How do you get your husband to want to change to?

tkrall Posts: 109
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So, I joined this site in January and I have had a lot of sucess so far! But, it is really hard to be good when my future husband eats JUNK all the time in front of me. I cook dinner everynight, it always a three course meal that is good, as well as good for you. He has been suggesting that the food is becoming too healthy! That I'm taking this too far... :wink: I want my family to join me in becoming a healthy, but how do you convince a man who loves junk food?


  • Easy....SEX! No greater incentive than that for men. Give him some positive reinforcement :wink: when you see him making healthy choices or working out.
  • bluexiii
    bluexiii Posts: 36
    You could try to make him get into "need to be the dominant male" mode. Most men are competitive and will strive to be better than someone else.

    You could start by doing things like, say the next time he takes off his shirt, go up to him, squeeze his belly and say "awh its so cute." Say it in a way that maybe is a cutesy voice, but is probably making him feel bad.

    You could also try doing things like, after a trip to the gym, say something like "man I saw this guy today on the bench press who was doing leg lifts at the same time, it was really impressive. some guys really know how to work out"

    This approach is kind of mean, but if he's not taking you seriously already maybe you need to do some of that psychological ninja magic women are so good at.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Easy....SEX! No greater incentive than that for men. Give him some positive reinforcement :wink: when you see him making healthy choices or working out.


    Honestly, you can't make him do anything. But, what I did was just eat healthy myself and always offer what i'm having for dinner. If he doesn't want it, he can figure out whatever it is that he wants to eat on his own. Eventually he just started to eat what I made and actually like it all now. We still enjoy our food (homemade burgers, etc.) but just a healthier version. Instead of french fries with the burger, I make oven fries. If we make tacos, I make it into a salad while he has whole grain shells. If he wants spaghetti, I eat mine with chicken breast and whole grain pasta while he has the regular spaghetti.

    It can work!
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    You don't. They have to come to the conclusion on their own. Eat well, exercise and set the example. Talk about how great you feel and always be positive. Keep treats for yourself that you can eat. When my husband has ice cream covered in a cup of peanut butter... I eat some frozen yogurt. When he eats potato chips, I eat an apple with 2T of peanut butter. My husband is starting to come around and is making healthier choices... but I cannot change him... only he can do that.

    Give your husband one night a week where he can order whatever he wants for dinner... and plan something special for yourself.
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    If you or any one can figure that out you could make a lot of money. But my husband is supper supportive of my weight loss he tells me the smaller my waist the bigger my (.) (.) get lol. Good luck with getting the family on board they will just be better off because of it. And only you know if you are taking this to far and health is something I think you can take far. We are a nation of over weight people and the change starts with one person at a time so keep up the good work.
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    It's been a slow pace. When we moved in together almost 9 years ago, we both ate terribly. After about 6 months, I started cleaning up my diet. It took a while but he finally began to try out the healthy meals I would make and eat myself. I would say he's probably onboard for 90% of what I consider healthy and good-tasting, but some things he tried and said wouldn't do again (aka brussel sprouts, quinoa, to name recents). At least I am at a point that I know I can cook healthily and he will eat with me! He will still indulge in junk food more often than me, but I am good about just ignoring that and not letting it influence me to eat poorly.
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    My husband can eat anything, and loses weight. It's massively irritating. Massively.

    In the time we've been together, he's lost 50 lbs, and I've gained about 70. It's like it transferred by osmosis.


    So when I started trying to lose weight, I started cooking super healthy. He enjoyed the food, because everything I cook is very flavourful. The man who didn't like green veggies, now happily downs whatever I serve. The guy who would rather drink gravy than eat meat without it, has not had gravy in our house for three years. I do not make it. Ever. I do the cooking. If he doesn't like it, he can cook his own meal. He knows that I am working hard, and is supportive. When he goes out to hang with friends, is when he binges on Wendy's or something.

    I think you should sit down with your future spouse, and say "look. Here's the deal. I will make good food, that will help me to reach my goals. I am serious about these goals, and ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO SUPPORT ME, is not eat crap in front of me, and not complain that it's too healthy. If you want junk, you're on your own all day at work. Eat it then."
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    truthfully? you CAN'T. But that doesn't mean you can't ask him to be a little more conscious of your needs as well.

    I don't think it's to much to ask of him that he doesn't eat stuff that you don't want right in front of you.

    but I'll say this, nothing good can come of you trying to force him to change, either subtly or obviously. He has to WANT to do it. And until he does, you will only create resentment by trying.
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    Being a husband, my perspective may be different:

    First, obviously he isn't going to change if he doesn't want to. That said, tell him how important it is that you get healthy and that he needs to be supportive. Also tell him that if you're going to be married it's important for him to be healthy too. He can't think just of himself anymore, he needs to do it for himself, but needs to remember that the family needs him to be healthy too.

    If you do the cooking, cook the healthy stuff and make it available. Let me either eat the good stuff, make his own bad stuff, or not eat at all. If you do the shopping, don't buy the bad foods. Honestly you can't take being healthy too far. Either your healthy or you aren't. Sure you could go from fat and unhealthy to skinny and unhealthy, but it doesn't sound like that's the case here.

    Don't stop him from eating anything bad, or give dirty looks or make comments. Make available the good stuff and anything that's not good he needs to find, buy, or make himself.

    Best of luck! emothug.gif
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    I dont think you can. If he is going to change his eating habits it has to come from him. You can explain to him that encouragement in YOUR quest is important to you and that you would like him to do that for you. That part can change - how he reacts to YOUR life change. But getting him to buy into the healthy eting or exercising or weight loss if he isnt willing or ready just isnt going to happen. If he wants a pizza and you are telling him no lets have something healthy - he may go along in the short run but in the long run he will resnt you for not letting him have his pizza.
    The only thing, imo, that you can do is stay on track, flaunt your success and hope that he will jump on baord because of your SUCCESS!
    On a slightly different note - you say future husband -- being married for a while I can offer the advice up front - he isnt going to change who he is right now after you are married....if he doesnt like to eat healthy now, it isnt going to happen in a few years....I dont mean anything bad by this but be aware of this before you get married...if you are heading in a healthy direction and he isnt this could be a problem later on.....again...just my opinion and I dont mean it offensively at all.
  • froggy905
    froggy905 Posts: 23 Member
    You can't!!!!

    Wow, horrible to see some women talking about using sex, etc... to get their men to change.

    My wife tried all sorts of things while we were dating and engaged to get me to wise up and get healthy. None of it worked, and only put stress on our relationship. But now I have owned it FOR ME, not FOR HER, that it is what is making this change of lifestyle permanent.

    And now it is ME that desires her to change her lifestyle as well.....but I will NOT manipulate her or be passive aggressive like many of you are discussing to get her to change. She sees my example, and she will come around and OWN IT FOR HERSELF.

    As you can see, I feel very strongly about this, as I have been on BOTH sides of the fence.
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    Or...on another note...tell him to cook for himself if he doesnt like what you SERVE! :-)
  • gnme4243
    gnme4243 Posts: 120
    but I'll say this, nothing good can come of you trying to force him to change, either subtly or obviously. He has to WANT to do it. And until he does, you will only create resentment by trying.

    I 100% agree with this! Just keep doing what you are doing, and he will come along (or not) on his own. I think he will come along eventually, but in the meantime, hang in there, stick to what you know is right for you, and like sonjavon said above, make a night where he can choose something he likes/wants, and you can eat something else or alter it for yourself to be what you feel comfortable eating. I do that all the time with my son and husband, neither need to lose weight, so I cook healthy for us all, but they will eat whole wheat pasta, or have a potato etc where I won't.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • JeniF1979
    JeniF1979 Posts: 18
    Just keep doing what you are doing. My husband complained also at first, but he is not complaining so much now.

    Cook what you want to cook and when he sees you shedding those pounds.....well, he will feel like he needs to keep up with his wife if he wants to keep you around:) LOL.

    Seriously...just be a good example, that is all you can do. Don't give in and he will grow to admire your will power:)
  • Bete
    Bete Posts: 5
    I've been married for 17 years to a wonderful man who has struggled with his weight since my two children were born (empathy weight? lol) Anyway, I have learned, from experience, that I cannot make him lose weight or work out. I went through phases where I tried to, only to be frustrated and angry. I now have healthy food in the house and that's whats there for him to eat. If he chooses to eat out or eat too much of the foods I have, it is out of my hands. I pray he will lose weight so he can live longer and watch our children grow up; but it is out of my control and I now have a peace about it.....I hope this helps you :^D
  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    D-I-V-O-R-C-E or reconsider your choice. my husband would not exercise with me I would beg him to walk around the base with me or after dinner walk he never would. I would try to eat healthy and the more he would come home with all kinds of take out and when we would go out to dinner it was always some meaty joint. I would never be with a man who doesn't work out and eat clean atleast 80% of the time. They will drag you down and keep you from reaching your goals because they are selfish and can't realize that helping me is helping you. The sex will improve I will have more energy to laugh at your dumb jokes be more willing to please you in other ways bc you have showed me, You care about me about us.........If he doesn't have a big gut give him sometime it will grow on him my ex was always slim eat what ever he wanted not any more. he has a gut looks 13 months pregnant. I just look at him and say THANK GOD he is not mines. Only a man going in the same direction as I am or one with a better plan than I got will do. Exercise and eathing healthy............think about it love isn't everything. A piece of mind is priceless.....twistygirl
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    You can't!!!!

    Wow, horrible to see some women talking about using sex, etc... to get their men to change.

    My wife tried all sorts of things while we were dating and engaged to get me to wise up and get healthy. None of it worked, and only put stress on our relationship. But now I have owned it FOR ME, not FOR HER, that it is what is making this change of lifestyle permanent.

    And now it is ME that desires her to change her lifestyle as well.....but I will NOT manipulate her or be passive aggressive like many of you are discussing to get her to change. She sees my example, and she will come around and OWN IT FOR HERSELF.

    As you can see, I feel very strongly about this, as I have been on BOTH sides of the fence.

    I think many of us said the same thing as you. Only one person suggested sex.
  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member
    You cannot and should not try to force him in any way, that being said you should ask him to be more thoughtful and supportive. Once he sees you trimming up and looking hot he'll probably realise he needs to make more effort anyway :0)
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Um, Divorce is DEFINITELY NOT the answer.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    lol to a lot of these responses. Mine wasn't on board until I pulled the "this is what I made for dinner - take it or leave it" card. And he was constantly offering me junk food until I SHOWED him this site and where my BMI was (Obese. :sick: ) and then it clicked for him. He's super supportive now!

    You can't make him change his eating but you can get him to be supportive of your decision.
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