Dissapoint as hell :(

I am going to keep this a short as possible as this is my first post and only going to give facts.

1, Three years ago lost job.
2, Only ever had Tea at 5.30 never had breakfast or dinner from as far back as remember, Used to Poop every day <Sorry>
3, Gave up smoking 3 years ago, Replaced with having a drink most night OPPPS
4, Put on 5 stone in total give or take over 3 years.
5, Went to see doctor for blood test not to do with weight and was told to loss some weight as I weighed 89kg
6, Monday started eating breakfast dinner and tea, Eating health at 1200 some times more to cover exercise calories weigh everything track every thing,
7, Go blading every night for min of 3 miles Bearing in mind most energetic thing I did was put kettle on when lost job.

That's the basic facts and here why I so down.

Since I have started eating correctly I have only been to poop once upside of eating right though feel fantastic
Weighed my self this morning and I have put on 0.2kg

What on earth is going on I am so gutted I have not lost any thing and I have put so much work into this.

I not going to give up but I can not get my head around it.


  • sazvampire
    sazvampire Posts: 53
    1200 seems low, is that what mfp gave you or is it your own target you have set yourself?
  • wrightyukgorl
    wrightyukgorl Posts: 5 Member
    it is what MFP gave me to lost 2lb a week
  • moonglo82
    moonglo82 Posts: 27 Member
    Are you possibly carbohydrate sensitive? If you have a lot of weight around your midsection, the answer is probably yes. If so, maybe consider going into mfp and changing your goals for each calorie source? I find that if carbs make up more than 30% of my calorie intake, I don't lose as well.

    Something else to consider is whether or not you are getting in enough water. If you take your weight in pounds and divide it by two, that's how many ounces of water your body needs a day to stay properly hydrated. Without proper hydration, weight loss is much more difficult.

    Finally, are you getting enough sleep? Sleep is very important for losing weight.

    You'll find the right balance. Sometimes it just takes experimenting. Good luck!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    - are you eating back your exercise calories?
    - what's your sodium levels like?
    - do you have any food allergies?
    - are you eating nutritionally dense clean food or processed food?
    - have you tried figuring out what your true maintenance level is? mfp's calculations are based on formulae and your body's metabolism might be different.
    - if you're stressed from the job situation (trust me i know. ive been unemployed since december) then you're goign to have a harder time releasing weight.
    - are you keeping track of your measurements as well as weight?
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    This is your first true week? Your body is resisting this. It will take some time. I've blogged about this here when I started, myself. So unsure of if I was doing something wrong. 55 year old who only walks the dog, but my eating was 50% healthy food.

    Junk foods will slow down your weight loss. Sugar, white flour, refined grains, salt are all culprits. Your body does NOT want you to lose weight. But if you do take in fewer calories than you put out in the end it WILL work. Sore muscles = water retention as well.

    Stay the course, DO NOT GIVE UP!

    My blog is listed on my profile if you are interested in my thoughts. It took me over a year to lose 35 pounds. I still fight with the last 3. It will be a never ending battle. Along the way you must find a way to make peace with food and your body. Your body will only lose as fast as it will lose. Forget about 2 pounds a week. Even when I set out to start to lose 75 pounds the first 53 came off ON AVERAGE of 1.1 pounds per week. Sometimes lost 3 sometimes gained 3 sometimes stayed the same. Ever watch THE BIGGEST LOSER? They have the same problems. Make sure you are eating enough for your BMR and exercise expenditure. Quality of food does count, too.

    Best of luck to you, and AGAIN, DO NOT GIVE UP! = D
  • wrightyukgorl
    wrightyukgorl Posts: 5 Member
    moonglo82 something to look into just had a look and mfp is saying my carbs for the week is 50%

    Meshashesha20 answer to them question are

    -90% of the time no
    -sodium 10405 for the week
    -No processed food at all
    -To be honest no went with mfp as mate of mine had good results
    -Not stressed kinda go with the flow now and count my self lucky I with my children,
    -Not doing measurement no after thinking about that though I want to slap my self as I really should be
  • illuria
    illuria Posts: 24 Member
    Every start is slow. I was and still am overweight. I started MFP logging 3 months ago. I didn't notice any difference the first month or so.

    I do not exercise much as I suffer from chronic fatigue and ehlers-danlos - I can injure myself quite easily. Whereas my body fat index is still askew, I've noticed the couple of past weeks weight's finally moving. I've lost almost 4 kg but it's taken me 3 months. I know, it's not an excuse :-)

    Do not give up, don't go under 1200 kcal and make sure to eat your exercise cals back even at 75% rate - otherwise your body will just go into survival mode. Make sure you get enough nutrients, consult with a doctor if necessary. It's a long road there but trust me, I've been to hell and back and being back... is much better :)

    Good luck!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i also agree with giving it time. it took a good 2 months before i started seeing results on the scale. i think for those first 2 months i didnt even drop a pound.

    just stick with it. you might also find that you need to play around with your calorie goals. i started having better results when i increased my calories a bit and changed my macros to have more protein.
  • kdward83
    kdward83 Posts: 32
    It took me 3 weeks to lose my first pound. I still only only lose every couple weeks. You have to be committed to this for the long haul...the results will eventually come. Focus on how you feel if your feeling better. Best of luck to you!!!
  • wrightyukgorl
    wrightyukgorl Posts: 5 Member
    Ok every one thanks for the comments , Will take all on board :)

    should I be worried about the toilet business ? as was like clockwork when I only ate one a day junkfood at that.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    1200 is too low. And trying to lose 2lb a week at your weight is unrealistic. Set your desired weightloss at 1lb a week - preferably half a pound, really, gven you don't have much to lose.

    Make sure you're eating enough fresh veg and fruit, to help you sort out the toileting.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    have been on 1200 cals for over a year. Plus exercise cals :-)

    I found that when I changed my diet the whole poop thing changed also, for the better.

    What I am trying to say is that it takes time for your body to adjust to better foods, and your colon etc.

    You may find yourself constipated for a few days, take a mild laxative.

    This is what worked for me and now I am back to be regular and lost weight too. Your body will adjust ;-)
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    Slow and easy will keep it off

    Eat less move more...... but in a safe controlled way

    1200 is low but that's my thoughts and you are allowed to do what you please
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    less carbs, more fibre. don't give up!
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    I suggest you check your measurements once a week. Reason being that muscle is heavier than fat. So there is a very good chance that you are exchanging muscle for fat which is awesome. And I agree with some of the others in that you need to drink a lot of fluid. It makes a difference with your skin too. My calorie intake is 1330 although the more exercise I do the more I get to eat. The last four days I've been sick but have still be just under on on target with my calories. Hang in there and keep making the right choices.:happy:
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    You are doing too much at once. your poor body is in shock. Just start walking...drinking more water, give up drinking alcohol..eati more fruits and vegetables....and then keep getting more agressive as your body adjusts. You went gangbusters on your body.

    Also I'll add.. the best secret in the world to "help things along" is taking magnesium as a supplement.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    I suggest you check your measurements once a week. Reason being that muscle is heavier than fat. So there is a very good chance that you are exchanging muscle for fat which is awesome. And I agree with some of the others in that you need to drink a lot of fluid. It makes a difference with your skin too. My calorie intake is 1330 although the more exercise I do the more I get to eat. The last four days I've been sick but have still be just under on on target with my calories. Hang in there and keep making the right choices.:happy:

    I totally agree with checking your measurements, it is a great thought :-) But just for information and not to be nasty to NZhellkat. Muscle takes up less room in the body. Fat fills it out more. So the weight thing with it is not the same. 1lb of fat = 1lb of muscle.

    But I totally get the sentiments of it :-)
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    I've added a lot more fiber to my diet. Fiber One 80 calorie cereal in the morning and Fiber Choice tablets (orange flavor, prebiotic, fiber chewables). I have the cereal for breakfast, two tablets after lunch and two after dinner. It's helped greatly. I was going a little bit every other day. Now I'm back to daily and I just feel better. I've also added multigrain bread and cherries so I'm going over on fiber every day.
  • Dragonldy69
    Dragonldy69 Posts: 368 Member
    less carbs, more fibre. don't give up!
    I agree with caraiselite.. Make sure you are drinking alot of water and doing alittle exerciseing as well. I take a fiber pill 3 times a day from Herbalife. I usually Poop atleast once a day but there will be days I only do it everyother day I don't worry about it I just drink my water and make sure I am eatting enough fiber along with my pills. I was using fiber powders and water but found this Herbalife tablet and am doing better and feel better.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Are you possibly carbohydrate sensitive? If you have a lot of weight around your midsection, the answer is probably yes. If so, maybe consider going into mfp and changing your goals for each calorie source? I find that if carbs make up more than 30% of my calorie intake, I don't lose as well.

    Agree here. When you went to Doctor did you get blood work? Was glucose high, HDL low, Triglycerides high? All signs of metabolic syndrome. Cut carbs and see if that works. I intake less than 75 net (total subtract fiber) per day and am able to lose at a consistent rate.

    Also, water and fiber. Need those.