No wonder our kids grow up to make bad food choices...



  • Cassi1990
    Cassi1990 Posts: 74 Member
    I was going to read through each comment but I can be working out instead. So I'll just say that it's the parents responsibility to teach the kids from DAY ONE healthy eating that way when they start school and have option, they will chose wisely.

    If my kids are obese, I cannot blame anyone but myself. I am the parent and it is MY JOB to teach and guide them. It's not the schools fault. It's not societies fault. It would be mine.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    @Cakeums, READ what she is saying, you're being blind to her actual words and manipulating them so you can have a fight. Knock it off, it makes you look bad.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    The reason we can not blame our food choices as adults on the way we were raised as children is because once you you are an adult or even a teen you have the ability to make those choices yourself. A 5 year old does not, and they will choose chips over an apple if thats what they know. But it comes a point were you can no longer fall back on being a victim of circumstance. My whole point in the first place is schools are not the cause of the obesity epidemic which is what i was refering to in the first place
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I was going to read through each comment but I can be working out instead. So I'll just say that it's the parents responsibility to teach the kids from DAY ONE healthy eating that way when they start school and have option, they will chose wisely.

    If my kids are obese, I cannot blame anyone but myself. I am the parent and it is MY JOB to teach and guide them. It's not the schools fault. It's not societies fault. It would be mine.

    Thank you!! This right here!!!!
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    I work in a large public high school. The food is disgusting. I have eaten exactly one breakfast (on a professional development day) and exactly one lunch (Christmas luncheon, free for employees) this entire year. The eggs were inedible (and that was the less popular non-cheese variety), the turkey a salt lick, the corn half-frozen, the mashed potatoes the consistency of play-doh. The only thing I enjoyed was an orange. Hard to mess that up.

    After looking at that site, I want Italian schools to make my lunch every day. . . .
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    This topic is so much more complicated and so many of the responses are trying to oversimplify it. Yes, a lot of schools have crap lunches....FRENCH FRIES are considered a VEGETABLE!!! Consider that for a second....Anyone else watch Jamie Oliver's food revolution??
    Schools themselves aren't the problem (like someone mentioned) They get their funding from state and federal sources and are budgeted fairly tightly... a district will go with one particular food distributor, and most times they offer a healthy option, and with the right know how that option can be the same price as the junk why don't schools take it?
    Lack of know how in food preparation
    Time: cooking for hundreds, sometimes thousands of kids each day is so much easier with frozen, processed food
    Resistance to change: come on, we're creatures of habit...we've been eating french fries, pizza and chicken nuggets our whole lives (thanks to the fast food industry), why would we give that up now.

    Some parents are stretched for time...since the 70s/80s most households have 2 working parents...which means morning routines are streamlined...meaning dishing out money instead of taking the time to prepare lunches....Parents want to believe their child's school offers them a healthy meal for lunch.
    Some families (including mine) are entitled to free or reduced lunch...if you're poor enough to quality for this there's no way you're going to spend the money on packing lunches.

    There's also WAY too much credit given to parent's knowledge of good family growing up was absolutely clueless, as are a lot of people. I've worked as a teacher...and some kids come in with the WORST packed in all candy and processed sugar, not the slightest bit of real food.
    My parents' generation grew up eating comfort food...and it was fine, but now with all the chemicals, preservatives, additives....HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP (I challenge any one of you to go down a normal grocery store isle and find a product that doesn't include this over processed sugar...not including the health food isle) food has become way more fatty and unhealthy.
    I could go on... but I'll leave you with a youtube: video
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Good grief. Pack their darn lunches if you don't like what the school serves.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I was going to read through each comment but I can be working out instead. So I'll just say that it's the parents responsibility to teach the kids from DAY ONE healthy eating that way when they start school and have option, they will chose wisely.

    If my kids are obese, I cannot blame anyone but myself. I am the parent and it is MY JOB to teach and guide them. It's not the schools fault. It's not societies fault. It would be mine.

    Thank you!! This right here!!!!

    I agree 100%

    Very basic nutrition is not that difficult to figure out. Taking packed lunches would be the better option and I will do it for my kids.
    My school had healthy choices too. Even in elementary we got a vegetable, fruit, and main dish on our square lunch tray
  • oceanrose78
    oceanrose78 Posts: 133 Member
    This topic is so much more complicated and so many of the responses are trying to oversimplify it. Yes, a lot of schools have crap lunches....FRENCH FRIES are considered a VEGETABLE!!! Consider that for a second....Anyone else watch Jamie Oliver's food revolution??
    Schools themselves aren't the problem (like someone mentioned) They get their funding from state and federal sources and are budgeted fairly tightly... a district will go with one particular food distributor, and most times they offer a healthy option, and with the right know how that option can be the same price as the junk why don't schools take it?
    Lack of know how in food preparation
    Time: cooking for hundreds, sometimes thousands of kids each day is so much easier with frozen, processed food
    Resistance to change: come on, we're creatures of habit...we've been eating french fries, pizza and chicken nuggets our whole lives (thanks to the fast food industry), why would we give that up now.

    Some parents are stretched for time...since the 70s/80s most households have 2 working parents...which means morning routines are streamlined...meaning dishing out money instead of taking the time to prepare lunches....Parents want to believe their child's school offers them a healthy meal for lunch.
    Some families (including mine) are entitled to free or reduced lunch...if you're poor enough to quality for this there's no way you're going to spend the money on packing lunches.

    There's also WAY too much credit given to parent's knowledge of good family growing up was absolutely clueless, as are a lot of people. I've worked as a teacher...and some kids come in with the WORST packed in all candy and processed sugar, not the slightest bit of real food.
    My parents' generation grew up eating comfort food...and it was fine, but now with all the chemicals, preservatives, additives....HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP (I challenge any one of you to go down a normal grocery store isle and find a product that doesn't include this over processed sugar...not including the health food isle) food has become way more fatty and unhealthy.
    I could go on... but I'll leave you with a youtube: video

    THANK YOU! You said exactly what I was about to type out! I'm sorry, most people don't know proper nutrition, or choose to teach it to their kids. They should, but they don't. And I am willing to bet a lot of people on this site fall into that category. It's hard to become 80 pounds overweight eating vegetables. I used to fit into that category too, until I studied nutrition and completely changed my diet and way of eating. I do believe it's the school's place to teach proper nutrition in the lunch room, the gym, and health and science class. It's the parent's responsibility to back it up. We can all do better, without blame. There is a major problem in this country and it's health. We are all to blame.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    You can't become obese with veggies in the diet? lol...
    Just because they pack unhealthy things doesn't mean they are clueless. Do you think they honestly don't know that those things are unhealthy? Its pretty simple.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    This topic is so much more complicated and so many of the responses are trying to oversimplify it. Yes, a lot of schools have crap lunches....FRENCH FRIES are considered a VEGETABLE!!! Consider that for a second....Anyone else watch Jamie Oliver's food revolution??
    Schools themselves aren't the problem (like someone mentioned) They get their funding from state and federal sources and are budgeted fairly tightly... a district will go with one particular food distributor, and most times they offer a healthy option, and with the right know how that option can be the same price as the junk why don't schools take it?
    Lack of know how in food preparation
    Time: cooking for hundreds, sometimes thousands of kids each day is so much easier with frozen, processed food
    Resistance to change: come on, we're creatures of habit...we've been eating french fries, pizza and chicken nuggets our whole lives (thanks to the fast food industry), why would we give that up now.

    Some parents are stretched for time...since the 70s/80s most households have 2 working parents...which means morning routines are streamlined...meaning dishing out money instead of taking the time to prepare lunches....Parents want to believe their child's school offers them a healthy meal for lunch.
    Some families (including mine) are entitled to free or reduced lunch...if you're poor enough to quality for this there's no way you're going to spend the money on packing lunches.

    There's also WAY too much credit given to parent's knowledge of good family growing up was absolutely clueless, as are a lot of people. I've worked as a teacher...and some kids come in with the WORST packed in all candy and processed sugar, not the slightest bit of real food.
    My parents' generation grew up eating comfort food...and it was fine, but now with all the chemicals, preservatives, additives....HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP (I challenge any one of you to go down a normal grocery store isle and find a product that doesn't include this over processed sugar...not including the health food isle) food has become way more fatty and unhealthy.
    I could go on... but I'll leave you with a youtube: video

    THANK YOU! You said exactly what I was about to type out! I'm sorry, most people don't know proper nutrition, or choose to teach it to their kids. They should, but they don't. And I am willing to bet a lot of people on this site fall into that category. It's hard to become 80 pounds overweight eating vegetables. I used to fit into that category too, until I studied nutrition and completely changed my diet and way of eating. I do believe it's the school's place to teach proper nutrition in the lunch room, the gym, and health and science class. It's the parent's responsibility to back it up. We can all do better, without blame. There is a major problem in this country and it's health. We are all to blame.

    I became 80 pounds overweight by eating under 2000 calories a day,most of it from fruits and veggies. But thats usally what happens after you spend years not eating everyday then switch to eating everyday.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    While I agree with the "it's the parent's responsibility" view, I also wonder how many of the people stating it have set foot in a public school recently, or know anything about the live some of these students lead. So many of their parents do not care. They just. don't care. And even if they do care about some aspects of their children's lives, nutrition is not one of them.

    With that in mind . . . Is it the kids' fault that their parents didn't teach them how to eat properly? (Correct answer: No.) At that point, don't schools and governments have some responsibility to step it up and feed our students higher quality food?
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    I was going to read through each comment but I can be working out instead. So I'll just say that it's the parents responsibility to teach the kids from DAY ONE healthy eating that way when they start school and have option, they will chose wisely.

    If my kids are obese, I cannot blame anyone but myself. I am the parent and it is MY JOB to teach and guide them. It's not the schools fault. It's not societies fault. It would be mine.

    I agree.

    Eat less, move more. Throw in some fruits and veggies.
    How do parents not know this? Perhaps it's just not important to them. I know I can't force my priorities on someone else, nor would I want to.
  • tracy337
    tracy337 Posts: 199 Member
    You know parents have the option to make a lunch for their kids and have them bring it to school, right? So is it the school's fault or the parents fault?

    It doesn't mean that the school shouldn't be held responsible for not providing healthy choices. Is it the kid's fault that their parents don't make their lunch? No. So why should the kid's body have to suffer for it?

    That being said, I'm really not surprised... the rest of the world has so much better, healthier food than America in general. Fruits and veggies are cheaper. It's ridiculous and no wonder why we have such an obesity problem here.

    I couldn't have said it better myself.

    Of course you always have the option of sending your kid to school with a packed lunch but it still doesn't dismiss the crap the schools are serving to the kids. What about all these kids who are low income and dont have the money for bagged lunches? Most of the time school lunch is free for them. Sometimes its the only meal they get for the day. So...what then?

  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 231 Member
    @Cakeums, READ what she is saying, you're being blind to her actual words and manipulating them so you can have a fight. Knock it off, it makes you look bad.

    I am reading it, but there are a lot of generalizations in there that are pretty infuriating when sometimes people really just don't have the education to know what is truly nutritious and what isn't.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    You know parents have the option to make a lunch for their kids and have them bring it to school, right? So is it the school's fault or the parents fault?

    It doesn't mean that the school shouldn't be held responsible for not providing healthy choices. Is it the kid's fault that their parents don't make their lunch? No. So why should the kid's body have to suffer for it?

    That being said, I'm really not surprised... the rest of the world has so much better, healthier food than America in general. Fruits and veggies are cheaper. It's ridiculous and no wonder why we have such an obesity problem here.

    I couldn't have said it better myself.

    Of course you always have the option of sending your kid to school with a packed lunch but it still doesn't dismiss the crap the schools are serving to the kids. What about all these kids who are low income and dont have the money for bagged lunches? Most of the time school lunch is free for them. Sometimes its the only meal they get for the day. So...what then?


    Every school my son has attended,and its been many in 3 diffrent states have healthy options with the free lunches. The kids are not choosing them and many are not eating them. Its the parents job to teach their children how to make wise choices in life and with food
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 231 Member
    This topic is so much more complicated and so many of the responses are trying to oversimplify it. Yes, a lot of schools have crap lunches....FRENCH FRIES are considered a VEGETABLE!!! Consider that for a second....Anyone else watch Jamie Oliver's food revolution??
    Schools themselves aren't the problem (like someone mentioned) They get their funding from state and federal sources and are budgeted fairly tightly... a district will go with one particular food distributor, and most times they offer a healthy option, and with the right know how that option can be the same price as the junk why don't schools take it?
    Lack of know how in food preparation
    Time: cooking for hundreds, sometimes thousands of kids each day is so much easier with frozen, processed food
    Resistance to change: come on, we're creatures of habit...we've been eating french fries, pizza and chicken nuggets our whole lives (thanks to the fast food industry), why would we give that up now.

    Some parents are stretched for time...since the 70s/80s most households have 2 working parents...which means morning routines are streamlined...meaning dishing out money instead of taking the time to prepare lunches....Parents want to believe their child's school offers them a healthy meal for lunch.
    Some families (including mine) are entitled to free or reduced lunch...if you're poor enough to quality for this there's no way you're going to spend the money on packing lunches.

    There's also WAY too much credit given to parent's knowledge of good family growing up was absolutely clueless, as are a lot of people. I've worked as a teacher...and some kids come in with the WORST packed in all candy and processed sugar, not the slightest bit of real food.
    My parents' generation grew up eating comfort food...and it was fine, but now with all the chemicals, preservatives, additives....HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP (I challenge any one of you to go down a normal grocery store isle and find a product that doesn't include this over processed sugar...not including the health food isle) food has become way more fatty and unhealthy.
    I could go on... but I'll leave you with a youtube: video

    THANK YOU!!!
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 231 Member
    Another thing to think about - so many people are saying, "When I have kids, I will pack all their lunches." Well, I said this too, and I do pack my daughter's lunches most of the time. I usually give her a sandwich on wheat, or some cheese and crackers, some sort of fruit or baby carrots, and a "treat" sometimes, like a little lemon cookie. Yogurt, whole wheat pretzel sticks, some other stuff goes in as a snack for the afternoon. Sometimes I pack soup in an insulated food thermos.

    Sometimes, we are running late and I send her to buy lunch. It happens. I'm human.

    Try to think of it this way too - many of us are on this site because we ARE health-conscious, or are trying to become so. We have the knowledge and the resources to seek out education on eating healthy, portion control, and so on. There are people out there who do not have internet access readily available (hard to fathom, I know), do not seek out information on nutrition, and so on. So they are not necessarily going to pack a lunch for their kid every day.

    The point is to give kids access to healthy foods, and take away their access to crap foods. Just because it's FDA approved doesn't mean it's good for you!
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 231 Member
    @Cakeums, READ what she is saying, you're being blind to her actual words and manipulating them so you can have a fight. Knock it off, it makes you look bad.

    I am reading it, but there are a lot of generalizations in there that are pretty infuriating when sometimes people really just don't have the education to know what is truly nutritious and what isn't.

    Also, just because I look cranky doesn't mean I'm looking for a fight. :flowerforyou:
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    So what's the solution?

    Policing? Saving others from making bad choices?

    If you're going to complain about something shouldn't you be able to provide solutions?
    Just *****ing isn't helping anyone. :smile: