Low impact exercises at the gym...

Well, I'm still rather new to going to the gym; I'm on my third week, and I tend to go 6 times a week for usually 60/70 minutes at a time. My favourite equipment to use is the elliptical trainer, the rowing machine, the cycling machine, and I suppose the treadmill also. So, I've been pretty dedicated, and although I've 'firmed up' a bit, I haven't actually lost any weight from the added exercise. (I've been told to incorporate strength training also, so I'll try that in a couple of weeks time. SORRY, off topic, I know, but I'm getting there.)

Well, yesterday, I might have 'overdone' it. 35minutes on the treadmill doing a brisk walk, 15minutes on the rowing machine, high tension, and finally, 10 minutes cycling. (I did stretch before hand, and cool down..though probably not enough.)

On my way back, out of the gym, I decide to jog up a hill on my way to university accommodation. I take one stride, and pull a muscle in the back of my right thigh...So, yeah, I was limping then.

I would love to go to the gym again tonight, but I really can't think of much that won't put too much of a strain on my muscles...

Sorry that was so long. Any suggestions? Opinions?



  • thinktank32k
    Take the day off. You dont want to make a little discomfort become a long-term injury. You can always use some dumbells at home for you arms.
  • dedarlin
    dedarlin Posts: 41 Member
    first off, awesome job and dedication! second, my understanding (and of course i am not a personal trainer or medical professional) is that the optimal window for cardio is 25 to 45 minutes at a time, i can't recall why because i read SO much information that i only try to remember the stuff that i feel is beneficial (for me), not always the details as to why. I will try to look it up again and link the info for you.
    anywho, my suggestion for you would to definitely stretch a few times today, focusing on the hamstrings, there are a ton of videos and photos online if you don't know exactly what to do. and also low impact cardio (elliptical, arc trainer) should help loosen things up. of course, if you feel that you have really injured yourself you should not do any type of exercise without consulting a physician. Good luck girl!
  • skinnieminniemouse
    When I hurt my thighs, I didn't exercise for like 2-3 days because I didn't want to damage them more, then it would take longer to heal. I think you should make it your rest day and see how you go tomorrow, one day isn't going to make loads of difference! x