kalamitykate83 Member


  • I've been doing the LDN bikini guide ... I haven't followed it religiously as I have a PT and go to some classes during the week, but I find it really good to follow when I'm in the gym on my own!
    in LDN Comment by kalamitykate83 June 2015
  • I think this is my issue, I've tried to get back into full on training too soon!! Thank you for the advice :-)
  • Get lifting / strength training! It's made a huge difference to my arms, they're no longer flabby and are now nice and toned and defined.
  • I agree ... I love exercise and miss it if I can't get to the gym or a class! It's not a bad addiction to have ... better than one to cookies! :D I think it helps than since January I've seen such good changes in my body thanks to exercise and healthy eating, so both are a good addiction!
  • I don't think it's body shaming at all ... it's a picture of a healthy looking model!! She doesn't have bones jutting out nor does she have excess fat hanging out!! What's the difference between this and say Calvin Klein underwear ads?! Are they saying that to wear their underwear you have to have the body of Kendall…
  • Hi! I suffer with my knees when running, but they're fine until I get to about mile 7 then the pain kicks in ... I've started using Rock Tape to strap them up and it works amazinly! I did the London Marathon on Sunday with them strapped up with that and they were fine!! It's worth a try!
  • I do both but mainly strength training then HIIT ... so a max of 20 minutes. But during my strength training I also do forms of cardio, i.e. box jumps, squat jumps, burpees etc. I find it works best as it keeps me on my toes and stops me getting bored!
  • I've got the Polar FT4F and it's really good! Measures heart rate and calories. It's a watch a band you strap around your chest but it's so comfortable you don't notice it at all. They're about £50 on Amazon so pretty reasonable too compared to some things out there!!
  • I use Protein World Slenderblend banana or strawberry flavour ... it's quite pricey but really nice! I mix it with kale, almond milk, spirulina and blueberries. It tastes AMAZING!!
  • Yeah Fage is about £2.50 here, but I only use it every other day so it lasts me about a week. Plus compared to some stuff out there, i.e. protein bars etc it's pretty reasonable I think.
  • Fage Total 0% fat is really good, and really high in protein. Per 170g pot there's about 18g protein.
  • It depends on your weight, height etc really but I'm 5ft 6 and weigh 66kg, and mine are 49g fat, 110g carbs and 146g protein ... I don't always meet those numbers exacxtly, but there or thereabouts! I've found macros really good, but I'm looking to tone up and build strength more than weight loss, although in the past 12…
  • You can still have healthy carbs, like sweet potato, brown rice, quinoa, oats. Try switching what you usually have carb wise to things like this to start with if I was you. Also, make sure you're getting plenty of healthy fats!
  • I add kale, spirulina, berries and almond milk to my protein powder to make a green smoothie so I get a good dose of 'green' stuff then too! I use protein powder mainly to up my protein intake each day, whether I'm exercising that day or not. If ou find you're getting a high amount of protein elsewhere then I'd just have…
  • Walden Farm do amazing sauces which are 0 carb, they do savoury and sweet ones! The Dr Zak's protein bread is good too, still has some carbs in it but is really high in protein too. I limit my carbs but still have sweet potato and brown rice, just not too much! And I still have porridge occasionally but again, not too…
  • Just get straight back onto being healthy!! Don't weigh yourself as it'll only depress and you ... plus chances are it'd be mainly water weight anyways as oppose to actual fat! So just have a few days of being extra healthy and drink lots of water and you'll be fine .... We all over indulge sometimes, it won't kill you…
  • My friend recently got the Polar FT4F Heart Rate Monitor and Sports Watch and she showed me last week, it's so neat and straightforward!! I'm definitely going to be getting one. It's only abot £50 on Amazon too so pretty cheap.
  • @liftng4lis that's what I've just done after speaking to my bf he said that my carbs should be slightly higher, so they're now 30% carbs 40% protein 30% fat
  • thanks for the reply @isulo_kura ... I've been following similar macros for the past 10 weeks now and have been running during that time, including a half marathon, so I know my body is ok on that low carbs. And around the actual race day I will increase them, which I did the weekend of the half!
  • No that's a myth so eat away! I eat around 2 a day as it automatically adds a good amount of protein without extra carbs
  • Boiled eggs are a good one as they'll up your protein and fat but not carbs
  • Mess you up how?!
  • Thanks everyone :smile:
  • Thank you @‌BananableLector See, now I want one which tracks whatever you do. So if I'm jumping up and down etc it'll track the calories being burnt!
  • I do this sometimes! If I'm craving something or thinking of eating something, say ice cream or chocolate, I pop it into MFP and then see how many cals etc it is and change my mind ... something I don't, but then I believe in little in moderation so one bar of chocolate or slice of cake isn't going to make you fat! it's…
  • When I did it I used fresh cauliflower, not frozen, and it was delish!! I cut it up into pieces then blended it for a bit then I popped it in the microwave for a bit then mixed spices with it :smile: I also made mash with it in the same way, just mashing it at the end! And I used it last week to make a pizza base which was…
  • Thanks for sending it over @‌realharlot :smile: I've been looking on instagram and seeing so many good progress pics, I'm going to start it next week when I get back from holiday. I've been doing a 6 week programme with my PT which has been amazing, and I'm so much more toned and 'tighter' from that already, so I'm hoping…
  • Egg muffins? Mix eggs and whites then mix in some spinach and tbh anything else you fancied, then pour into a muffin tray and bake for about 12-15mins! They're scrummy.