illuria Member


  • Yes, I have nonstop the same issue now. I can do it in the mobile app, but not on web browser (Firefox).
  • Bus, tram and train, depending on where I need to go. Despite my "honorable" age I have no intention to get a license. My other half does have a car (Seat Ibiza) and a license, though - so if I really need some help, he'll do the driving.
  • Fantastic inspiration, thank you for sharing! :-)
  • I knew there was a good reason why I do not have any carpets in my apartment :bigsmile:
  • Fantastic job, what a difference! The smile lights up the changes in your face :-) Keep it up girl!
  • Fantastic determination, and inspiration. Thank you for sharing! :-)
  • You look wonderful! A true inspirational goal for me :-) Great to see the results and don't get this wrong but your bum looks awesome :drinker: :tongue:
  • Every start is slow. I was and still am overweight. I started MFP logging 3 months ago. I didn't notice any difference the first month or so. I do not exercise much as I suffer from chronic fatigue and ehlers-danlos - I can injure myself quite easily. Whereas my body fat index is still askew, I've noticed the couple of…
  • I log everything every day. Every bite. If I don't have access to a computer (rarely happens), I will use the phone app. If it's a lifestyle change for good, everything counts :-). After all, it only will work if you are honest with yourself.
  • I pre-record when I know what I will make for dinner for instance, or if I always eat the same thing for certain meal. It does help me to keep in check. I do not plan cheat days, if I cheat, I log it. After seeing the "in 5 weeks .." part which is not so nice - I'll whine at myself and try better. But I realised quite…
  • 3 months, 5 lbs. Mainly what I've done is a nutrition change - choosing better foods. I have a lot of different/coinciding medical conditions that make steady high intensity exercise more difficult, but i am trying to move more. It's at least slow and steady, that's what I keep telling myself. And I am very happy to notice…
  • 5'9" and 173 lbs. I want to be 145 lbs (66kg). Far-fetched, but gotta keep my eyes on the prize :)
  • 1. I play all sorts of computer games despite being over 30 years old. 2. I got diagnosed with EDS (Ehlers-Danlos) when I was 30. 3. I can't live without music. 4. I love cats 5. I am scared of/revolted by cockroaches. I hate them the most out of any bugs. Flying bugs are the second worst. Big flies, centipedes with wings…
  • I'm from Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Have lived here for the past 1.5 years, originally come from Estonia :-)
  • Feel free to add me, as well. Always good to have some cheering and cheer others on their achievements :) Support is the key!
  • Finished level 2 day 5 today - now I have kept it up for 5 days without any breaks. At level 1 I felt there was way too much jumping and my shins/calves were in permanent cramps. I did level 1 with taking a break every 2 or 3 days, for one day - just because I needed recovery. On level 2 I find it a bit easier - I power…
  • I am in level 2 of 30DS now. I found that at first I couldn't keep up with level 1 - I did take a day's break after every 3 days. After the first day of course I could barely move. Now I am on level 2, third day in a row. Sore, but not complaining, feeling the burn. I'll keep an eye on this thread to cheer you on and find…
  • Thank you for sharing! Gave me some new encouragement :)
  • I am on day 6 now, I took a day break as well, as my calf muscles just decided to give up - it was so painful even to walk for a day, talk about being over-eager with exercise, hah! I feel I need 6 days + 1 day break with this, haven't seen level 2 yet but I heard it'll be a tough nut to crack. As for weights - I don't…
  • Firstly, let me say - you do not have to say you are sorry. Sorry for what? And yes, I read all of it. You have no idea how many times I've found myself in the same mental state, hating everything I do, every choice I make in regards to food/fitness. And how much I've hated my failures. I managed to lose a lot of weight…
  • Sent some requests too - together it'll be easier. Feel free to add me! :wink: Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Feel free to add me - always happy to give support and receive some too :bigsmile: I just started again a couple of weeks ago, and I keep an open diary. Need to be honest, above all! Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Hey, and welcome back. I've been here for a while, but I fell off the wagon quite fast the first time. I am also trying to get back to the routine of things. My story is really similar to yours - I"ve had two kids, piled up the weight with post-natal depression and stress-eating. As life has started to treat me a lil'…