them on a cookie sheet at 450 for 30 minutes, they come out crunchy :) she suggested tossing them with a smidge of olive oil and cinnamon and splenda brown sugar or olive oil and garlic powder, or mrs. dash?…
  • i am in! this means no pizza :( :( :( super sad face about that, but i seriously need a cleanse after the last 5 weeks! we CAN do this :) i will be staying away from ALL restaurants, not just fast food!
  • whole wheat pancakes with sugar free syrup (it's not as thick, but other than that you can hardly tell the difference! i like Log Cabin SF) or make a quick strawberry or blueberry reduction using frozen fruit. all you have to do is heat the frozen fruit in a saucepan with a tiny bit of margarine (i use i cant beleive its…
  • could be the beef? if you are eating little or no beef a big burger, especially a greasy one, could be the culprit! i gave up beef for the most part about 2 years ago, occasionally i will crave it, but always regret it! i have found that turkey is much easier on my digestive system and tastes better too! i make meatloaf,…
  • try not to look at is as failure when/if you do day, or one meal is NOT going to make or break your weight loss! what will break it is GIVING UP because of one backslide! eat really well and work out the days leading up to and after thanksgiving, and allow yourself to indulge for 1 day! don't beat yourself up…
  • as we all are i am terrified that this will never go away! i have had 3 babies in 6 years (2 of them were just shy of 10lbs!) and had been overweight my entire life to boot. so here i am 10 mos after my last baby was born, down to 153 lbs (i'm 5'7") and the only thing i still HATE is my belly, although as far as…
  • clif z bars for kids are a hit with my kids, although the sugar is moderate, so i make sure it's their only sweet for the day, but they do have a bit of protein, NO high fructose corn syrup, and lots of whole grains :)
  • i ONLY get on the scale once per month at the same time i get measured by my nutritionist at Max Muscle, and i even do it at the same time and always on a Monday! If i get the urge to get on the scale at the gym (and I do occasionally) i do not log it, because usually i am at a the gym at night and it's not the same scale.…
  • the whole wheat bread at subway has High Fructose Corn Syrup in it!!! If you arent familiar, HFCS is very bad for you. In this case, the italian bread is the better choice. however, between the bread being less than healthy and the chemicals in the lunch meat, subway isn't really the best option :(