


  • Carakkm
    Carakkm Posts: 28 Member
    Try it with splenda or something similar. I had the same problem, when I changed to back coffee with sweeteners it changed. You soon get used to it!
  • nursestewart
    nursestewart Posts: 229 Member
    Usually it is not the coffee that upsets the stomach it is the type of acid in the coffee that is what it causing you to have a upset tummy, GERD, Acid reflux especially when consuming on an empty stomach. Try eating something before drinking your coffee Also There are some low acid coffees available and there's a product called Coffee Tamer that you can add to your cup of coffee to neutralize the acids. It's a powder, in a shaker jar, about the same size as a spice jar. I got some mail order from the Vermont Country Store, and it works pretty well. This way you can have your full bodied coffee and change nothing but the acid content! There is another method of brewing your coffee and it is a contraption that allows you to cold brew coffee which supposedly results in a lower acid level. Cold extract coffee, go to that will give you all the info.

    I have not tried it but I have heard great things about it.

    Also you could try lot of people I know use it to put in their food to help with their Interstitial cystitis (IC) by reducing the amount of acid in their bodies. You can get it OTC at the drugstore for a few is a link

    Also coffee is a mild laxative, it’s a much stronger diuretic... and the caffeine in the coffee is a stimulant. That means it stimulates everything, not just your circulation. (including your stomach to make gastric juices to "break down" the coffee which too can cause your symptoms)

    If you can find a way to reduce the acid in the coffee (or eat enough to balance the acid out in your stomach) you should not have to sacrifice your sugar and creamer..

    Good Luck!!!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I use sugar free creamer and aspartame sweetner. I like the sugar free better than the fat free ones. They just taste better. It still has some fat in it but if you don't drink it all day it's not that bad.