jawolfe Member


  • wow, you look amazing, congratulations!!
  • Wow you look fantastic...congratulations, great job!
  • Great job...amazing!
  • What an inspiring story. Thanks for posting all the pics. You look fantastic!
  • Almond...unsweetened!!
  • Done! uh oh...now what?? i'll check out that Stronglifts program. I think i'll do a week that is very cardo focused and then find something new
    in Phase 3 Comment by jawolfe March 2012
  • That's a riot! Welcome back!
    in Phase 3 Comment by jawolfe February 2012
  • Fitgirl, I was thinking of repeating it too, until I got to the cardio 4x a week weeks. I just can't keep doing 50-60 min of weights, AND THEN still have 30 min of cardio to do. It's just gotten too tough. I'm doing my best but when it's done I want to find a program that's no more than an hour a day, 6 days a week. Jeez…
    in Phase 3 Comment by jawolfe February 2012
  • My quads were killing me last night and I was not looking forward to sprints! but once i started I was fine. Only did 20 min though. But today again...SORE. I can't imagine that she has me doing legs again so soon (Day 60!). Not to mention I still owe 25 min of cardio this week so far. I'll probably do something a bit…
    in Phase 3 Comment by jawolfe February 2012
  • wow, you were already adorable but now you are a total hotty. congratulations on your hard work paying off!
  • kareinef27, are you officially on day 59 tonight? just wondering if we are in sync. I did the sprints for the first time last night and actually enjoyed them. I found it much easier to run than when it's at a constant pace. I had to start my sprints at 7.6 but was able to get up to 8.0. Only problem was I had to get home…
    in Phase 3 Comment by jawolfe February 2012
  • I'm not seeing any real changes anyway. I've definately built some muscle mass and got stronger, but have not leaned out at all. Not blaming the program, it's b/c I haven't followed the nutrition. But today is the 3rd day into Phase 3 and I have high hopes. Also plan to count calories for the next 4 wks. Given those cardio…
    in Phase 3 Comment by jawolfe February 2012
  • Didnt take any
    in Phase 3 Comment by jawolfe February 2012
  • I'm here! I'm officially starting Phase 3 today. These workouts look KILLER!
    in Phase 3 Comment by jawolfe January 2012
  • I'll be finishing up wk 8 this wkd. You girls are scaring me about what's to come!!
    in Phase 3 Comment by jawolfe January 2012
  • Vegas, baby!
  • you girls left me!! i'm just finishing up week 7 tomorrow. Congrats on getting to Phase 3, this ain't easy. I'm shocked at how long my Phase 2 workouts are taking, especially wks 5 and 6. Can't wait to hear how you do during Phase 3! Jennifer p.s. congrats on the donkey calf lifts Amy!
    in Phase 3 Comment by jawolfe January 2012
  • If I'm lifting weights, I don't really weight. If I'm not jumping around it doesn't upset my stomach. If I'm doing just cardio I have to weight, an hour is fine for me. Also everything now says to always do your weights before your cardio, so if you are doing both it can buy you some more time. I agree with the previous…
  • i love oatmeal with berries before and a protein shake afterwards!
  • After not seeing my gastroenterologist for a year I was up 8 lbs. Yes 8lb is a lot to me, but it the grand scheme of things it's not that bad. And she commented on it!! She asked if i had a lot more clothes on than i did last year (wise *kitten*!) or if really gained 8 lb and why...even though i was still under 140lb. I…
  • Hello all! This is the BEST thread I have seen yet! THANK YOU thank you thank you for starting this. I deal with such guilt about my nightly glass (or more....ok maybe more) of wine. I work so hard at the gym and then I have red wine. It's not the wine that's the problem for me. It's actually that it is ALWAYS what will…
  • I long for the day that someone tells me I'm underweight and I need more cals!! Good for you, hope her advice works. I've been away from cal counting for a long time. I dropped weight when I had pneumonia in Nov, but unfortunately have gained it ALL back over the holidays. I was off 2.5 wks and ate and drank like crazy. So…
    in Phase 2 Comment by jawolfe January 2012
  • I've only completed week 5 but I was thinking about the same thing. I'd like to know what others think! I'm also really stuck on what I'll do when I'm done the program, but it's a bit early for me to worry about that
  • Day 33 Shoulders and Cardio today: smith machine military press - no weights on warm-up, 10lb on the regular sets upright dumbbell rows - 12lbs dumbbells standing military press - 15lb dumbbells (probably can go up) incline bench delt raises - 6 lb dumbbells; i had no idea 6lb weights could be so heavy!! rear delt cable…
    in Phase 2 Comment by jawolfe January 2012
  • Hi Ladies, the first time i did the lunges i walked across the gym and back. But then I watched the video and looked like he just did one leg in place for the # of reps, then changes sides. To be honest i have to cheat a little b/c I find these really hard. so i may do 10 on one side, then switch, then go back to the…
    in Phase 2 Comment by jawolfe January 2012
  • Thanks for the tips ladies, I was struggling with those side to side push ups too. I've been meaning to get the weights up from my last 2 workouts, here they are: day 31 Legs leg extension warmups x 30 - started and 20 and ended up going down to 15lb, then 10b to get all 30 reps in wide stance barbell squat - 2 light sets:…
    in Phase 2 Comment by jawolfe January 2012
  • Thanks for sharing asjerven! that's very helpful. Hey strength is relative, so long as we start seeing some improvement, right? At least we are doing it. I know that my nutrition over the past 2 wks has been awful. But I've been off work with my husband and didn't want to be too hard on myself. I'm with you, I"m going to…
    in Phase 2 Comment by jawolfe January 2012
  • Here are the weights I've been using... Yesterday was Back & Cardio: overhand pullups - used the assist at 125lb. I used to use 110lb. Not sure if I got weaker or if it's b/c I put on 10lb...probably both. Bent over barbell row - 15lb. Unsure of weight of bar seated cable row - had to use machine at 60lb; couldn't get on…
    in Phase 2 Comment by jawolfe January 2012
  • It was back day for me today too (day 29). Those super sets are a killer!
    in Phase 2 Comment by jawolfe January 2012