Kid's lunches

I have been making kid lunches for many years and, frankly, I am out of ideas to make them fun and healthy. It seems like I give the girls the same things all the time. The girls are 7 and they are not picky eaters and there are very few things that they don't like. Can any of you suggest items to put in their lunches? Thanks in advance.


  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    pasta salad, salad, toasted bagels with cream cheese, ham/cheddar/crackers, my daughter has requested cold grilled cheese sandwiches....ummm big fruit salads, i pack tuna salad and she eats it with a spoon...

    I pack leftovers too...if i cook a large ham i'll send some and a container of honey mustard. I've sent cereal and in one juice container i'll send milk (and in another i'll send juice) so she can just pour it in the bowl at school

    I also pack her lunches with an ice pack in a separate compartment.
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    fruit, cheese sticks, 100 calorie snack packs
  • I bought these apples with carmel dippers for my daugher and she LOVES them plus the carmel is like dime shapped so thats her dessert. Also target has cookie cutter and sandwhich cutters that you can use to make different shapes with the sandwhiches. Sometimes its not about whats in there but more the effort and presentation that keeps its from going dull or boring. Depending on ages you could write notes "how many carrots are in this bag?" and if they get it right they get to help make dinner that night or something else little that means a lot to a little one. Also one of my daughers favorites is the ant on a log...celery sticks with peanut butter and raisens! Even I enjoy that little treat.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    my daughter likes home made lunchables (i REFUSE to buy that packaged crap) so wheat thins, cheese and meat.. with a side of fresh fruit and milk..
    PB & J of course.. the cooking light ones linked already..
    i always send at least one fruit or veggie, depending on the meal.
  • dedarlin
    dedarlin Posts: 41 Member
    clif z bars for kids are a hit with my kids, although the sugar is moderate, so i make sure it's their only sweet for the day, but they do have a bit of protein, NO high fructose corn syrup, and lots of whole grains :)