Carakkm Member


  • Hi Sami Feel free to add me. I am from the UK and I weight 158.5lb, I am 5ft 3" and my target weight is 140 (ish) I am 38 and have been on and off MFP for a while. Support is always good and I will be happy to help. Cara
  • I'm from West Yorkshire. Feel free to add me :) I have just rejoined after a bit of an absence. Same to everyone else, feel free to add me :)
  • Welcome back Blackpup. I have also just rejoined after a long break where I tried every other way to get myself healthy known to man! Joined various slimming clubs with little effect. Counting clearly works for me so I am back anbd ready to stick to it. I always find that if I enter my snacks (chocolate, crisps...) onto…
  • Most definitely! Lol
  • I am from West Yorkshire in the UK. Good luck all. If anyone needs any buddies, just add me :)
  • Well done Maria, that is a great loss! You will look fab on Tuesday!
  • Just checking in to say hi. Have tried to keep up with this thread and I fail miserably! lol. I must try harder to keep up and reply properly. I am looking forward to the weekend here, and plan to be motivated, I have a whole day to myself so can do DVD's without kids laughing at my wobbly bits! Not had the greatest start…
  • There is an age restriction on the site of 16 and I agree alot of people seem to be trying to lose weight that they don't need to.
  • I am with you on this. This should be a life change not a short term plan. I am sure many of us have tried 'crash diets' and then instantly put the weight back on once we start eating properly, it is unrealistic to set goals that are unacheivable in the long term. Like mentioned though people don't want hear that this is…
  • Welcome to MFP. This really does work as long as you are honest with yourself and stick to it. This is my 3rd week here and I weigh in tomorrow, so I hope to have lost something again.... I am not beginning to incorporate exercise into my week as well, so need to build it up for it to really work. Let us know how you are…
  • Try it with splenda or something similar. I had the same problem, when I changed to back coffee with sweeteners it changed. You soon get used to it!
    in Coffee... Comment by Carakkm March 2010
  • Hi All I am fairly new to this site (been here 2 weeks) and I have just found this thread. I have just got under 12 stone :smile: I started trying to lose weight after going on holiday last May with a friend (a perfect size 10) and saw the photo's when I got back, almost didn't recognise myself, didn't realise I had put on…
  • Glad you have found this site, it is fantastic and people are so supportive. It really does help logging all your calories, you will be surprised at how quickly they add up, it certainly makes you think about what you eat and drink. Wii fit is brilliant, makes it fun too, I am not a fan of the gym, so have started walking…
  • Hi Laura Welcome to MFP/ I havce been here a couple of weeks and it's great! Good luck and let us know how you get on.
    in Hello Comment by Carakkm March 2010
  • Feel free to add me too. Much easier having people along for the journey!
  • Out of habit I get on the scales every morning. Though the only day I log is a Thursday morning as I started here on a Friday and only want to weigh in once a week. Plus it mneans I can have a weekend and not have to beat myself up about indulging occasionaly as I wil have the rest of the week to settle back into counting.
  • Welcome to the site, everyone here is so welcoming and supportive. I agree with everyone that says log BEFORE you eat and not after. I was shocked at the amount of calories I consumed in comparrision to what I thought I was consumming! A definite eye opener. Good luck and let us know how you are getting along.
  • Hi and welcome to MFP. I was the same as you, couldn't understand my weight as I thought I was doing everything right! Until I started logging my food on here, now I won't say my choices are always perfect but they are ALOT better than what they were before I joined. Good luck and let us know how you get on. :happy:
    in Newbie... Comment by Carakkm March 2010
  • Hi all I am new to this too and I am finding it great so far. It is one of the easiest and friendliest websites I have found. It has shocked me how much I actually eat in comparisson to what I thought I was eating. Calories soon add up. but you will get such a sense of acheivement when you don't go over your calories for a…
    in Hi Comment by Carakkm March 2010
  • If you are noticing difference other than weight loss, try measuring yourself and see if there is a difference. Other than that keep going. Cara.
  • welcome to the boards. Good luck with acheiving your goal. Look forward to seeing you about the boards Cara.
    in New Member Comment by Carakkm March 2010
  • Welcome to the borads. I am like you and yo yo up and down, I think if I have someone along side me going through the same thing it does help. We will be here through the good and bad times of your journey. Look forward to seeing you around the boards. Cara.
  • Hi Lori Welcome to the boards. I have only been here a few days but everyone is so helpful. I am enjoying seeing everything add up (sometimes it adds up too much!) but I can see where I am going wrong, and people here are very helpful. Look forward to seeing you about the boards. Cara
  • Thank you all for the replies. I have just completed tomorrow's food diary and I have quite a bit to eat too! Shopping is being delivered tomorrow as well so will be much easier after that! Hopefully I will improve at this and show a loss next week. Thanks all again.
  • Woohoo! Well done! :smile:
    in 18's!?!? Comment by Carakkm March 2010