30 Day Shred.....Lets Support Each Other!



  • Titanuim
    Titanuim Posts: 337 Member
    Finished Day 8 of Level 2 today.Yippee - only two more days on Level 2 left. This round has definitely made a big difference to my upper body strength - and even if I don't end up losing any weight by the end at least I now have nice looking arms. I will measure again when level 2 is done and dusted.

    It is funny. Usually I do my workputs first thing in the day but today I couldn't due to time pressures. The pre-shred me would have just called today a rest day, but I really really wanted to do it. As much as I suffer during - I love the feeling after.
  • iiiEllie
    iiiEllie Posts: 224 Member
    I finished level 1, and started level 2, noticed a horrible pain in my left foot and turns out I gave myself a hairline fracture in the side of my foot. So I've banished myself to my elliptical until this heals some more.

    With the first 10 days down I already fit into pants a size smaller, and 2 inches are off my waist. I'm hoping I can get right back into it in a few days with a tension wrap on my foot, I'm missing it, and loved the results I was seeing after just 10 days.

    The difference in how I feel everyday is insane. I'm so much happier, everyone seems to notice too.
  • cheeky1095
    cheeky1095 Posts: 83 Member
    Has anyone else noticed the levels of aches and pains you go through as you progress through the shred. At first it killed my legs, for the first 2-3 days they were sore. That subsided and then it was my abs, even lifting up out of bed hurt my stomach. Now that has subsided and its my shoulder blades. I'm guessing that's from all the arm work in lvl 2, my arms are on fire during lvl 2 and its left my shoulders aching! Wonder what will hurt next :laugh:
    I had the exact same thing, I'll let you in on secret......Level 3 = sore knees. My god it hurt walking up the stairs, jumping etc i felt like an oap haha
  • Jori7071
    Jori7071 Posts: 19 Member
    I rotate my workout videos so I only do the 30 DS 2x a week but I have been doing it for over 30 days and still on level one. I can't do the jump ropes and jumping jacks without stopping and I refuse to move on till I can. I also find it hard to keep going when she is doing the side lunges with the lifting the weights to the front to eye level.......it kills my shoulders.
  • Jori7071
    Jori7071 Posts: 19 Member
    These results are VERY significant! The difference in the size of your hips is WAY noticeable and the muscle definition coming into your abs is inspiring.
  • sandrajune72
    sandrajune72 Posts: 550
    Lovin all the posts in this thread! :heart:

    I've just done day 10 lvl 1. My legs are KILLING me :laugh: I'm thinking I might give starting lvl 2 a miss til Monday, and do some Just Dance instead, just til my legs feel a little better! I have to work all weekend and I really don't wanna be limping round like a cripple!!! :laugh:

    I haven't noticed Natalie cheating! :noway: I don't tend to watch, I find it easier to focus on the floor!! :laugh:

    So scared of lvl 2, I watched it today and just laughed all the way through thinking, how the hell am I gonna do that???!!! :laugh:

    Good luck everyone, we CAN do this!! :happy:
  • BronnersHarris
    BronnersHarris Posts: 247 Member
    Finished Day 8 of Level 2 today.Yippee - only two more days on Level 2 left. This round has definitely made a big difference to my upper body strength - and even if I don't end up losing any weight by the end at least I now have nice looking arms. I will measure again when level 2 is done and dusted.

    It is funny. Usually I do my workputs first thing in the day but today I couldn't due to time pressures. The pre-shred me would have just called today a rest day, but I really really wanted to do it. As much as I suffer during - I love the feeling after.

    We're on the same day! Looking forward to starting levek 3, more than anything as I'm sick of doing the same thing over and over.
  • Titanuim
    Titanuim Posts: 337 Member
    Day 9 Level 2 done. It is such a hard level. My face is always bright red by the time I am done. I am praying to the fitness gods that there are no planks in Level 3.
  • cheeky1095
    cheeky1095 Posts: 83 Member
    Day 9 Level 2 done. It is such a hard level. My face is always bright red by the time I am done. I am praying to the fitness gods that there are no planks in Level 3.
    Im sorry to tell you this.......BUT.......There are lots of planks in level 3. I found level 3 alot easier to adjust to than level 2 though. Out of all the levels I just love level 3
  • SurfinBird1981
    SurfinBird1981 Posts: 517 Member
    Day 1 - Level 1.....again :laugh:
  • Titanuim
    Titanuim Posts: 337 Member
    Day 9 Level 2 done. It is such a hard level. My face is always bright red by the time I am done. I am praying to the fitness gods that there are no planks in Level 3.
    Im sorry to tell you this.......BUT.......There are lots of planks in level 3. I found level 3 alot easier to adjust to than level 2 though. Out of all the levels I just love level 3

  • JennMarieFitz
    JennMarieFitz Posts: 73 Member
    Just curious, when the 30 days are over, should I expect to just gain the weight back if I don't do another few rounds?
  • Titanuim
    Titanuim Posts: 337 Member
    When the shred is over I was actually planning to go onto Ripped in 30 :)
  • samwise29
    samwise29 Posts: 31 Member
    After seeing all these posts, I can't wait for my DVD to hurry up, so that I can get going.
    Also decided that, whilst I am going this, I am going to give up beer too :D
  • illuria
    illuria Posts: 24 Member
    Finished level 2 day 5 today - now I have kept it up for 5 days without any breaks. At level 1 I felt there was way too much jumping and my shins/calves were in permanent cramps. I did level 1 with taking a break every 2 or 3 days, for one day - just because I needed recovery.
    On level 2 I find it a bit easier - I power through the planks (although I cannot do the pushups, for the love of god!), the only thing that kills me is the back-and-forth lunge steps and the shoulder pushes (both squat and military press-up). It is so painful that I feel like my muscle's going to tear - I just let my arms down for 3-4 seconds to regain power, although she says never to let them down :( Ah well, can't have it all. I modify a lot still and follow the blonde girl - it seems to me as well that she puts a lot more effort into them than the other gal who randomly stops/cheats.

    I'm going on a 10-day holiday end of next week to the other end of the world, so I'm a bit worried how to handle the 30DS thing, I was hoping I'd be through with it but I never imagined it to be so difficult. I hope I can still pick up where I left off, or just come back and do a few days of L2 before going on to L3.

    It's absolutely fantastic to read everyone's success with the programme and it has motivated me greatly, sneaking here in the evening for extra motivation and success stories :-)
  • marylovehellokitty
    marylovehellokitty Posts: 146 Member
    I'm doing this as a hybrid with turbo fire
  • kschmi24
    kschmi24 Posts: 59 Member
    I start tonight! So excited :)
  • Lewre78
    Lewre78 Posts: 22
    I did day 9 of lvl 1 this morning. I'm trying to figure out if I'm ready to move on to lvl 2 after tomorrow's workout. I suppose I'll give it a try, but seriously, lvl 1 is still kicking my butt, though it is MUCH easier than day 1 was. Lol.
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I just finished Day 1 of Level 1. I'm glad I have found this thread.
  • CountryMom03
    CountryMom03 Posts: 258 Member
    I am currently on day 3 of 30DS level 1. Its so refreshing to read peoples comments on here about when they first started having to stop every few secs to catch a breath and gulp down some water lol. I do pretty good on most all the exercises, but the push ups and the jumping jacks and jump rope are a KILLER for me :sad: I just have been trudging through it all and when I feel Im going to pass out due to no air or that my legs are going to give way on me and drop me to the floor I will stop for a few secs to try and regain some composure and then Ill get back at it. Im hoping as time goes on I will get better and better at it::)

    Not sure what the girls name was...was it Amanda? who posted the before and after pics? I just wanted you to know that you may not be able to see a diff but I sure do!!!:) Keep at it and dont give up!!:)