froggy905 Member


  • Dempster Whole Grains - Ancient Grains Bread Crap, I guess that is a sign I still eat too much bread!
  • Proud of you, and inspired by you! Keep it up!
    in Sub 300! Comment by froggy905 April 2010
  • There is "solid science" to support both veg and non-veg diets. As with many things, I don't know who to believe anymore... I have do veg diet for short periods of time during cleanses, etc... and I know what I am just dead and have no energy. I think that for my blood time they recommend a lot of red meat for that reason.…
  • The base for green curry is coconut cream...not bad for you, but definitely high cals from fat. Try to eat mostly the meat and veg, and not too much of the broth
  • I also have a Polar f7 with chest strap and love it. The calories it gives me are much lower than what MFP estimates--I trust that more and would rather err on the side of caution. Whatever you decide--get one with a chest strap to measure actual ECG not just pulse. Women wear it right under the bust. and get one you can…
  • haha Maybe I do. I apologize for perhaps jumping to conclusions. Some other boards and forums are crippled by ads and spam... I apologize, and humbly ask forgiveness for being such a downer :(
    in vi-shake Comment by froggy905 March 2010
  • Stop being such a shill for Vi. I hate when people advertise on forums. You are just making people hate you and less likely yo buy your stuff.
    in vi-shake Comment by froggy905 March 2010
  • My advice is to ditch the expectations of faaaaaast weight loss. If you are owning the change of lifestyle for yourself, it should not matter if change comes overnight or takes a while, as long as change is happening, and it is permanent. I used to have the same outlook---wanting change and wanting it fast---if I did not…
  • The only program I found for ipod (not iphone) is the Christian Indie Broadcast C25K podcast. It is really good--you can just run, not have to keep watching your time on a watch... And the music is good. If you are not a Christian you might not be a huge fan, but it really is pretty good.
  • You can't!!!! Wow, horrible to see some women talking about using sex, etc... to get their men to change. My wife tried all sorts of things while we were dating and engaged to get me to wise up and get healthy. None of it worked, and only put stress on our relationship. But now I have owned it FOR ME, not FOR HER, that it…
  • You CAN see the week totals for minutes of exercise and calories burned from exercise
  • I knew nothing about them--and so everything I learned is off of the web and from the store I got mine at. Mine is a Polar F7. It is great--you can set it top light, moderate or intense work out. Prompts you to slow down or pick up the pace. At the end of your workout it shows peak heart rate, average heart rate, duration…
    in HRM Comment by froggy905 March 2010
  • Getting this overweight and out of shape! Haha but seriously, I try to live without regrets--keeps me sane.
    in Regrets? Comment by froggy905 March 2010
  • I found this helpful: Moderate exercise Training in this zone improves the ability of your heart to pump blood and improve the muscles' ability to utilize oxygen. The body becomes more efficient at feeding the working muscles, and learns to metabolise fat as a source of fuel. bpm 139 - 152 Aerobic zone or "target heart…
  • I would not count this kind of "incidental" activity as exercise. It is a good bonus, but not a replacement for intentional and determined activity that really gets your heart rate up and sustains it. Just because you sweat doing something does not make it exercise.
  • I am in the same boat myself. It is fine to start with short intervals (45 seconds to a minute), as when you are just starting out, this is all it will take to keep your heart rate up in the 'workout' zone. However, once your body becomes accustomed to running, you will likely need to extend your running interval in order…
  • Congrats on joining! Good luck on your adventure! I tried WW for a while too--b/c my parents were doing it. I prefer this b/c it is FREE and it gives you all the food details, not just the point value. You know exactly what you are eating.
    in Hello Comment by froggy905 March 2010
  • Hi and welcome! Nice to see others determined to lose a lot of weight. I have about 80 lbs to lose myself. Good luck!
  • I am new as well, good luck!