

  • I am synced between GC and MFP (or so both apps say anyway) but it will not sync my food. When I am in GC at the food entry, it says add food in MFP and then sends me to MFP app. But itnever shows back up in GC?? Am I doing something wrong?
  • WOW! You look great! That is the amount I want to lose :) Great job!!!
  • I get this way too :( It's hard to stay at it, but I believe you will be happiest with yourself if you push through. One thing I have learned on here and I am going to try when the time hits, is zig-zagging with my calorie intake. It sounds logical and I've heard it keeps our body guessing. So sounds like a thing to try…
  • 15 pages and I'm the only 1 in Southern Oregon? wow.... Just outside Medford, Oregon
  • Wow! Thanks so much for all the books! You all are so helpful! Usually when I have posted on other sites, I seem to get over looked. :( Not by you guys though! Thanks! I have lots to choose from now :) you all made me very happy today! THANKS!
  • I don't have a nook ap, but thanks for the offer :)
  • Thanks for the ideas :) I'll have to go to the library with a list. I love Nicolas Sparks, but he seems to either kill someone off or it isn't the "happy" ending I like.... I'm gonna have fun at the library! But I'll make sure I walk there, so I get some exercise too!! lol Thanks again!
  • You can also use a 7" plate instead of a full size one. It makes me feel better if my plate is full! But your portion size will be smaller :) I still struggle with chips and cookies. I just eat 2 cookies instead of my normal 4. And I drink A LOT of water so I feel full longer. HTH
    in I suck Comment by smartmama4 May 2011
  • I would totally agree with this IF they still get to stay there. But now it is all for the money and how hard they work at home..... :( That would be why I'm still thinking.... :)
  • I still haven't decided.... I'm leaning toward Irene because she has managed to stay on all season. For Jay..... he was sent home once, almost twice... 3rd times a charm?? LOL sorry about that! I am going to think about it for a little longer I think.......
  • I LOVE CHOCOLATE TOO!!! I have found that I eat less of it since I opened my food tracker up to my friends. I don't know if any of them actually look at it, but in my head it makes me think twice before eating it :) It has helped me :) Welcome and good luck!!
  • Welcome everyone! I couldn't have said this myself! I too have been on the "diet" roller coaster. Until you decide to make a lifestyle change, you will continue on that roller coaster! It's not easy, but there are a lot of amazing people on this site!
  • In life: Procrastination and just being lazy... In eating: It's the junk food!!! I love the taste and it calls me! Chips and chocolate is my worst....
  • Congrats!! That is VERY cool!!!!
  • Tagging for later..... My hubby seems to think he would like some of my attention! LOL I'll be back tomorrow :) I really need some motivation! I'm having a heck of a time telling the cookies and chips in the kitchen NO! At least I have stayed in my limit today! So that is good! Well, he is looking at me, so...... tomorrow!…
  • So I admit I stopped reading at about page 3 or so.... I'd never get up from the computer if I had continued on! AND I so need to get up so I don't get fatter!! LOL I believe "to each his own...." But I love the rat issue! ..... causes cancer in lab rats! That is were the "in moderation" comes in. Yes I believe some of…
  • I would have a hard time with breakfast too. I would probably stick a Fiber1 bar and an apple in my purse. But that's just me... Good luck with your trip and I will pray for a good visit for your daughter! :)
  • I agree with this too.
    in bullying Comment by smartmama4 May 2011
  • We deal with bullying alot where I live. Most of it is verbal instead, but that can almost be worse at times :( It really sucks! The schools can't do anything except for suspend the kids and the parents of those kids are just like them, so they don't care. The school policy for bullying is; if you are being hit just lay…
    in bullying Comment by smartmama4 May 2011
  • Ok, so don't hate me for being stupid... But how far do you have to come up to make it a good crunch? And how do you do a crunch while standing? I have never been into exercising very much and I've alway hated sit ups.... :( Sorry for the stupid questions, but maybe I'm not the only one that doesn't know this? Thanks for…
  • I'm in too :) That's part of my body this WAY out of shape! This may take ALL day!! LOL
  • I'm in too :) My calves are still killing me from last Friday's challenge! But no pain no gain right??!!?? lol
  • Done! Wow that was awesome! Thanks for the challenge :) I need the challenge to keep me going and it's more fun that way, cuz it's something new!
  • Very cool! I'm in too! When the kids take their nap I'll have to go outside to use the stairs off my deck LOL
  • I am a SAHM too. I have been on a roller coaster with my weight ever since I was about 18. I have never been really thin... I was a size 10 in high school. I have 4 kids and after everyone of them, I would lose alittle of the weight and then get pregnant and gain more. It never really has bothered me until the last few…
  • Wow! you look great! I am 5'4" also and weigh 178 right now and you look SO MUCH better than I do! Great job!!!
  • I have the opposite problem.... I have a hard time getting up to 1200! I drink a lot of water, so I guess I'm not hungry?? MFP told me I need to eat more? That is just way too weird! I'm trying to lose weight but I need to eat more...... I make a broccoli soup that I really like and the only thing in it that really has any…
  • Thought I'd say hi :) I just started this yesterday. Seems pretty cool so far. I got my mom and aunt on it too so that should be fun! I look forward to getting lots of tips and I love the database! :)