No wonder our kids grow up to make bad food choices...

Here is a link to 20 school lunches from around the world. The USA is horrible!


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Here is a link to 20 school lunches from around the world. The USA is horrible!

    You know parents have the option to make a lunch for their kids and have them bring it to school, right? So is it the school's fault or the parents fault?
  • Alanakrahenbil
    Alanakrahenbil Posts: 811 Member

    You know parents have the option to make a lunch for their kids and have them bring it to school, right? So is it the school's fault or the parents fault?

    I agree. If you don't want your child eating school lunches, make them yourself.
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    I'm son goes to private school so his lunches are usually pretty decent, and I'm lucky that he actually really likes fruits and veggies. He's better about eating them than I am sometimes.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member

    You know parents have the option to make a lunch for their kids and have them bring it to school, right? So is it the school's fault or the parents fault?

    I agree. If you don't want your child eating school lunches, make them yourself.

    My daughter will be taking her lunch to school
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Here is a link to 20 school lunches from around the world. The USA is horrible!

    You know parents have the option to make a lunch for their kids and have them bring it to school, right? So is it the school's fault or the parents fault?

  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    You know parents have the option to make a lunch for their kids and have them bring it to school, right? So is it the school's fault or the parents fault?

    It doesn't mean that the school shouldn't be held responsible for not providing healthy choices. Is it the kid's fault that their parents don't make their lunch? No. So why should the kid's body have to suffer for it?

    That being said, I'm really not surprised... the rest of the world has so much better, healthier food than America in general. Fruits and veggies are cheaper. It's ridiculous and no wonder why we have such an obesity problem here.
  • zasiiniya
    zasiiniya Posts: 100 Member
    I go to a small private university and the food the university serves is pretty good - but it's filled with sodium! The company (Sodexo) shows up in the MFP databases but every day I eat from the cafeteria I go over my sodium limit (I'm tracking it). I can only imagine how much sodium must be in school food. I can't imagine what my sodium would be like if I was still in high school and eating lunch from the cafeteria there everyday (it wasn't much different than what was in the pictures, just a few more choices - but they were mostly packaged things too, like candies). The high school's efforts towards making things healthy were pretty much just switching from normal to baked chips.

    Parents can make food for their children but from my experience, 95% of students buy lunch from the cafeteria, at least in public schools. In high school it's worse because the students have the options to buy essentially anything - and many opt for things like ice cream, candy, etc. instead of the somewhat-balanced meals the school serves. So there's a point where parents really can't do much unless schools let them know how the students are spending their money.

    However... I'd rather have these options than things like only rice or porridge, as some countries have.
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    Here is a link to 20 school lunches from around the world. The USA is horrible!

    You know parents have the option to make a lunch for their kids and have them bring it to school, right? So is it the school's fault or the parents fault?

  • rachellynch2002
    rachellynch2002 Posts: 3 Member
    My son's school offers unhealthy lunch options, so I pack him a healthy lunch everyday to take. Parents need to be accountable for making sure their children aren't eating so much crap! It would surely help if the schools did better, but as parents we need to be advocates for our kids first and foremost. At our school most kids bring their own lunch, I don't see that many getting school lunch. That being said, my husband was at my son's school for lunch last week and he said one little boy opened up his lunch and he had 2 bags of chips and a fruit roll-up. This is a 1st grader! Makes me sad for kids like that whose parents don't seem to care what they eat.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Schools make it by with limited budgets to prepare what they can.
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    My school catered they're food every day. and we had a salad bar. so i had options. :3
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    what I wanna know is the hell France gets steaks on their school lunch plates but I never did?!? That's just wrong on so many levels.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Here is a link to 20 school lunches from around the world. The USA is horrible!

    You know parents have the option to make a lunch for their kids and have them bring it to school, right? So is it the school's fault or the parents fault?

    There was a recent news release that featured a school district that had healthy lunches. What happened is that kids threw away their lunches and either bought fast foods from various "black market" sources (off campus) or brought their own fast foods from home.

    So I agree, parents have made their choices clear.
  • dedarlin
    dedarlin Posts: 41 Member
    think about how many ADULTS are not educated about food, i think it absolutely is the schools responsibility to teach our children about nutrition and provide healthy meals! in addition, please remember that not all of our nation's family are able to provide healthy lunches for their childrent to take to school. Some of our students get their ONLY meals from school.
  • dobenjam
    dobenjam Posts: 232 Member
    Here is a link to 20 school lunches from around the world. The USA is horrible!

    You know parents have the option to make a lunch for their kids and have them bring it to school, right? So is it the school's fault or the parents fault?

    While this is true and I completely agree that the parents should provide the lunch they want their kids to have if they don't like it, you know those little buggers are trading their Yogurt for someone else's Tatertots. Or using their own money if in high school to buy cookies etc.
  • dobenjam
    dobenjam Posts: 232 Member
    Schools make it by with limited budgets to prepare what they can.

    So do most families
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    You know parents have the option to make a lunch for their kids and have them bring it to school, right? So is it the school's fault or the parents fault?

    It doesn't mean that the school shouldn't be held responsible for not providing healthy choices. Is it the kid's fault that their parents don't make their lunch? No. So why should the kid's body have to suffer for it?

    That being said, I'm really not surprised... the rest of the world has so much better, healthier food than America in general. Fruits and veggies are cheaper. It's ridiculous and no wonder why we have such an obesity problem here.

    I couldn't have said it better myself.

    Of course you always have the option of sending your kid to school with a packed lunch but it still doesn't dismiss the crap the schools are serving to the kids. What about all these kids who are low income and dont have the money for bagged lunches? Most of the time school lunch is free for them. Sometimes its the only meal they get for the day. So...what then?

    Clearly there is an issue with school lunches in this country. Its been all over the news and for goodness sake, pizza is a vegetable now. So, the people who arguing "just send your kid to school with a bagged lunch" are just defecting the real problem. The point is that every meal that comes out of those schools should not look like those pictures in that link. Simple as that. You should not have to send your kid with a bagged lunch in fear of the food they serve.

    If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything.
  • Very interesting and thanks for sharing.

    I could go off on a tangent about this topic but let me just say this-America is supposed to be the greatest nation in the world and we have about 13 million American children live in families with incomes below the federal poverty level.

    Do you think these parents can afford to pack a lunch????? Those children are all on the subsidized lunch programs.

    So, while it is easy to point the finger and blame, fact is, we are ALL to blame. The general public dictates what goes on in this country.
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    Here is a link to 20 school lunches from around the world. The USA is horrible!

    You know parents have the option to make a lunch for their kids and have them bring it to school, right? So is it the school's fault or the parents fault?

    My son is 4 and we have made his lunches for school. I can instill healthy habits in him, but eventually, when he is a teenager, bringing in lunch his mommy made might not be that cool, and then his only options are the crap school lunches. Don't throw ME under the bus. The school should provide healthier options. Or his friends should be more tolerant when it comes to momy packing his lunch:bigsmile:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Here is a link to 20 school lunches from around the world. The USA is horrible!

    You know parents have the option to make a lunch for their kids and have them bring it to school, right? So is it the school's fault or the parents fault?


    When you get to Kenya on that list, it's pretty heartbreaking to see that's all they get for lunch. As soon as you get to the American lunches, you notice the switch to prepackaged, processed food and junk.